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Carrara F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 23 11:50 pm)


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Subject: Where is everyone from???

rockjockjared ( ) posted Fri, 02 March 2001 at 9:03 PM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:37 PM

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O.k., now that we know how old most people are in the forum...where are you from? I'm from Lubbock, Texas, USA... Oh yeah...if you have a website...let us know here too! P.S. I haven't gotten to congratulate litst as our new moderator. So congrats litst! I'll be taking part in the new challenge, as soon as I get some good ideas flowing.

3ddave44 ( ) posted Fri, 02 March 2001 at 11:47 PM

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New York City here; born. Live in Brooklyn now. At 37, Im cursed with looking young. ...not to complain so much but I just get written off sometimes as 'young'. : ) Dave ![dave.jpg](

tonylynch ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 1:34 AM

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I'm originally from San Bernardino, California, but I'm currently stationed at Goodfellow AFB in West Texas (which will be my last assignment, as I retire after 22 years next February). Tony

ClintH ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 7:57 AM


Tony - Congrats on the retirement! Thats great news eh! Im from Atlanta, GA. Clint [Hawkin-Z GraF-X]( Carrara and RDS Shader Packs Poser figures, 3D Models, Music Loops and Free Downloads!!

Clint Hawkins
MarketPlace Manager/Copyright Agent

All my life I've been over the top ... I don't know what I'm doing ... All I know is I don't wana stop!
(Zakk Wylde (2007))

twillis ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 9:06 AM

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But there's only a little 3D there, some POV-Ray stuff I did a few years ago. But I hope to add some Carrara stuff soon (still in the learning phase, but I think I'm starting to _get_ it). As for where I'm from, well, let's just say it varies between Kansas City, MO and the Tycho Crater. (By the way, I can't take credit for the pic, one of my internet buds did that). --Terri

tonylynch ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 9:09 AM

Thanks Clint!

litst ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 10:36 AM

I live in a little french town called Machecoul, in the south of Brittany . litst

mclarsen ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 11:10 AM

I'm standing on shakey ground here in my home town of Olympia, Washington. mclarsen

rockjockjared ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 12:41 PM

cutcopypaste - Haven't decided on the next question. I sure could go for that shader pack and bottle of wine deal though!

litst ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 2:59 PM


No wine, i know nothing about it . But i know lots of good french cheeses !!! What d'ya want ? i got Roquefort, Camembert, Port-Salut, Vache qui rit ... It depends on your taste . Personnaly i prefer when there is some mould and when they got a strong smell ! Yummy, i tell you ! Do you think i can send them via e-mail ? ;) litst

hoborg ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 3:10 PM

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Seattle, Washington here. Originally from FLA and then Colorado.

rockjockjared ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 3:31 PM

Mmmmmm moldy cheese! Sounds mighty tasty! I'm sure you could send it as an attatchment!

FATfoe ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 7:14 PM

Sydney, Australia

servo ( ) posted Sat, 03 March 2001 at 7:42 PM

Just north of San Francisco, California. --

willf ( ) posted Sun, 04 March 2001 at 12:23 AM

I grew up in Chicago, Il (born when Harry Truman was President by the way), moved to St Paul, MN for several years & now live in Iowa.

EdW ( ) posted Sun, 04 March 2001 at 10:29 AM

Livermore, CA but originally from northeastern Nevada

smcquinn ( ) posted Sun, 04 March 2001 at 3:33 PM

Sacramento CA. Born the day before D-Day. Glad to hear there are other mold eaters out there. A real mold junkie hovers by the appetizer table at parties to snatch up the moldy skin after all the wimps have scooped out the gooey part of the Brie. Maybe that's why I don't get invited to parties much....

AzChip ( ) posted Mon, 05 March 2001 at 9:06 AM

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My name indicates my home -- Arizona. Phoenix is where I was born and where I live now. If I had my druthers (that'd be translated to "if work were available"), and I was still living in Arizona, I'd be living in Tucson. But we can't always get what we want, eh? So, if you have ANY questions about a particular cactus, desert creature, or the most boring downtown in the United States, feel free to drop me a line! - Chip

graylensman ( ) posted Mon, 05 March 2001 at 12:42 PM


Like Terri, sometimes I can be found at an extraterrestrial locale; my mom claims I'm from Mars. Currently my meat puppet resides in Richmond, VA.

keithw ( ) posted Tue, 06 March 2001 at 10:27 PM

Duluth, Minnesota where the winters are way too long

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