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Photography F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 18 12:22 pm)

Subject: Snowball Fight!!!!!!!!!!

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tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:06 AM · edited Fri, 20 September 2024 at 12:27 AM


Let's liven things up around here.... hey Cindy....Sylvaine...Dee-Marie,...Michelle...callin' all girls in the forum....come on, give me a hand!!! Let's take on the bad boyz in the forum!!!! Wadda ya say, sister-chicks??????!!!!!!! (photo courtesy Kemal, 2002)

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:26 AM

i'll have to use your snow :] seems the guys have been hoggin it... hehe not much luck in getting any here... k... POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!! smug.gif hehehehe

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:44 AM

snickers...yeah...i know Misha's got a ton of it...he's the one i'm worried about...well...looks like we have a little time to practice girl!!!!

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:52 AM


k... we can make snow angels!!!! (an old one of Sarah, one of my favorites... 2 yrs ago in Arkansas)

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:02 AM

clapping I Luv to make snow angels!!!!!! Did that earlier this evening as a matter of fact!!! (no pics though) :( These are awesome pics! she looks so happy! can you not feel happy when you're makin' snow angels!!!! luv her cowboy boots too, BTW!!!! Thanks for these!!!

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:08 AM

that was her first time to make a snow angel... she was happy!! & all Texan, that girl!!

Michelle A. ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 6:31 AM

Ahhh.... the feeling of cold icy snow flying down one's neck. Now that's winter! We got a few inches the other day...... then the temperature dropped down to 5 degrees (no that's not feel like temps, that's the actual temp!) The very next day it got up to 49 degrees! The snow is almost gone now after 3 days and the rising temps have created a lovely foggy atmosphere because of the temp difference between snow and air..... Good old New England weather!

I am, therefore I create.......

Sylvaine ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 6:57 AM

You drive me mad you both silly women....MUAHHH SUCH SMILES AND BOOTS AND BELLY IN FULL AIR.... BRRRRRRRRRRRRR Smutchhhhh

logiloglu ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 8:21 AM

oh, so much winter fun here. a real pleasure to see what you all are doing. !!!!!!!!!!! #:O) !!!!!!!!

Misha883 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 8:26 AM

Oh no! Snow melted here after two days. Must enjoy it while its here. Now just VERY cold. I think we're outnumbered and out ammo'd. All Donald can provide is rain. Tedz? Ieeee! Its WARM there! But please keep sending the snow bunny pics. They warm up the Holidays.

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 9:27 AM


*splat*.... *splat*...don't look so surprised Gerhard & Misha!!!! You guys thought i still had my lazy butt in bed this morning, huh!!! Fooled ya!!! *picks up another snowball* Ready, aim.....*splat*...*clapping*! My aim is incredible!!!! Got Misha square in the back as he was running away!!!!! *giggling*....Hey girls...we got 'em outnumbered!!! Michelle, Sylvaine, Cindy. SHOW NO MERCY!!!!!

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 10:12 AM

Wait a moment! Let the girls have their snowballs! I just invented the .... snowball-machine! rolling a giant contraption out of the shed It works so simply, collecting the snow down here points with hand to lower part and it makes balls of the size you wish with this handle points to the handle that can be turend to left for little balls and right to giant balls. And here you can change the velocity of the balls and aim to your victims points to freely movable outlet. Ready? There we go! points on the ladies size 3.5 inches speed 4 per second Fire! gurbllll Collecting snow and yes, there it goes! whoosh whoosh whoosh aims on the ladies splat splat splat splat Nah nah nah! Beat me, eh!? splat splat splat splat splat splat There you go! No mercy, eh!? splat splat splat splat giggles entirely busy with his machine

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 10:21 AM

nauh, nuah, nuah...tongue.gifyou missed! your fancy pants machine is no match for us!! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT!

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 10:48 AM

Hah! size 6 inches speed 6 per second Come and get me, eh! splat splat splat splat splat splat splat crack Whoops! Pebbles in the machine! opens machine to clean it

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 10:56 AM

Cleaned! So, let's have a look! looks around Hey, where are the ladies now? Are they gonna ambush me? Hmmmm. Better move this machine to a place with lots of clean snow!

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:00 AM

pebbles!!! that's not fair...dead.gifi'm calling for backup!

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:37 AM

haha!!! where have i been...dragging out my snow-ball firing cannon!!!!! come on girls!!!!!! their 6 inches snowballs....kid stuff!!! I've got the heavy artillery!!! okay girls...let's do it! lock and load. Ready, aim, AMBUSH!!!!!!!!! splat splat splat splat..... LMAO....hey'dya like THEM cookies????? hey ladies....think we should give him a him!!!!! I agree...take pics of him lying there covered in snow...get proof of our victory first...THEN we might help him up!!!!!!

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:40 AM

hey jc....back to the drawing board with your "invention!" LOL, Einstein!!!!!! no match for my cannon!!!!!! ok the pics? ok...let's help him up...he's practically buried!!! Damn...that cannon's a helluva a machine!!!

Tedz ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:45 AM


Ok! Who threw that that Yellow Snowball? Geeeeeeez! What have You been doing to that Snow? Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah!

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:50 AM

OMG....Jeesh HC...what in the you-know-what are you doin' out in the snow wearin' nothing but a cap and some feathers???????? yellow snowball????? i wonder where THAT came from????? hey, HC...maybe you can melt Cindy's heart with your sad, pouty face, but I will show you NO mercy!!!!!! sorry sad eyes....splat...runs away giggling.....

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:08 PM

hey guys...think you're any match for my machine??? Hey, Kemal....that's OUR cannon...come on girls....let's drag him down....he's trying to steal our cannon!!! (at least he's got on more clothes that Tedz!!!!!

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:09 PM


*pulling him down*

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:21 PM · edited Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:24 PM

awwwwwe... snoogums! ...ewwwwwe!
great, you brought your boa, that puts you on the girl's side!! flutter, flutter oh yeah sheila!! nice cannon!! that'll blast 'em! :D

Message edited on: 12/23/2004 12:24

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:24 PM

Uh.... scratches Einstein-hairs Yep, got it! runs back into shed sounds of falling objects rolls a little machine outward So! Well, come on ladies, shoot! dang dang dang Ha ha ha! See, no scratch! My shield-generator works ter-ri-fic!!! And now my snowballs-machine! You'd better take cover dang dang Ha ha ha! dang No way, you won't penetrate my shields! There I go! size 8 inches Yes! speed 12 per second guuuurbllllllll Lots of snow to collect! Ha! splat splat splat splat splat splat splat Ha, yes, run away, ladies! No place is safe for my snowballs-machine! splat splat splat splat splat splat splat splat splat splat Nah nah nah!

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:27 PM

***SPLAT!!!***take that!

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:49 PM

Hmmfffrrt! Pfffrrt! snow out of mouth So, you want WAR!? Well, you can get WAR! Ha! size: max speed: max There you go!

splat splat splat sp.h...

Huh? Uh oh... cracks Booooooommmmm! Flying pieces of the machine everywhere .... silence

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:50 PM

whisper to Cindy...what we gonna do about that shield generator, gurl??? we need a strategy and fast...he's blasting us!!!! hmmmm...we need something to melt those shields...scratches head...let me see what i have in MY shed....Hold down the fort girl...get Tedz' butt in gear to help you!!!! You ain't whipped us yet jc.......might still have a trick or two up my sleeve!!!!!

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:57 PM

slowy standing up shaking head Hmmm, that machine needed a bit better design! Time to withdraw into the shed and find that drawing board. A new idea pops up. But it is super-secret and I'm gonna close all windows of the shed. No way of finding out my inventions before it is too late! Ha ha ha! I will return, ladies! Don't think I would give up!

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:57 PM


got it girls!!!!! Here's my Ultra Shield Generator Melter!!!!! powering up....only a few more seconds and jc's dead meat!!!!!!! quick...more snowballs for cannon...On my mark.....Engage!!!!!! *smirking*....Ultra Sheild Generator Melter works like a charm!!!!! bye bye're goin' down....AGAIN!!!! muuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhh

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 12:58 PM · edited Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:09 PM


*whispers back at sheila* his whimpy shield generator is no match for... ... ... ... ... ... THE THC! MOTHERSHIP! & CREW! YAAAAAAAAAAA!

oh, crossposted... i see you got it taken care of Sheila!!
never underestimate a woman! hehe

Message edited on: 12/23/2004 13:09

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:03 PM

throws door open Well, there you are! My enemy ladies! Ha, a simple Ultra Shield Generator Melter! I've still some of them here! I do know exactly how they work! Even the modified ones! I simply turn on my Shield generator and pull over this little lever and now it's resisting your melter! Nah nah nah! And now the real work! Since THC is still up there and silently planning his attacks I can make toast of the ladies! My All Snow Melter will let you get wet as if you were swimming in the sea! See this little gadget? looks to something in right-hand This it my All Snow Melter. What I have to do is simply aim at you and then pull the trigger. It does no harm, you will only be out of ammo! big smile There we go...

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:09 PM

Where's our HC, Cindy....tell him to HURRY!!!!!!! He's GOT to have something to stop his All Snow Melter!!!!! Back to MY shed....maybe i have something....let's see....

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:11 PM

aiming 1! 2! 3! bzzzzzz There ya go, ladies! Happy swimmings! All snow melted! Nah nah nah! No ammo anymore! And I can still grab some snow and throw them by hand!


Noy you take that, Cyn! :)

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:24 PM


Well...i must say your All Snow Melter is a helluva machine jc!!!!! can't say i'm too upset it worked!!!! no more blizzard!!!!! ok...girls...we got whipped by crazy Einstein guy! i say...if you can't beat 'em...join 'em... come on guys...grab your swimsuit... Pool party!!!!!!! *splash* Thanks jc!!!!!!!! not a bad way to lose if you ask me!!!!

jcv2 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:26 PM

All right, then I put the Shield generator in its reverse to warm the water a bit and there we go! splash Yeah!!!

LostPatrol ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 1:30 PM

I'm walking in the air................. LostPatrol ducks and returns fire! ha ha ha he he he I'm a laughing gnome and you cant catch me! whooooooooooch!

The Truth is Out There

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 2:09 PM

hey jc...thanks for warming water!!!!! LOL at LP...where ya been???? i heard YOU'RE the one who wanted a snowball fight!!!!!! just a WEE bit late aren't you???? LOL! well...hardly any more snow left!!! jc melted it all, and I'm afraid it's stopped snowing here!!! better grab your snorkelling gear, LP!!!!!! LOL!

Tedz ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 3:07 PM


I am very impressed with Kermal's Big Zooooooooooooooooooom *sigh* is time to Defend with the Big Guns!

LostPatrol ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 3:17 PM

Well tv it may be holiday time, but in the health service there is always work to do, and I am working all over the hol period while you all at play lol As I missed all the fun I had no choice to have a cyber snowball fight with the Lively co-ordinator lol, and as far as I know I won by 3 hits to 2! He he

The Truth is Out There

LostPatrol ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 3:21 PM

I read a report that these old inter continental snowball missiles suffered with vibration and were taken out of service, and replaced with.!Use your imagination here!

The Truth is Out There

tvernuccio ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 3:56 PM

Damn, HC....when you talk about bringin' out the big guns you ain't a kiddin!!! Quite impressive!!! and BTW...that big zooooooommm is mine!!! not kemal's!!!! he was just trying to steal it from us girls!! LOL hey LP...yeah..understand about health services. i have 2 jobs...cook at a restaurant (rarely close!) and have worked in health care most my life. I work at a hospital, but for past 5 years I've been working for a group of 7 or 8 internists. This is the first time i can remember that we've ever closed. since it's all outpatient services we provide, well, we can do that. whipped the Lively girl, eh???? best watch think HC is gonna let you get away with that? LP, LOL! replaced with.......???????? man, my imagination must be hibernating this morning!!! LOL. hope you will have time off for the holidays!!!!

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 4:05 PM

LOL... that should shake them up good & silly HC! :] hey LP! just plain luck, i forgot to duck! :P rubs cyber head, now where'd i put that leftover snowball

LostPatrol ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 4:45 PM

LOL cyn there is no such thing as plain luck when you are a chancer like I am, and that snowball you put down my shirt was coooooooold! tv the THC will let me off cause were kinsmen, and I have the lure of Gretna. No hols for LP until Hogmanay and then its party time. Do you think we will get in trouble for dominating the photog forum? lol

The Truth is Out There

cynlee ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 4:58 PM

ummm... tries to squeeze the thread to a managable size, & scoots it under the blue directory column maybe no one will notice it... blame it on the eggnog :]

Misha883 ( ) posted Thu, 23 December 2004 at 11:39 PM

sigh OK. Thanks for the snowy bellybuttons. Tedz? Tedz! You can't switch when we need you. That's cheating throwing yellow snow. Everyone in the pool!

deemarie ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 7:32 AM


Had to tell Santa that you ALL "REALLY, Really, REALLY" have been Good boys and girls , and ...
that he [Santa] needed to be sure and take you all off of his "Coal in stocking" list - especially Ted smug.gif

{{I would toss a snowball, but it rained yesterday and all the snow is gone - waaaaaaaaa}}

WIshing you all a most wonderful of holiday seasons :)

Ho Ho Hoooooooo - I want SNOW!


tvernuccio ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 7:49 AM

clapping yippppppeeeeee! No coal for me this year!!!! thank you Dee-Marie!!!!!!!! sorry 'bout your rain!!! i have plenty of snow and will be happy to send some your way! don't wanna get your purty outfit all wet though! gotta tell ya i LUV your leather pants!!! kewl! Fantastic pic of you!!!!! Ho ho ho...have happy holidays!!!!!!

deemarie ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 8:37 AM

I just watched the news and and the weather map shows a HUGE snow storm drifting in over my house - Woo! Woo! Thank you sOOoo much for Shelia for the white Christmas :] Doing the happy happy snow dance! Dee-Marie

Tedz ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 9:02 AM

If You want Snow....I suggest that You Copy & Paste this Link. Suitable for Doggie Lovers and Young Children... have a very Merry Christmas.

cynlee ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 10:12 AM

Dee!!! This is the first time I've seen you!! o.O!
WOW!! what a knockout! I get to sit on Santa's lap next!!
hehe!! see what happens here? you never know what you'll find when you come check out the forum!
first feathers all over the place, now slush!!
Wishing you the the very best for the holiday & lots of snow!! thanks soooOOOooo much for all you do!! MUUUUAH! :-*

deemarie ( ) posted Fri, 24 December 2004 at 10:26 AM

Hi Cyn - Yeah, Santa is a good looking old elf isn't he :] No wonder Mrs. Claus only lets him out one night a year ;] I am still waiting for the snow to start falling - but, I keep checking the weather report, and it says we are in the middle of a HUGE snow storm ... but when I look out my window all I see are blue skies - I fear this will fall under the realm of ... be careful what you wish for ;] Hugs hugs to you all :) Dee-Marie

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