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Renderosity Forums / Carrara

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Forum Coordinators: Kalypso

Carrara F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 23 11:50 pm)


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FATfoe ( ) posted Mon, 26 February 2001 at 11:58 PM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:11 PM


litst ( ) posted Tue, 27 February 2001 at 6:13 PM

Hi FATfoe, There were an extension called Furrific that allowed to make fur for RayDream, but unfortunately, it has not been adapted for Carrara . I don't remember exactly what has been its fate, but i think the devellopers got down with Metacreations at the time . So i don't think it's possible to make some decent fur in Carrara :( For now, at least . litst

servo ( ) posted Tue, 27 February 2001 at 10:22 PM

Yeah, I'm afraid you're out of luck until Eovia and/or some third party comes up with a fur plugin. Really high quality hair and fur is still hard to come by even using Maya or Max or Lightwave -- let alone in Carrara. I don't know what the deamds of your image is specifically, but you can do a lot to make things look "puffy" using blobs from the metaball modeler, and when you combine that with some clever shaders that bump map your model in a "hairy" organic-looking pattern, you can create something of that look, at least. Of course it still won't look like individual strands of fur in an extreme closeup, if that's what you need, but it might give the illusion of fur at a reasonable distance.

servo ( ) posted Tue, 27 February 2001 at 10:23 PM

In the above post, the word "deamds" = "demands". (Damn keyboarding typos...)

litst ( ) posted Wed, 28 February 2001 at 9:48 AM


I've got a trick for that : edit the model in the vertex modeller . Select all and name the vertices "fur" (selection menu) . Subdivide . Deselect by name the vertices you just named (selection menu ) . Then offset the surface with a low value (construct menu) . As you can see the result isn't perfect, but there's an idea . litst

AzChip ( ) posted Wed, 28 February 2001 at 9:49 AM


I created this texture and model in about ten minutes. I'm using RDS, so it's a bit different from C, but the idea is the same. The color channel has three shades of brown nested together using spots and noise operators. The nappy, fabric like feeling comes from the bump channel, in which I've combined spots and cellular patterns. Though this won't hold up to extremely close scrutiny, it does the trick for getting the idea of a worn, soft, fluffy teddy bear. Play with the values in the bump channel and I'm sure you can come up with something that'll do the job for you.... Hope this helps! Furrific, by the way, hasn't been adapted for Carrara because the developers were afraid that C was not going to be supported any longer. But, with Eovia on the scene, hopefully some of the old RDS plug-ins will be ported over.... Here's hoping! - Chip

FATfoe ( ) posted Wed, 28 February 2001 at 10:12 PM

Thanks heaps Chip, Litst and servo :)

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