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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 18 2:45 pm)

Subject: sort poser 6 out for hell's sake

buzzzloz ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 1:06 PM · edited Wed, 18 December 2024 at 9:01 PM

Jesus jospeh and bloody fred

cant those bloody brainles programers who wrote poser 6 still not sort the program out, jesus joseph and mary ,they show why for over 20 years american comercial pc programers have had the worst reputation in the world for programing a pc.

1 customer came in paper shop from his chinese shop next door with his 11 year old nephew from hong kong, and bloody nora talking to him, chinese children are 10 years ahead of american comercal pc programers.

now i have talked to american pc programers who have never writen for a software house and they program the european way, you look at a lot of game mods done by indipendant american programers.

they blow the comercal american programers out the water, so if a poser 7 is going to be done give it to the japanese and chinese to program, at least the bloody thing will work.

poser 4 is still brill as never had a single crash with it and never bought poser 5 heard the horror story's, though poser 6 as bad.

if the same programers do poser 7 then the only way i will get it is a pirate version like many other poser 6 users will, who is going pay again for another badly programed program.

i have vue 5 eprite even with its problems it still bloody brill program and best purchase i made in the sale, brought it back from the states, $99 bloody brill price well worth taking credit card bit over.


Miss Nancy ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 1:15 PM

I hope e-frontier will prove me wrong by releasing SR3 in the next month or two, but at this point I believe there are two possiblities:
either they are currently working on the P7 alpha
or they are negotiating the sale of poser to another company

PhilC ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 1:19 PM

You are entitled to your opinion. I would give it greater credulity if you could express it with out vulgar language and blasphemy.

jonthecelt ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 1:21 PM

Care to share your problems with Poser 6? You don't seem to mention a single one, and I have to confess, I've had very few difficulties with it - installed all the SRs as they were released. My computer isn't a monster (only Athlon Sempron 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM, 64MB NVidia graphics card), and to the bet of my recollection, never had a problem with it that wasn't down to my fault.


kathym ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 2:04 PM

Buzz ... i'd be careful using the word pirate around here, unless you're talking about Black Beard - you'll probably get a TOS violation for that one. And like John said - what problems are you having with P6? You rant on and on .. but never give so much as a hint why you're so peaved.

Miss Nancy - I think you might be on to something with your last possibility. Poser has changed hands ... 3 or 4 times already in the past 10 years if memory serves me correctly. A lot of software companies, however, are notorious for releasing software before its stable or secure and then doing service releases up the wazoo. Its all about making that quick buck, ya know.

Just enjoying the Vue. :0)

ynsaen ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 2:36 PM

I suspect that we'll se P7 sometime in the 4th quarter of this year or first quarter of next, based on the typical release schedule from E-frontier for products.  I'll also go ahead and say we'll have an 18 to 24 month wait after that for 8 unless they proceed with a total rewrite like they did with sahde, in which case the wait will be 24 to 36 months.

I strongly doubt that Poser will be sold again anytime really soon, unless the 3D market itself crumbles.

I do believe the original poster is offensive, and apparently seems to have some personal issues that I'd pity him for were I not too busy at this time.

but then, in all cases, I'm crazy, so, eh.


thou and I, my friend, can, in the most flunkey world, make, each of us, one non-flunkey, one hero, if we like: that will be two heroes to begin with. (Carlyle)

stewer ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 3:08 PM

I'm not sure if I can follow you how nationality has any relation to programming ability. In any case, if you don't feel very comfortable with American software developers, may I suggest having a look at the Poser 6 splash screen? 5 out of 10 people listed under "Development Team" are not US citizens.

SamTherapy ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 4:13 PM
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Quote - I'm not sure if I can follow you how nationality has any relation to programming ability. In any case, if you don't feel very comfortable with American software developers, may I suggest having a look at the Poser 6 splash screen? 5 out of 10 people listed under "Development Team" are not US citizens.

buzz has a bee in his bonnet/bug up his arse about Americans, or at least, that's the impression I got from his gallery.

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kathym ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 4:46 PM

I wasn't even going to open that can of worm there Sam my good man. Kinda like awakening a mummy ... know what I mean.

Just enjoying the Vue. :0)

SamTherapy ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 4:50 PM
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Quote - I wasn't even going to open that can of worm there Sam my good man. Kinda like awakening a mummy ... know what I mean.

Hehehehe.  And no, I haven't forgotten.

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stewer ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 4:54 PM

Oh, now I see. I barely ever browse the galleries. However, in most western democracies it's illegal to use race as a criteria for hiring programmers, so "make Poser 7 be written by 11 year old chinese kids" is a feature request that e frontier will not be able to fulfill for legal and moral reasons.

Silke ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 5:47 PM

Exactly what's the problem?
I've not had a problem with P6 at all, and very few with P5.
As with any software, it takes practice. There are rather a few people around who produce some extremely good work with P6, and since I don't see anything specific... kinda hard to see where the problem is.


anxcon ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 6:29 PM

i rarely see any real complaints for P5/6, sure few bugs, hell WINDOWS HAS BUGS

i own P4/5/6 lol i'll admit i sometimes have problems with memory (my scenes are always huge)

but 99% of the time, a simple reboot before rendering fixes everything


as for chinese kids makin poser7, might be a partical system for making fireworks then?=P

xantor ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 6:56 PM

It  is unlikely now that there will be a new service release for poser 6, which is a shame for people who have bought the program.

kathym ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 7:29 PM

Well, if there isn't a new service release for P6 ... one of three things will happen;

1.) P6 will be pushed aside by those who can afford an upgrade to P7 with the hope that it'll be better then the pervious version.

2.) People who hated P6 won't buy P7 & will revert back to using an older version of Poser.

3.) Or ... they'll stop using Poser all together and switch to the Daz Studio.

Or wait .. make that 4 things ....

4.) People will just deal with the unfixed bugs of P6 (ya know, like we do with any Windows OS) and use it regardless of its issues.



Just enjoying the Vue. :0)

pleonastic ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 7:44 PM

as long as they don't hire illiterate racist whiners, e-frontier should be alright.

Morgano ( ) posted Thu, 13 April 2006 at 8:48 PM

I'm getting that "deja vu"  feeling, all over again:

jonthecelt ( ) posted Fri, 14 April 2006 at 2:09 AM

I'm noticing a trend of our friend buzzloz, looking at this post and the one pointed out by morgano: come on, post a rant, completely trashing a piece of software/model... then do absolutely noting from then on. Give no actual critical assessment (unless you consider 'this is crap, I hate it, no one should buy it' a valid critical argument), and then never offer any suggestions as to what you find to be the problem, or what difficulties you're having with the item in question.


Berserga ( ) posted Fri, 14 April 2006 at 8:24 AM · edited Fri, 14 April 2006 at 8:27 AM

Adressing the idea of EF selling Poser... Poppycock!

My impression is that this company is very committed to the product and has done something that the previous companies haven't been able to do: Break into the content market! If they do neglect further SRs in favor of developing a far more FUNDAMENTALLY stable product in P7, I couldn't be happier, as IMO P6 is quite stable for such an inexpensive app. (For most users)

As far as P6 being slow or unstable, If you actually take a minute to learn how to adjust the settings, and have a computer made in this century then your performance should be quite good.

I'll admit P6's stability CAN go bad... This is usually related to general system stability... I've noticed that P6 is the most sensitive app that I have ever used to bad computer maintainance. Defrag your hard drive, and reformat at least once a year and you should be good.

EDIT: OK consider this my first Forum complaint.... YOU HAVE TO MANUALLY make paragraph breaks? GEEEEEZ

R_Hatch ( ) posted Sat, 15 April 2006 at 12:50 AM
spedler ( ) posted Sat, 15 April 2006 at 9:29 AM

*Quote - Please, do not feed...*Or, who's that trip-trapping on HIS bridge...


geep ( ) posted Sat, 15 April 2006 at 10:34 AM

Quote - You are entitled to your opinion. I would give it greater credulity if you could express it with out vulgar language and blasphemy.

Thanks Phil, could not have said it better myself.

dr geep

Remember ... "With Poser, all things are possible, and poseable!"


dr geep ... :o]

edited 10/5/2019

SamTherapy ( ) posted Sat, 15 April 2006 at 11:28 AM
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The vulgarity and blasphemy don't bother me but I acknowledge the sensibilities of others who have taken exception to their use in the thread starter's post.

What gets my goat is that buzzz does this same old thing every once in a while; rants about something or other (and sometimes contradicts him/herself), doesn't mention any specifics and then disappears.

I didn't think he/she was a troll - just a complete prat - but now I'm not so sure.

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