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Renderosity Forums / Writers

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Writers F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 03 12:34 am)

Writers Gallery

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ---Anton Chekhov

Subject: Where Have All The Writers Gone?

TallPockets ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 7:50 AM · edited Fri, 04 October 2024 at 5:23 PM

"The answer my friend -- is blowin' in the wind" .... WINK.

I miss the writer's gallery being filled with SO many talented writers!

I also miss those like Wolfspirit, jstro, NothingNess, CageWench, Dialyn, SUSIQ and others
too numerous to mention.

It seems the 'forum' is busier than the 'gallery'.

My best,


midrael ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 11:22 AM

That's actually quite a shift, since it's usually been the gallery that's been busier than the forum!

Perhaps everyone is busy with work/summer vacation? Perhaps people are just waiting for the whole gallery conversion thing to finish?

Either way, I hope to see more submissions to the gallery in the future!

David L.

jstro ( ) posted Thu, 22 June 2006 at 4:22 PM

Lightning is not your friend, my friend,
When it comes streaking down from on high,
To assult those innocent pixies
That race around inside
That smooth metal case
Sitting so loyaly on the desk.
Poor pixies – dead before their time.
Cute little Modem, always so quick to smile,
And lithe Ethernet, the whimiscal one.
Gone too, poor Router,
Sturdy workhorse
That he was.
But, alas, no match for lightning,
Fearful force from the sky.

Thus, I've been out of touch.



My Blog - Mad Utopia Writing in a new era.

drace68 ( ) posted Fri, 23 June 2006 at 6:39 PM

Golly Jon,
Don't you kill the power strip at the first rumble of thunder?  Maybe I'm one of the few who doesn't leave things on standby overnight, or when I leave the house.

Since I don't have power back-up, I'm goosey about thunder.  Every time the lights blink, I'm facing three or four minutes waiting while the computer checks itself - grumble.  Easier to shut down, go to the window,  look for rain,  and wait... and wait.
Life in northeastern Oklahoma.


jstro ( ) posted Fri, 23 June 2006 at 7:13 PM

I always power down when I hear thunder, and usually turn off the power strips. Don't know if I did that night or not – can't remember. But even power strips won't help you if the strike is too close, and that puppy was close! Saw and heard it at the same time. It also took out two TVs, and a radio. Lately we've taken to unplugging electrical appliances we're particularly fond of when a storm crops up, but that gets old fast.

And when there's a tornado warning, I take my external hard drive to the basement with me. 😄


My Blog - Mad Utopia Writing in a new era.

deemarie ( ) posted Wed, 05 July 2006 at 11:10 AM

TP: Where have all the writer's gone? They have gone to flowers, ever one! :]

jon:  I feel your pain. I live in an underground house, and over the years I have lost four televisions, three phones, answering machines, VCR, etc.

Once I was talking on the phone and a lightning strike hit the phone knocking it out of my hand.

And yes, I too have power strips. Sometimes the boomers come out of a clear sky. No advance warning, just death to appliances.

I always unplug my computers when I go on holiday, or at the first sound or sight of a T-storm.

Hope you are back up and running at full force real soon!


TallPockets ( ) posted Mon, 24 July 2006 at 12:27 AM

Shortest poem?


Who Cares?


dialyn ( ) posted Thu, 27 July 2006 at 7:58 AM · edited Thu, 27 July 2006 at 7:59 AM

I don't know where everyone else is, but I've been blogging. It's a format that suits my essays better than the galleries, and I like having responsive comments instead of those "gee, that's great" postings that get labled too freely in the galleries.











TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 01 August 2006 at 3:37 AM

It's off to blogging we go ..... WINK.

drace68 ( ) posted Tue, 01 August 2006 at 10:43 AM

My error this morning - placed this under the wrong thread.  It belongs here:
Blogging?  Yes, the perfect form for most of the pieces posted in the Gallery.  Blogs, from what little I've seen, are personal reactions to the world.  RE-Actions.

But I digress.  Renderosity, in my opinion, has evolved into a house of claques.  I praise you, you praise me = gush.  Not good.  Claques don't think, they RE-Act.

Writers need original and objective critiques of their work.  Claques drown out chances for valuable critiques.

And, Dear Friends, that is why many writers have left.


TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 01 August 2006 at 6:21 PM

Drace68: Hello, my friend. Thanks much for your thoughtful comments. You make many good points. I think for those writers so seeking such critiques who long to become professional I would have to totally agree with your assessments. Many of us write, however, for a myriad of reasons. Cathartic works. Message works. Works to make someone smile on a dreary day. Works to make someone think a little.

I truly admire writers, like yourself and others here, who truly have talent above the masses and strive to make it even better. Which makes me sad when 'great' ones leave this wonderful site. If there are 50 writers posting here and only 12 are 'top notch' with the accompanying drive/desire to achieve writing perfection, why wouldn't those elite 12 remain here and receive the desired critiques from the other '11'?

To quote comedian, Dennis Miller:

"Everyone gets up the mountain to a certain point ....

 The world would operate better if we all felt at peace with our 'base camp'

 Not everybody plants the flag"


Dick: I most sincerely hope that you, and others of such talents at this site, do not leave it void of your marvelous works at this site. Some of us don't have your talents or your desires or the health to achieve your goals. I wish for you only the best. In the writing and the human world, kind soul. you are one of the good ones. PEACE.



TallPockets ( ) posted Sun, 06 August 2006 at 1:51 AM

Again, my best and wishing you well. T.P./brian.

zanografix ( ) posted Mon, 07 August 2006 at 12:56 PM

I haven't posted in a while because I've been maintaining a thousand points on the outer rim-tjames

FranOnTheEdge ( ) posted Fri, 11 August 2006 at 10:16 AM

Welll I dunno if I can call myself a writer, since I've not written anything for quite a while.  I used to help run a writers group online but there we had the privacy of a closed section where we could exchange sections of what we were writing for critique amongst each other.  Not too keen on the idea of uploading stuff for just everyone to see.

Okay, so what I've written probably isn't brilliant or even publishable, but still... there might be a sudden sideslip in the multiverse that means that I'm suddenly brilliant... well okay might win the lottery...

But basically I've only recently begun replying to stuff here, not been a member of this forum for long, I'm a bit unsure.

Maybe... maybe I just can't write anymore at all?

Measure your mind's height
by the shade it casts.

Robert Browning (Paracelsus)

Fran's Freestuff

dialyn ( ) posted Fri, 11 August 2006 at 11:52 AM · edited Fri, 11 August 2006 at 11:53 AM

I don't think the ability to write goes away (unless you have a medical problem) but I do think it goes into hiding, especially if you don't do it.  I am finding that pushing myself to write, especially if I don't feel like it, helps and it doesn't matter what it is that I write.  I think we get caught up in having to write something we consider important, but maybe the habit is important to establish first and find significance afterwards.  One book I read said to write three pages first thing in the morning...write madly for three pages (not anything in particular, just do a download of thoughts) and then shut that notebook for the day.  It clears the cobwebs of the shouda, woulda, couldas, and may just put your brain in a writing mood.  I am finding that I am being more productive at work since I started doing that.  It gets all the venting, the anger, the frustration, the sadness out of the way for the day and lets me focus on the next project I have.  It's not a bad habit to get into...and one worth trying.

drace68 ( ) posted Fri, 11 August 2006 at 9:12 PM

Yes, what Dialyn says about three pages and stop is an excellent tactic.  Many how-to books call this "Journaling," or "Morning Pages."  Julia Cameron in "The Artist's Way" adds that you should do it with pencil or pen, never a keyboard.  Also, do it first thing after getting out of bed in the morning, before the left hemisphere wakes up.  EVERY DAY.   Just go>>>>  Laundry lists, hates, loves, names, anything.  And never let anyone see those pages, short of a court order.

About being a "writer?"  Be of good cheer.  Put two words together and you are there.


FranOnTheEdge ( ) posted Sat, 12 August 2006 at 9:56 PM

Oh good.

That was 2.  Hey, look everyone!  I'm a W r i t e r!


Measure your mind's height
by the shade it casts.

Robert Browning (Paracelsus)

Fran's Freestuff

dialyn ( ) posted Sat, 12 August 2006 at 10:05 PM

I knew that.



drace68 ( ) posted Sat, 12 August 2006 at 11:04 PM

See?  That wasn't so hard..

TallPockets ( ) posted Sun, 13 August 2006 at 12:39 AM

FranOnTheEdge wrote, 'Welll I dunno if I can call myself a writer,

FRAN: Welcome to MY world. WINK.

I find things that I feel passionate about. Good and bad. Not hard to find lots of 'bad' things
going around these days.

Don't feel that you're not intelligent as a writer.  These days a school grade of 'C" will get one 'elected'. Twice. SMILE.

My best to you and yours, kind soul. PEACE.


FranOnTheEdge ( ) posted Sun, 13 August 2006 at 7:19 PM

I find that things with meaning - sometimes find me...

Er... and never forget the wisdom of the hotdogs and the hotdog buns...

Sorry couldn't resist, been watching The Bulletproof Monk.

Measure your mind's height
by the shade it casts.

Robert Browning (Paracelsus)

Fran's Freestuff

TallPockets ( ) posted Mon, 14 August 2006 at 10:25 AM

"Water, water everywhere and nor a drop to drink" (STC). WINK.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" (Alexander Pope). SMILE.

TallPockets ( ) posted Fri, 08 September 2006 at 7:40 AM

GOOD to see some 'new' writers in the 'gallery' area! WELCOME!

(To those MIA, come back. SOON!).

My best to all,


SusiQ ( ) posted Mon, 11 September 2006 at 2:08 AM

Hi all. Sorry I've been out of action for a while.

I've been focusing on the marketing side of my Arts and Crafts gallery in South Africa and I'm sure all are aware of the furious pace one needs to set to keep your business alive.

Plus I've got my folks moving here with me so I had to push my writing to a back burner.

Anyway, enough excuses. I'm back again with maybe a little more time that over the last two months.

Hugs all!

(SQ moves off to the gallery to read all that has been posted.....)

Copyright S.R. Hulley
Chin up, stay strong! Hugs!

cruzin ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 6:22 AM

I post stories in my gallery but if you really want a response, feedback etc. you go with the pin up renders, and get the "gee good job".  Looking at my gallery I see the I get less and less views, less and less comments...people for the most part just want a pretty picture, I was going to go back to the pretty picture format but I'd rather not post at all if it comes to that, yet the feedback/veiwing portion is what we are all here for, if not why do it here when you could just do it mentally.  We want others to see our works. 

Writers provide the meal, but here is a place for presentation over nutrional content...I try a mix of both and seem to be failing miserbly.  Eventually I'll start posting some of my poems with renders...with over 500 written, I'm pretty sure I'll run out of renders before poems.



japes ( ) posted Tue, 12 September 2006 at 1:48 PM

I'm still here TP just been very busy this summer, and not to sure about my feelings for the new gallery and Forums.  I'll try to get some new stuff posted.

yesca ( ) posted Sat, 16 September 2006 at 2:43 PM



I was so far back, I thought I was way ahead....

Read to here

As fast as I could

So here goes :


We [ me and the frog, in my pocket ], write.

Fred G Sanford-Period


For all of the Good, bad, or indifferent here.

Angst is under control


Seems like an older group, here.


And another thing,  ; )


I believe that if  you have something to say about a piece that you just read, you have a choice.  You can either use the Comments (this is where you talk to the author-thru the rest of the world), or you can send a site e-mail.  This second method is reader-to-author, direct.  No middlemen! (pardon) 

Or you can just shake your head and say, "uh-uh-uh-n !?!?!  I used to really love his Stuff....

Reader decides. 

So there !!


Have a good day )))))



TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 19 September 2006 at 6:47 PM

I would, of course, agree everyone has a choice as to what, if anything, is commented upon or not commented.

I would 'hope', however, that since this is termed a ''Writer's Community", that a 'community' would live large and prosper.

My best,


netsia ( ) posted Fri, 22 September 2006 at 4:10 PM

been doing some back country camping in the Rockies and just not near a computer for weeks at a time

:) take care

tallpindo ( ) posted Wed, 27 September 2006 at 1:26 AM

I usually write when I don't have a picture. It allows me to culture my ethics while dimming my legality. Then I don't have an image to post with the musing unless I dig up something from my rubbish pile. I don't like blogs where most of the postings are juveniles complaining about their job frying in a fast food place or people wanting to lose weight. Just reading about hangovers is no longer in my stare. I tried blogspace with blogger and xanga. tjames first got me to come over here where most of the writing was about women's praise for lawyers. We have come a long way. Let's not go back.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 27 September 2006 at 10:59 PM

Take me away, Netsia!!! (SMILE).

netsia ( ) posted Sat, 28 October 2006 at 7:26 PM

Lions and Tigers and Bears....oh my!!!!!!!!  Though the most recently sighted critter was a cougar....kept thinking of the line,"When called by a panther....don't anther."  take care tp

Etherealmistress ( ) posted Fri, 24 November 2006 at 2:51 PM

Attached Link:

I hadn't added anything to the galleries for about 7 months. A new romance, moving home and starting my own small business have kept me very busy. But I wandered back here 2 weeks ago and decided to start putting things on again.

It is always nice to see comments about ones work, but I understand why people don't always do so. Just know that if you do make an effort to leave a comment on something you read and like, you will give that writer a little ego boost and make them want to write for you all the least I know that is the effect it has on me.

Ok, I have never been to the forum before so I shall refrain from waffling on too much. Just wanted to an my two penneth worth to the conversation...;-)

awayne2 ( ) posted Fri, 01 December 2006 at 11:44 PM

I am not to sure of what the topic is to be written about. So, I will just be a claque for now. Good job everyone. And very funny too.

awayne2 ( ) posted Sun, 03 December 2006 at 10:53 AM

Content Advisory! This message contains nudity

Ok, here is my newest poem. I was inspired by a pic that densa did called "Endless nights"

**Midnight hours

Our midnight hours will be so special.
You will come quiet to me in the night.
These are day dreams of hours so celestial.
When your soft kiss will say the time is right.

I’ll feel the essence of your bodies soul,
And watch extacy glow upon your face.
These are day dreams I await to unfold.
Just waiting to be held by your embrace.

You delve the depths of my womanly ways,
With the length and strength of your manly charm.
We wrestle with passions pent up for days,
Waiting to be held in each others arms.

**So, come tonight, and make my dreams come true.
The door is open, I wait just for you.

So any comments?**

©2006 by A. Wayne Heusel

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