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Renderosity Forums / Poser - OFFICIAL

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Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 15 7:30 pm)

Subject: Faceshop Pro

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:11 PM

Quote - > Quote - Now I'm off to get me tea and watch Casualty. Toodle pip.

Gee, that sounds like a TOS violation know personal attack? Breaking your own Vaunted TOS while holding everyone else to the rules seems somewhat............hmmmmmm whats that word? Oh yes, Cowardly.

I would guess she went to bed a long time ago, it's 1 am here in the UK. If you want to boost your ego any further I'd try another site. Not that I'd give you much chance of success.


If you'd care to discuss this in a forum more conducive to freely expressing our mutual dislike, you're welcome to meet me at RFI. I warn you however, there are no rules against personal attacks or flaming. There it's considered an art form.

jwhitham ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:19 PM

Quote -
Yes, and "making the forums a friendly place for all" is the most important thing isn't it? Not discussing the issues, not hammering out agreements or freely communicating ideas, but making this the stepford site.That's the most important thing isn't it? Oh and why DON'T you say a lot worse? Oh thats right........your not ALLOWED to. Snicker

It's a 3D graphics forum. It's here to promote discussion of 3D graphics. And, to finance itself, it also obviously has to sell stuff. Why on earth should you think that makes it encumbent upon them to discuss whatever loony ideas you might have?

I think I can probably say what Iike but, as it will likely get me banned, I haven't yet gone to extreme. However, you have now provoked me to it so:

You are a very, very stupid person who has delusions of being clever. Cheerio!

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:29 PM · edited Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:34 PM


I work with Karen.  She's one of the most helpful, competent and all around knowledgeable people that I've had the pleasure of being aquainted with.  Many's the time when she's gone far above and beyond in providing me (and others) with her personal time.  She's productive.  And she's a friend.

She doesn't hang around tiny (read: TINY) websites with an insular, self-congratulatory gang of a dozen-or-two self-important individuals who spend their free time snickering and pointing like a smirking bunch of socially promoted fifth-graders.  Pointing in derision  at those who have actually achieved something.

I fully understand why some are ignored.  About in the same manner that I choose to ignore the long-haired, long-bearded man standing on the streetcorner who mutters angrily at passerby.  I'm sure that in his own mind: he's convinced that he's a genius.  But should I, for that reason -- stop to seriously consider the things that he's muttering in my direction?  Nahhhhhh.

In reality: such persons are a minor nuisance.  shrug But no more than that.  They're certainly not achievers in their own right.  So about the best that they can do is to show up whenever they think that they've detected the smell of blood in the water........even when it's only their delusional imaginations playing tricks on them yet again.'s an open question for anyone:  tell me.........exactly when was it that Renderosity was supposed to disappear again...........?  I seem to recall hearing an awful lot of dire predictions to that effect in the distant past.

Hmmmm.  I suppose that those self-appointed prognosticators of yore must have been wrong.  Utterly, totally, and completely wrong.

But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting to hear them admit just how wrong they've been all of these years.  They might choke on the words.

On the other hand, I have to admit to a different possibility -- perhaps the Rendo admins actually know what they are doing.  As grating as the clear evidence of the ever-growing numbers at the top of the page must be to some.

Some make a career out of creating things.  Others make a career out of sniping at the creators.  Iconoclasts are always irrisitably attracted to icons.........and that's one way of telling when something's arrived.  Or when it is well on it's way.

Renderosity is a website on the move.  A business that's growing steadily, day by day.  I'd tend to ignore the children standing next to the tracks and throwing an occasional rock at the passing multi-ton train, too.  Little bits of gravel just bounce right off fast-moving iron.

Better to go hang around with the gang at the smouldering barrel in the railyard.  There's a small, huddled group who always hang around the rusted-out barrel.  I'm sure that they'll all be able to tell you just how much better they'd be at driving the train that just flew past them than the engineer at the controls is.  Or how much better they'd be at building the train than the company that actually built it.

Karen doesn't need my help.  She's more than able to fend for herself.  But well-deserved contempt needs to be poured on the contemptuous.  My suggestion: go back to the rusty barrel.  There might even be a can of barrel-warmed baked beans being shared around.  If they were able to find any in the dumpster located next to the railhouse, that is.  The railhouse with the sign that says "Renderosity" in lights up on the marquee.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:33 PM

Excuse me, I've got to go watch an old movie on Turner, and eat a plate of left-over spaghetti.  I won't be drinking any tea, though.  I had that earlier today.  Iced, of course.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

X-perimentalman ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 7:58 PM

XENOPHONZ Since when have you ever achieved anything? Man I am behind in the news.:}

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 8:14 PM


Are you asking for a list?  I could provide you with such a list, but to do so would be to totally miss the point -- which is precisely what you've just done.

File this one under Subtle Hint: I wasn't pointing at MY achievements.  And I'm not the one who's (albeit vainly) attempting to tear down the achievements of others.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 8:17 PM

I should add: that's a very odd question coming from someone that I don't know from Adam............

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

X-perimentalman ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 8:37 PM

Quote - Are you asking for a list? I could provide you with such a list, but to do so would be to totally miss the point -- which is precisely what you've just done. File this one under Subtle Hint: I wasn't pointing at MY achievements. And I'm not the one who's (albeit vainly) attempting to tear down the achievements of others.

No I didn't miss the point the point at all. Apparently you did though. The very people you are laughably trying to tear down as unachievers have created and given to the community more than most. Not just sold, but given as well. It's just too funny. As for not knowing me, no matter, but when I see a comment THAT inane and boneheaded it calls for a comment. Besides didn't you have an old movie to watch?

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 8:47 PM

Oh you're totally missing the point yet again -- going for the record, no doubt.

Ah, well.  It's always difficult to discuss reason with street-corner geniuses.

I'll compare the records of my achievers against the records of your 'achievers' anytime (I got that line from an old movie).

BTW - the movie's over.  It was an old Barbara Stanwyck film entitled Sorry, Wrong Number.  For some reason, that movie title seems particularly pertinent at the moment.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

X-perimentalman ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 9:21 PM

Do you practice being obtuse or does it just come naturally to you? I'd hate to think I was picking on the helpless or the homeless or something like that. It's not about lists of achievers, it's the simple fact the people you're slagging have both created and achieved within this community that belies you're whole argument and makes you out to be a dunce. You're just simply too blindly arrogant to see it. It makes no nevermind to me, go right back to making boneheaded inane comments if that's what floats you're boat.

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 9:28 PM

Hmmmm......starting to sound like a bit of a broken record, aren't we?  Let's see how many different ways you can miss the same point in the same way -- in different words each time, of course.

Much as I appreciate the offer, X -- I'm fishing for shark here.  Not for pilot fish.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 10:13 PM

Quote - > Quote -

Yes, and "making the forums a friendly place for all" is the most important thing isn't it? Not discussing the issues, not hammering out agreements or freely communicating ideas, but making this the stepford site.That's the most important thing isn't it? Oh and why DON'T you say a lot worse? Oh thats right........your not ALLOWED to. Snicker

It's a 3D graphics forum. It's here to promote discussion of 3D graphics. And, to finance itself, it also obviously has to sell stuff. Why on earth should you think that makes it encumbent upon them to discuss whatever loony ideas you might have?

I think I can probably say what Iike but, as it will likely get me banned, I haven't yet gone to extreme. However, you have now provoked me to it so:

You are a very, very stupid person who has delusions of being clever. Cheerio!


And you sir are a fuckwit.

Penguinisto ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 11:37 PM · edited Sat, 14 July 2007 at 11:39 PM

Quote - So I guess your extension that your making sexist comments, and joking about mentally debilitating deseases, are okay because you're an American?

Don't look now, but: 1) Spinner's biological plumbing is 'innie', not 'outie' ;) 2) She don't even live in this hemisphere, let alone the United States. HTH, /P

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Sat, 14 July 2007 at 11:59 PM

Quote - It's not about lists of achievers, it's the simple fact the people you're slagging have both created and achieved within this community that belies you're whole argument and makes you out to be a dunce. You're just simply too blindly arrogant to see it. It makes no nevermind to me, go right back to making boneheaded inane comments if that's what floats you're boat.


In an attempt to educate you, X -- I'll helpfully point out to you that persons who spend most of their time within the "community" (to which, of course, they've contributed so very, very much) in "slagging" others shouldn't be too terribly troubled when their strange concept of 'helpfulness' is returned -- gift-wrapped -- to them.

Some seek to build.  Others seek to spray paint graffiti (Bad Boyz RULE!!!!!) on the sides of private businesses: and then they pride themselves on the idea that they've created "art" in so doing.  When in reality their list of 'accomplishments' encompasses nothing but public eyesores and trashed neighborhoods.

But hey........."fight the power" is an end in and of itself -- and a great virtue.  Even if high-crime districts are the result while exiting out the other side.

Everybody wants to rule the world.  Even when that "world" is a very small one.  So if they don't manage to "rule" that miniscule world -- then their world must be a very tiny one indeed.

Something To Do At 3:00AM 

Spiritbro77 ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:07 AM

"Everybody wants to rule the world.  Even when that "world" is a very small one.  So if they don't manage to "rule" that miniscule world -- then their world must be a very tiny one indeed."

WHAT? thats deep. I'm trying to figure out deep what though. 

Hey Xeno. What's the difference between a brown nose and a shit head? Depth perception. How's your's?

dvlenk6 ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:15 AM

Any chance of the posts in this thread actually talking about Faceshop Pro anymore?

Friends don't let friends use booleans.

Penguinisto ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:31 AM

Quote - Some seek to build.  Others seek to spray paint graffiti

Well, out of those you seek to disparage... One is a store admin over two sites, and was, for lack of a better term: "present at the dawn of creation" insofar as Poserdom is concerned. One is a pro-level artist and a successful DAZ broker... she also forms a major part of Bryce's continued existence, and helps guide its future. The rest actively pursue artistic endeavors at various levels and fields - photography, renders, animation, what-have-you. I'll leave me out of it, since I couldn't care less about hype where it's not important. --- As for what I see of your postings in this thread? Well, everyone has their loyalties. Everyone has their biases. Mine lay in OSS software, sparkchasing, and artwork when the mood (and opportunity) strikes. Otherwise I futz about the fora when render times dictate nothing else available. Where do yours lie? Furthermore, why? Answer those honestly, and you might be kinda surprised. /P

leather-guy ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:35 AM

"Any chance of the posts in this thread actually talking about Faceshop Pro anymore?"
Okay -
Dr Geep just posted about a new Tutorial he's doing at his University
" [ Let's "Face" It ... Some things are just neat !!! ... ;=]]( "
on FaceShop.  Slight trick to finding the link to it hidden at his site, but that just makes it a bit more fun.

dvlenk6 ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:41 AM

Quote - ...Dr Geep just posted about a new Tutorial he's doing at his University
" [ Let's "Face" It ... Some things are just neat !!! ... ;=]]( "
on FaceShop...

I saw that post, I'll check it out. Thanks.

Friends don't let friends use booleans.

Rubbermatt ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 12:55 AM

Quote - Any chance of the posts in this thread actually talking about Faceshop Pro anymore?

Spend money on an app that does what Posers Face Room does already?
Waste hard earned cash on something that I can do with the Morph Tool & Photoshop?
I don't think so

And given the display of arrogance and fuckwittery displayed by the creator I won't be touching any products from them with a bargepole on the grounds that I will not have anything to do with a tosser like that - as a Renderotica Premier Featured Artist I have a reputation to think about

As to Rectumositys behaviour ........ amazing how quickly just a couple of idiots can squander all the goodwill generated by the site staffs behaviour during the TamelaJ/3DC meltdown, you might want to ponder on that or maybe get an image consultant in, I just spent my self imposed monthly Poser spending limit of £100 at Daz after reading your bullshit rather than waste it paying for your salaries

Paloth ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 1:18 AM

"Spend money on an app that does what Posers Face Room does already?" Spend money on what you like, but if you think Poser's Face Room can already transform anything except e-frontier humans (and Apollo), you should test that theory and revise it.

Download my free stuff here:

Rubbermatt ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 1:34 AM

I'd rather use the Morph Tool and create unique characters that no one else has .... oh wait I already do that
My point, which whooshed right over your head, is that there are ways of creating head morphs in Poser without wasting money on an overpriced third party utility from a merchant who likes to abuse customers

Paloth ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 1:42 AM

Perhaps the Morph ability has greatly improved in Poser 7. As of Poser 5, it wasn't very useful. This raises a question, though. If the Morph Tool is so wonderful for creating faces, why does Poser 7 still have a Face Room? My advice is to play down the sore feelings and sour grapes and stick to the facts. Suggesting that the FaceRoom makes FaceShop an expensive redundancy is just incorrect.

Download my free stuff here:

Rubbermatt ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 1:46 AM

The Morph Tool is a brand new addition to Poser 7, it's not my fault you're using outdated software

spinner ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 2:24 AM

Quote - Maybe some of us were unaware that only American dictionaries have neutral definitions, certainly came as news to me. So I guess your extension that your making sexist comments, and joking about mentally debilitating deseases, are okay because you're an American? It's fine to provoke someone who's giving up her time to try and make these forums a friendly place for all, until she's finally had enough of you?

Frankly I'd have said a lot worse to you than she did.

Actually, no - I am not a native American/English speaker, I am female, and I wanted to make sure that the dictionary I chose would be one the majority of the site's users recognised, as not to involve dialectical debates over variations on a theme. On a general note, it's fairly normal for some people to jump to conclusions such as these - and to just hint at what they are capable of saying instead of saying it. In my world we call that" passive aggressive" when we want to be polite, and "downright cowardly" when we want to be rude. On a personal note to you, please feel free to tell me what you think of me at any time in any venue. I am sure I shall survive the no doubt devastating verbal arsenal you have tucked away. ~s

KarenJ ( ) posted Sun, 15 July 2007 at 3:56 AM

Oh dear, this seems to have gone down the pan since last night, doesn't it?


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and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love." - Warsan Shire

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