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Photography F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Nov 26 6:56 am)

Subject: Camera / Film / Settings Info for images?

BTM_GR ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 1:55 PM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:17 PM

Just a request for those who are posting images: As a rank beginner with an SLR, I find myself looking at many of the images posted here and wondering what camera, film, and camera settings were used to capture a given image. Would it be possible for folks to begin including this sort of information with their images? It would be much appreciated by those of us who are still trying to learn the ins and outs of the SLR.

ficticious ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 2:04 PM

not sure about you, but when I take a picture, I sure as heck won't remember my aperture and shutter settings a week later when I get the film developed for that one shot... as for camera and film (if it aint digital), well, just ask the person.

Michelle A. ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 2:09 PM

Great suggestion......difficult to do. Myself I try to at least post which equipment I've used.....but....I'm awful at recording my settings and at best could only guess which shutter speed and aperture I made have used....not worth posting guesses.... When using the digital camera that stuff is recorded and I could look it up but it takes time and I'm lazy and in a hurry when trying to upload stuff..... lol.... And you will with some folks that they use automatic settings and don't bother worrying about settings at all.... If there is an image that you really admire, and just have to know settings and info, you could IM the person. I've done it plenty of times. I've always gotten friendly and informative responses back.

I am, therefore I create.......

starshuffler ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 3:13 PM

Hello and welcome to the forum! :-) People usually post information when available, no problem. As long as none of us forget the details during the shoot (which is most likely bound to happen to me hehehe). (*

Mike_Panic ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 3:37 PM

Attached Link:

i usually try to, out of courtesy... but for those who shoot digital, get yourself a freeware exif reader, makes life so much easier

Rork1973 ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 4:36 PM

BTM, You better get a nice book or a local course on that I can reccomend (book) is the photographer's guide by National Geographic. Really awesome book. Actually, one of the best :D

Misha883 ( ) posted Fri, 28 February 2003 at 8:44 PM

Welcome to the Forum, GR. (Or is it BTM?). Most careful workers do record, or at least can remember in general what equipment they used, lens focal length, and type of film. If any filters were used? Special lighting? Just knowing the exposure alone is usually not too informative, but it is useful knowing if a very fast, or slow, shutter speed, or aperature opening, was used to achieve a particular effect. Also, its nice to know things like, "This was bright snow, so I gave it two stops more exposure..." And, if special processing is used, as with Photoshop filters, it is also instructive to note. I always tell myself I should carry a notebook. But at least I try to remember the general process that went into the photo. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll try to make a point of posting a few mor details.

Artax ( ) posted Mon, 03 March 2003 at 11:28 AM

Hi there... and good evening... humm... i'm workintg on a Palm Proggy that keeps track for you of these infos. It's a very easy to use database that syncronize himself with your desktop computer. Maybe if someone is interested i could use the community for beta-testing. Works on Mac and PC and under PalmOS or PocketPC platforms. so everytime you are outside you can record every single aspect of your shots and films in real-time. Keeps track of all your data to remember when you work with the Zonal System.

starshuffler ( ) posted Tue, 04 March 2003 at 4:03 AM

Hey, Artax, I don't have that on my Palm. What's the proggie and where can I find it? (*

Mike_Panic ( ) posted Tue, 04 March 2003 at 4:55 AM

Attached Link:

id b hella interested in that... lemme know what it is and wherei can get it

Artax ( ) posted Tue, 04 March 2003 at 7:19 AM

you can't buy it right now. I'm working on it... if you all are interested, as i said i can build a pre-release (or beta version) to test. I'll renew the topic in the forum ina couple of days, stay tuned.

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