Nomuse: The tutorial I'm referring to is the first ("Texturing Part One') of a series of three by Brian Hinton. I believe it was in the Feb. 2004 3DXtract e-zine. Brian put his e-mail for questios on the tutorials in so I'll give it to you:
After you designate the shading domaines in the vertex modeller, he has you make a 'layers list' and then select Parametric mapping in the multichannel shader below. This opened up a list of all the little domaines on my logo object. There are so many because I'm going to make an effect of heating and cooling with gradients...I hope.
Mark: The 'brushed chrome' still doesn't map well, so I'm off searching photoshop tutorials for a technique to paint 'brushed metal.' I look forward to mastering this 'shader domaines' thing. One step at a time. deedub