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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 22 9:37 am)

Subject: who inspires you the most ?

--criticom-- ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 8:56 PM · edited Tue, 22 October 2024 at 9:58 AM

I was thinking to myself who has inspired me the most at all the forums I attend ,and I would ask the same from those that frequent these forums who has inspired , or influenced you the most ,particularly of those that are members to the 3d graphics community. Since for me there are many, I'll just give my top three: 1.bloodsong , bloodsong's artwork and helpful tutorials always makes me look forward to seeing new things that bloodsong comes up with. 2.traveler ,without his generous contributions ,poser would have been a slower process for me,and maybe not as much fun. 3.david hulbert,his assassin collection had me up all night trying to think up my own creations ,his work is awsome. now it's your turn let some members know how much you appreciate there work ,or how much they may have inspired/influenced you. --criticom--

momodot ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 9:09 PM

Many people's art has inspired me, I won't dare pick any out... But Traveler made Poser what it is for me, Traveler inspired me to make my own tiny contribution to the community. Traveler's expertise, his comitment, his artistry and most of all his charity. Traveler was an absolute giant, he made his contributions in the old days when it was much harder, he continued, and he always had time for the lowly newbie.

Stormrage ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 9:19 PM

Who has inspired me... Hmmmm That's a tough one.. PhilC his props always encourage me to do a new scene. And seeing his artwork always challenges me to do better. Traveler definately because with his morph targets I endevor to create better images and more realistic. FastTraxx.. Simply because it was his props I used that inspired the gymnast poses And later it was him who got me deeper involved in the poser community Virus has always been encouraging me and helped me with Snakewoman Allerleirauh because she challenges me and inspires me to think about everything. renapd who inspires me to create better textures.. There are so many more, bushi who taught me how to create posable objects. Steveshanks who taught me how to create conformable objects. Actually at different times I think Everyone here has inspired/challenged/influenced me to do better. Storm Who thanks everybody for that inspiration

DigitalArtist ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 9:42 PM

Mine are very numerous as well.. 1 Phill C - his props were the first ones I downloaded and were the ones I have used on almost all of my possettes. 2 Taveler - who has given his morphs out for me to use, my posettes wouldnt be be same without them 3) Thorne - who got me into morphing my figures in the first place cheers friend 4) the work Clay and Harrison2 - their pieces , along with some Kenny G..really make me create (G) 5)the work of HR Geiger - no explanation needed and finally Anton_Kisiel who taught me how to make textures just the other day .....thanks friend -Matt

bonestructure ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 10:04 PM

Katharina and Thorne, Spothmann, Harrison

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

melanie ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 10:07 PM

Steve Shanks, Rena, Traveler, and James Schoenberg! These four have done so much for my creations. But, of course, there are so many others that I can't even list them all. I get inspired a little by everyone here. Melanie

Dr Zik ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 10:30 PM

Hi Folks! I began my journey that led to the world of computer graphics and animation soon after I fell in love with the illustrations of several Marvel Comics artists during its Golden Age in the 1960's--Steve Ditko, Gene Colan, Johnny Romita, and of course the genius, Jack Kirby. As a music lover--I still collect vinyl--I was influenced by the album cover art of Roger Dean (Yes), Abdul Mati Klarwen (Miles Davis), Peter Max (The Beatles) and Bernie Casey (Marvin Gaye). Eric Martin, a former animator for Walt Disney Studios, was my animation instructor and advisor in college. He was a fantastic mentor and still a dear friend. Bill Reimann, my college drawing instructor, taught me the strategy of design. I can't single anyone out in the Forum; there's simply too many talented people. If you check out my web site or uploaded images you'll see adaptations of familiar objects, textures, and morphs created by many of you. Giants are among us--and my art is all the better for it. Peter (Dr Zik)

JeffH ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 10:46 PM

Will Kramer (Voodoo), Matthew, and Smallspace among the local artists, and Steven Stahlberg's creations on a broader level. There's a shining spot in almost everyone's work that can inspire. If you've done work that you are proud of, you can bet someone has seen it and gotten something out of it to better themselves. -Jeff H.

davo ( ) posted Tue, 30 May 2000 at 11:53 PM

I have to say H.R. Giger is my inspiration. I'm working on a texture for my ornithopter comming soon to the online store that is inspired by his biomechanical art. Davo

ScottA ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 12:00 AM

I have two people that inspire me most here: 1.)Bloodsong. Because finding the answers to his questions always ends up in me learning something new that I wouldn't have thought to even research on my own. 2.) JeffH. Because everytime I think I've learned every possible trick imaginable. He teaches me something new. For me. Discovering the technical tricks is more fun than the art stuff. ScottA

Anton_Kisiel ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 3:38 AM

jeff H was one of the first people I met in the community. He got me started. melanie, picnic, and bloodsong inspire me because they create things I would never think of

Roshigoth ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 10:09 AM

This is cool. =) I'd say Traveller for everything he does, Kozaburo and Allie for their hair (without which I'd be doing bald people cause I hate plastic poser hair) and TLaubach for textures.. These people make my poser stuff actually look presentable. Then there's Verdie. I'd say she inspires me simply for the fact that she's almost always supportive. There've been times I just felt like dropping the graphics hobby because I felt my stuff wasn't worth bothering with, but she's always there boosting my spirits. I'd hate to imagine renderosity without her. =) There are, of course, everyone else on here that just make the site what it is, the artists, modellers, contributers, and the helpers (mustn't forget them!) who are always ready to answer my silly questions. =) Rosh

Legume ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 10:30 AM

Larry Flynt, the Weekly World News, St.John of Patmos, Ivan Stang, and Quentin Tarantino. Larry Flynt, for the pure GUTS it took to publish Hustler back in the 70s. The stories and cartoons in that magazine FAR outshone the marginally attractive women. From his magazine I learned that lightning wouldn't strike me if I laughed at a cartoon showing a nun crapping cross-shaped turds. The Weekly World News, for it's never-ending dedication to finding bat-boy and bigfoot. St.John of Patmos for the Book of Revelations, which gives me a 'chubby' every time I read it. Ivan Stang, my good friend, who showed me the path to SLACK. Quentin Tarantino, for "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs".

bloodsong ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 10:39 AM

heyas; i'm very happy i am on some people's lists... it makes me so proud! ('course after a few recent topics, i'm a little disappointed nobody bowed down to me... ;) ) this is a crazy question. how do i distill into the personifications of a few people the horizons that this community has opened for me? hmmm... bushi and his tutorials, for the arcane art of new figure creation. traveller, for the illustrious art of sculpting the default figures into unique figures. rena, because those textures of hers are almost too good to believe! (plus i like to copy her montage 'ad' style. ;) ) philc, because he puts the real in 'photorealism.' scott, because he keeps whispering all those little secret poser tweaks to me... ;) anton, for the killer dragon and peacock. and anson, because... well, he's just plain weird and prolific. :) beth of capsces for the cat o'9lives; arye guetta, lyne, jackie, picnic, debra -- all the poser animaliers for the wide range of critters available. virus and sixpac for the xenomorph alien. for imagery... bubba is high on my list. silverbranch and guitta (and mostly everybody with vue, whose scenes all look better than mine!). heck, everybody. seeing others' artwork always stirs more creative urges in me. everybody contributes in many ways, and it all rolls up into this gigantic WORLD of information that steamrollers ya kinda like that indiana jones scene where he's running from the boulder trap... ;) thanks everybody!!!

CharlieBrown ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 10:40 AM

Well, I'm not really an artist (I'm more of a writer), so I'm not sure who has inspired me artisticly... I'm always impressed by the work of Paul Hafeli, Kozaburro (and "crew"), RenaPD, and Allie (even when I don't LIKE it, what they can accomplish often leaves me in awe).

budgie ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 12:15 PM

I guess what inspires me doesn't follow the traditional way of thinking. Though I'm awed by a great many artists, model builders, texture makers and designers, seldomely does it make me jump into creating a new image. What does is praise, I'm not trying to sound anal here, so let me explain. When I show a sculpture, painting or any CG image to someone and it in someway has an effect on them (either by invoking an emotional response or by opening new avenues of creativity and imagination) that's how I get inspired. Knowing I can create something that influences (in a positive way) a person, maybe get them pondering issues or helping them accept new forms of mediums as art (showing that CG is a legitimate form of art has always been a goal of mine to those who don't understand it), is all I need to get started on that next piece. David Hulbert BTW, thanks --criticom--, now I'm inspired.

-renapd- ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 3:49 PM
Site Admin

My turn now!...Lots of heroes in MY list!:o) Bushi, Traveler, Paul Hafeli, DD, Anson (where is he lately by the way?, Bloodsong, Steve Shanks, Kozaburo,PhilC,Anton Kisiel,Virus,ScottA and so many more that soon as I post this I will say "darn...I missed that one out, what a nerd I am!" :o) renapd

[[MyGallery] [MyStore]
"Collect moments, not things."

steveshanks ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 4:00 PM

Rena and Allen for a huge pile of reasons :o)....Paul Hafeli for showing me how to make posing clothes......man I could list loads here :o), Bushi, Bloodsong, Philc, Lyne, Kozaburo, Cathy and John, Martin Murphy, Will Kramer, Traveler and like Rena I'll kick myself when I think of the loads of others...Steve

Tribe ( ) posted Wed, 31 May 2000 at 4:06 PM

It has to be...! The magnificient and the unmatchable, the utterly incredable, the total consumate artist of this forum is... What's is name ? :o Yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!

dzarts ( ) posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 6:28 AM

There are so many talented people here and on renderotica that would be impossible to list all here, then just some (and sorry for the ones that are not here, but all I've seen here is absolutelly overwelming): Thorne - Your faries are outstanding! Traveller - Man, would be THE trip to see the world thru your eyes! Momodot - The morph maniac :) Plus, the eternal references: Roger Dean, Salvador Dali (THE Eternal), Gustav Klimt, H.R. Giger, Hajime Sorayama, Frank Frazetta, Vargas, Boris Valejo, Bill Sienkiewicz, Jack Kirby, Pablo Picasso, Lazar Seagall, Dave McKean... and... Quentin Tarantino, John Woo, Kubrick, Ridley Scott, Orson Welles, Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Groucho Marx, Looneytoones and every single piece and person pure magic that I grow up together (or got to known after)...

bonestructure ( ) posted Thu, 01 June 2000 at 9:04 PM

Well gosh, as far as who inspires me outside renderosity, Muhammed Ali has always been my biggest hero, because he risked everything to stand up for the principles he believed in, and he's shown with his entire life that he's a man of great dignity and pride who stands up no matter what life brings him. Carlos Santana, whom I have the pleasure of knowing, and who, in a different world, would be a great spiritual leader and about whom there has never been a bad word said or a rumor spread. Piers Anthony, my mentor and the most honest human being I've ever known. John Lee Hooker, who for me, if he isn't god is certainly real close to the job. Cab Calloway, who despite great personal tragedy and hardship spent his life bringing joy and laughter and music to people. Cactus Jack/Dude Love/Mankind, whatever name you want to call him. Mick Foley, the wrestler, because he should never have been a wrestler, but he had a dream and he worked his ass off and kept bashing his head against those walls that stopped him until he reached the top.

Talent is God's gift to you. Using it is your gift to God.

Mordikar ( ) posted Tue, 18 July 2000 at 2:11 AM

So many people so little time ... well i'll start with one of my favorite artists.. Verdie- always has great mats for me to borrow even when i don't actually use them it's nice to look at them for ideas, she's always helpfull and her work is awesome.. CraiGrafx- Once again another awesome artist and one for the guys i do a search for to see if theres anything new up :) lon and dean chainey - (god i hope i spelled that right) These guys make me think .. and their work is always flawless and stunning.. there's just too many here to list them all..

Dreamspinner ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 12:01 PM

Personally I'm very honored that I was mentioned up here with all of these almost God-like creators of such magnatude. I haven't been on Renderosity very long; posted my first pic in Dec. of 1999. When I was very young I was raised on Disney, got older fell in love with Michael Angelo, finally Salvador Dali became an artist god to me. Up here is a totally different thing going on it's like giving out the names of people in my family, Jack and Ed were the first to comment on my pics and made me feel welcome here. Traveler for just being himself, Smallspace for his art & encouragement, Syyd Raven for her beautiful art & encouragement, PowerPC for his encouragement and beautiful hand-drawn art, Roshigoth for lots of help on things & his tutorials, MikeArizma who has tried so hard to give me tutorials, 3DSprite for LOTS of help, Geep for just being the neato guy that he is, Osiris who is almost god of interiors, Clay for his help and fantastic art that I wish I could be a 10th as good as, Chalga for friendship & we learned alot together in The Food Wars along with Anvilhead, Pinhead's really weird but beautiful art does deeply inspire me to try some far out new things, Xurge and his fantastic realism, Sebastian who I am constantly in awe of his art work, Crescent for doing so much to encourage and model during the Food Wars, SkyKing because he tries so hard and leans so fast that he puts me to shame, Groovie Ghoulie for her sweetness and lovely models and fresh as a daisy outlook on life, Mordikar for caring so much and his art is really blooming, Lestat for making that first comment on Anvilhead's pic that began the Food Wars in the first place, CraigGfX who does just great art, Colm whose art is like watching an angel paint, Annubis for his terrific Egyptian art, Bushi for his fabulous eyes, Kozaburo for fab hair and art, Nandes for his unearthy beautiful art, Boris Valjeo because I keep one of his male nudes next to my Puter always, Harrison2 who often leaves me speechless with the realism he potrays in his art, Baldiman because he's so cute and I like his art, Beton who I can feel proud to call friend and has done so much to encourage and enlighten me, JimPal for his unholy art and humor, Delrino for his constant encouragement in the first place, ThralLord for really making all of this possible for Liz to learn Bryce and my sister Liz for caring enough to teach me about Puters and Puter art and 3D art in the first place. I know that I have left out some folks and as soon as I post this I will remember them and want to kick myself for it. LOL I was correct I really forgot a very important person, SewerRat for being so kind as to host for me and Liz especially after I gave him so much hell one day, that he really did NOT deserve!! Oh, yes and Versionthirteen because every one needs a nemisis somewhere around to keep you on your toes and if it had NOT been for him I would NEVER have discovered abstract art in Bryce! Verdie : )

Ikyoto ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 1:44 PM

my wife and children.. without them i wouldn't have bothered doing anything that requires any effort.

Nicodemuz ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 2:48 PM

Wow, now this is the question of the century! I would have to say first and formost was Verdie :) My first picture was a picture of Jesus carrying a man into heaven....I got so few comments on it and felt pretty discouraged. My second picture was a space ship blowing up some stuff....and she gave a great compliment. She always has a good comment and a wonderful outlook. Clay: Awesome artwork!!! Don't need to say much more. Harrison2: The models this guy doe....wow! Darrin Chapman: Again great artwork. These are my favorites.

skyking ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 4:31 PM

The one person that had the most effect on my art was my mother,who was an artist for the Saturday Evening Post in Washington D.C back in the thirdies and forties.Second was my ninth grade teacher who kept telling me I had a talent for art,so naturally I became an electrican for thirdy years than changed over to be a draftsman,as I am today.Before trying 3D art I did a lot of oil and ink art work on the side.I am just learning how to use Bryce4 and 3D studio,I see a great furture for those of us that truely enjoy this form of art.It has endless possiblities.Third are the people such as all of you that do 3d art so very well.Not only here at Renderosity but on so many other art sites.Here I give my thanks for everyone such as Verdie,who was first to help me with hints,then Bonestruture,Digital&Sparky,Lon Chaney,just so many helpful and talent people I glad I am a small part of.

chalga ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 4:34 PM

Darkjedi, because his work and success is what I am trying to achieve. Liz & Verdie of Dreamspinner, for their friendship. All the cast of the Food Wars, because we all pushed each other to more skill and creativity. Harrison2, Matthew, and Catherina Przezak (sp?), because their work is absolutely incredible in their own separate ways. And me. Not because I am especially good, but because I push myself harder, and expect more of myself, that anybody else expects of me.

PowerPC ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 6:40 PM

Mine have been Verdie and ThralLord over the long haul... They have always been supportive when I get discouraged... And lately, there has been Alihahd whose art gets better and better.. And all of the artists who have worked so hard to conquer Poser's inherent anatomical dificiencies... I have no incentives to compete with them or at this time commit to the effort to become accomplished in an art form of which I know nothing and would have SO much to learn, but they have all required that I pay more attention to my own style and strive to improve it... In the company of so much accomplished talent, I can now NEVER post an older work without completely reworking it

Colm_Jackson ( ) posted Thu, 20 July 2000 at 11:56 PM

I supose Renderosity as a whole is a great inspiration. That is really the reason I come here. I don't just mean on an artistic level though. The sense of community spirit, the fact that when I have an art related problem I can always find a voice and usually an answer and the fact that I have made many friends here including my fantastically talented wife 'Syyd Raven' who is a constant inspiration to me. Outside of Renderosity 'Rodney Matthews' is my favourite artist. For those who don't know his work, he was one of the great 70's fantasy artists(like Rodger Dean) and he still does incredible work. Do a search for him today!!! Giger always comes to mind too. Carl Sagan's Cosmos. The Hubble Space Telescope and The Magic Roundabout. Colm...

Ken _Gilliland ( ) posted Sat, 22 July 2000 at 8:49 AM

Bloodsong's name has been mentioned so many times in this thread and it's no wonder, she's helped me as well. Without her, I never would have got the hang on character modelling. Being one of the very few non-fantasy, rated "G" artist in this forum has been tough and would have gived up long ago had it not been for the positive comments of Dreamspinner and Silverbranch. Plus, I like their work. Also, MikeArizma works is great... On the non-digital side, it's JS Sargeant, E Hopper, V Van Gogh and DJ Hall

Songbird ReMix

anvilhead ( ) posted Sat, 22 July 2000 at 5:28 PM

I am afraid to start a list of artists here at the site for fear of leaving people out, and I just can't choose who inspires me most, so here's everyone that comes to mind. Everyone who ever discovered, made or invented something and shared it. Everyone who ever commented on or simply enjoyed my pictures. Everyone who ever posted something that blew me away. Everyone who ever posted something that didn't impress me and made me feel better about myself. Boris Vallejo and Salvador Dali for sure. Jimi Hendrix, the Marx Brothers, Jimmy Carter, Rembrandt, Maxfield Parrish, Michael Whelan, Mary Jane, Renoir, Michelangelo, Max Fleischman and Popeye, Pantera, Chuck Jones and Bugs Bunny, Harry Harryhausen, Leonardo da Vinci, Monet, Robert Trullijo, Yngwie Malmsteen, The Dali Lama, John Lennon, and Bootsy Collins. My old cat Olive was a stunning and brilliant creature. I still miss her and think about her from time to time. My current kitty Shiva and her blessed pure heart. Lemurs, Gallileo, Buford Pusser, Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Martin Luther King, Dr. Dre, Black Sabbath, Gene Wilder, Tommy Chong, Morbid Angel, King Crimson, Stephen Hawkins, Ralph Nader, Sammy Davis jr., Walt Disney sr., Bruce Lee, Phil Hartman, Dennis Miller, Denis Leary, Christopher Walken, Leonard Nimoy, Charles Darwin, Jackson Pollock, Jonathan Winters, Traveler and everyone who ever committed themselves to stopping mankind's voracious appetite to rape, pillage or abuse the earth and it's animal inhabitants in the name of greed, hatred or religion. Everyone who speaks the truth. Everyone who seeks the truth. My mom, her mother, brothers and sisters. My brothers. Whoa! Look at the time. Thanks, this was fun. Anvil.

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