Brian, aside from the topic being "carpentry in Carrara?", it would be too easy in Amapi. :>) 1. draw trim profile 2. freehand sweep (center icon for regular sweep option) or click on any curve on the screen that will serve as the path. 3. Done 4. If you wanted to you could go back and pull any point in the path and the profile will move with it, keeping the shape correct. Each point also as a small scale handle that you can interactively pull to scale the profile, at that point, from the center out. It is very much like doing it in the spline modeler except no distortion problems & you are not tied down to any working/drawing plane. 5. Now if you want to build the trim to tolerances of .0001" and end up with a file that would go directly to a CNC milling machine ask me how to do it in Rhino. mdc