Forum Coordinators: Kalypso
Carrara F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Jan 26 7:30 pm)
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So your asking "After spending $1,500 + on software, why would anyone keep using a $50 dollar app.?" :blink:
I can't think of any reasons.
Actually, you can just pick up Bryce 5 for free now. I think it's perfect for a person that wants to dip there toes into the 3d world.
Free Bryce + Free D|S is a great entry point in 3D and a brilliant marketting decision by DAZ. When B5 went free, they gained 350,000+ potential customers for nothing, as B5 was no longer even being sold.
Eventually a person may or may not want to invest some more money and pick up something else. They might be content to stay w/ Bryce. There are hundreds of thousands of people who feel that way. If they do decide to upgrade, there's a good chance they will go with Carrara, as it is owned by the same company as Bryce.
Then there is the other end of the spectrum...
After using 3ds max (Maya, XSI, etc.), Vue6 X-Stream (Mojoworld, WorldBuilder, etc.), and ZBrush3 (or Mudbox), why would anyone keep using Carrara?
It just depends what you feel comfortable with and/or can afford.
Friends don't let friends use booleans.
They're some brilliant Bryce artist that can wring the most out of Bryce. I've seen some amazing images done with that program. I started with Bryce 3d and worked my way up to B6 and by this time I can do some awsome chrome balls in space.
Cararra seems to needs a rock maker. The trees look much better but still could use some improvement.
I chose Carrara 'cause a friend gave me a bootleged copy of C1 and it got me interested and I bought C3 and have worked my way up and the program keeps getting more interesting.
The other 2 reasons I went Carrara was it was cheaper then the big boys and still have several video tutorial training programs on using these programs...
Quote - They're some brilliant Bryce artist that can wring the most out of Bryce. I've seen some amazing images done with that program. I started with Bryce 3d and worked my way up to B6 and by this time I can do some awsome chrome balls in space.
Chrome balls are so 80's. Now imagine what a brilliant Bryce artist could do if they had Carrara!
"After having worked with Poser, Vue and Bryce, why would one want to keep using Bryce"
After having tried nearly every 3D app out there, I still do my final renders in Bryce because it's so productive, easy to use, and has many unique, powerful features. Yes it needs updating, like fast global illumination, ambient occlusion, instancing, dynamic hair and cloth, etc... but it's still a pleasure to work with. I'd like to see those modern features brought into Bryce.
"An Example is worth Ten Thousand Words"
It seems if you have a program that makes you happy and you can great art with it, then why throw it away? Wring it dry.
Some folks still enjoy there Atari St or Amiga. I think thats cool.
But, the Bryce and Poser don't work that well for me and I'm waiting for Carrara 6 or maybe I'll hold off for Carrara 7. And speaking of Carrara 7, what's the delay? I want my C7 now!
I have 16k Tandy in the basement that uses cassette tapes for storage. Doesn't even have a floppy disk drive (they weren't available yet). Still works too.
I also have an Atari800, 4k RAM; but that doesn't work right anymore. It works, sort of, but freezes up all the time. It one of those that had the pressure pad keyboard plugged in, and also uses a cassette player for storage.
It's funny. I remember reading when Commodore 64K came out that nobody in the industry could foresee a time when a computer could possibly need to access more than 64K of RAM. The idea of a program needing anywhere near that much was scoffed at as an absurdity.
Friends don't let friends use booleans.
Ah the good ol days of 4k ram, and cassettes, lol.
Is it just me, or would anyone else recommend Bryce as "*THE" *starter 3d app? Bryce got me to where I am now in 3dcg, mostly because of the "eye candy factor"(like the Sphere Over Water, ...SOW) and ease of use. Although Iv'e moved on to Carrara 6(when it gets here), I won't forget the SOW pictures and instant landscaping.
I had the 3d program that Atari ST was famous for. I was disapponted that it couldn't do chrome balls. The I bought an expensive 3d program for my Amiga that could do chrome ball but it took all night. I also had Vista Pro for 3d landscape. That was fun. Poser 1 came out for the Mac and that almost gave me a reason to go Apple. Didn't.
Maybe Bryce has had it's day like a rose that gave showed its pretty flowers and now has faded away. Someday soon Carrara 8 will be deemed old fashion as everyone waits for C9.
What if the user interface were independent of a 3D program? Another words, what if we could pick a Bryce interface, or a Vue interface, or a Carrara interface, or a Ligtwave interface, or any you like, and run it on top of a modular 3D app with any modern feature you desire. Now that would be something, wouldn't it? Everyone would be happy as can be. I'll bet in 2107 we'll look back and giggle at the way we did things in 2007.
"An Example is worth Ten Thousand Words"
MetaCreations, still love my Art Dabbler, alongside my Painter, Bryce 6, Vue 6, and Carrara 5.1, and waiting!!!
Just starting the shift from Bryce to Carrara I have to say it's the first program I've felt 'at home' in since Bryce. I've tried and failed at C4D for instance.
Things that would tempt me to stick with Bryce... I have enough knowledge of the program to be able to make a scene pretty fast so going back to being a beginner can be a trial. I have lots of things stored for Bryce that can speed things up. Masses of free presets and skies and things in Bryce.
Some of those are also reasons why I think Bryce is a good place to start. There is so much free stuff to get you going and it is a bit of a cult software so that you can find really experienced users able to help you out with almost anything you want to do.
But... things that are really going for Carrara now I've started learning it (working through Mark Bremmer's tuts at VTC as we speak ;) ) are like having Bryce then adding on all the things you wish Bryce would do like the four screen view, the surface distribution, displacement mapping (oh how I drool to think of playing with displacement maps at last as my C4D was before effective implementation of that). I'm sure there will be much more to get me going as I learn. When I look at the wishlist for Bryce 7 I am sometimes thinking 'why ask for that in Bryce 7 when you could by Carrara now?' :)
Carrara doesn't have an adjustable torus primitive, a symmetrical lattice generator, or a rock generator; it can't make Booleans that don't lose their UV mapping information, nor can you leave the material from the negative Boolean in the cutout portion of the positive Boolean. The manipulators in Bryce resize from any direction for any object, i.e., you can elongate from the top without symmetrical elongation at the bottom (in Carrara, you'd have to convert to a vertex object and manipulate vertices, edges or faces---more often than not resulting in faceting and triangulation of your object coupled with loss of UV information); this feature in Bryce is great for twisting and smashing terrains to create things like overhangs. Bryce has a wide array of light shapes that can be smashed, twisted, and resized for fantastic effects. Any material can be applied to a light in Bryce, whereas in Carrara, only picture gels can be applied (although you can do this if you purchase the DCG plugin). Bryce has nice Fuzzy and Additive regimes for materials in the Materials Room that give excellent results. Bryce's water and glass materials have always been first-rate, whereas in Carrara, they generally need to be tweaked to the umpteenth degree. Plus, Bryce has really nice alignment tools and extremely convenient masking functions that I have yet to see in any other program.
And even though I mostly use Carrara now, I still do a lot of terrain shaping in Bryce and export the maps into Carrara.
Even in the shadow of Carrara 6, I'm not ready to banish Bryce from my hard drive.
Bryce materials are based on maps, very little real displacement compared to other 3D apps.
The terrains and lattices use planar displacement.
Bryce has other virtues; but this is a Carrara forum and I'm not getting into it again. I was really disgusted by the shameless slanderfest display that went on when B6 came out and hope to never see the like of it again.
'nough said.
Friends don't let friends use booleans.
Actually I was impressed with the B6 upgrade. But, I know how others react when they have a favorite. Human nature to protect your own. Beyond that, I think there are a number of skilled people that can create very high quality work in Bryce. Unfortunately, I do not happen to be one of them.
Everyone knows Bryce doesn't have some things like displacement mapping, dynamic hair and cloth, or ambient occlusion.... and that's why we need to get these features into Bryce as soon as possible. Bryce is a great program to work with, and how could anyone live without those incredible Bryce Booleans that have no equal.
"An Example is worth Ten Thousand Words"
I will just say this for now...
Big things are in store for Bryce/DS and all of the other Products...
Most folks didnt realise the advatages of useing of DS and Bryce6.0+ in Game Creation and the Pipeline that both prorams can do to help Higher End Users that dont like the rigging and animation tools that they have in their Programs..
Darlisa and I really showed folks the advantages of the NEW features of Bryce 6.0+...
We showed animations,Modeling,Animated Vegitation,IBL,Multiple scene's ect...
I really loved the expressions on the "College Kids" and the old time users when it was explained to them on how Bryce has evolved and I especially liked it when I had a kid come around and state to me..."Why use Bryce at all" when you can write a Better rendering engine then Bryce's"...
Oh man did I have fun with that one...
Hmmmmmm...$8,000 for Maya and a Hundred Bucks for Bryce 6.1...
He kept saying he could do better,So I said..
"Then dude write the engine and make MONEY..."
Many great Idea's were discussed about What We would "LIKE" to see, The one "Dream Idea" I liked for the future is one that Lets users have the options for Multiple Rendering Engines within and Outside of Bryce,Let the user use the Rendering engine they wanted,I really liked that one I really hope Darlisa suggested this as Feature request,I am all for it...Great for New users and also still great for old schoolers...
Anyways Bryce the word really got out there this year and I am so happy on how many people thought bryce was a "Toy" now know that it never was a "TOY"....
The features that were floating around made me scream many times I want Bryce 7+ NOW...I think Darlisa wanted to smack me around Quite a few times...hahahahahaa
Anyway folks I am Positive that we will see Many new folks joing the forums to say they are a "Brycer" now...
There are a few Utube vid's over at Utube that RYAN B.. from DAZ filmed here are the links...
The whole crew did an excellent job...
Dan and Chris were an inspiration plus a riot...
Steve,Darlisa,Tony,Steve W and Jarom were like Family..
Brittney and Lucy were astounding and very Stunning to be around...
And meeting Charles Brissart from Carrara was Awesome even tho I dont think I understood him to much(I have bad hearing in loud Places)
Kevin P is an astounding Stand up Comic that could be on stage if he wanted....The whole room laughed thru his whole routine...Awesome work..
Meeting Will Dupre and Colin again was a very nice surprise and a Pleasure,Rosetta too...
And of course I met Ken G and his wife (Emperor Ken) and this was a very very nice Experience because I got to finally meet whom alot of folks call "Birdman"....Of course even tho we had relief there it seemed me and Darlisa couldnt get away from the booth because of how busy we got,Even tho we were there for Bryce we also Demo'd Daz Studio and Steve was demoing the new Plugin for DS...And Steve W From C6 was also Demoing Hex every now and then...he modeled a necklace to specs that Lucy had in less then an hour(Man is a terror)he even started Brittney in modeling in less then an hour...
Never found Renderosity or trueSpace Booth........
I don't get the impression anyone in this thread was indulging in slanderfest. Personally I have an extreme fondness for Bryce, like the Bryce 6 upgrade and was expressing just how hard it is for me to switch to another application at all, even one that has a slightly similar GUI feel as Carrara does. I have utmost admiration for some of my favourite Bryce artists who can make the program truly sing; Frogdot, Meski, Mario G to name but a few. I am not remotely at their level. Each to his own is my motto. If I could do what those artsist do in Bryce I doubt I'd bother changing application at all. There you go, my flaws.
Meanwhile, I'm still having a whale of a time learning my way round Carrara and suspect there may be going to be some images where I mix results from Poser, Bryce and Carrara with the odd C4D/Xfrog tree. The purists will hate me :D
Remember RayDream? I liked it and became quite productive with it, even with all it's flaws and bugs. Then, instead of fixing those flaws and bugs they came out with Carrara 1. That was bad news for me because they changet the interface too much, never fixed many of the old bugs, and left out some neat things that Ray Dream used to have. After that I started rendering in Bryce, realizing that I could create better renders with more ease. The rest is history.
Today we may have a perfect Carrara with state-of-the-art features, but changing ones 3D program is no trivial thing, especially when one has 7 years of skills and models invested in their old program.
"An Example is worth Ten Thousand Words"
I loved Bryce. However, as client expectations grew, the slow render engine and even slower updating of features required me to take it out of the work flow. BTW, did you know that ILM used to use Bryce to create many of their base textures? Of course the features that were unique to Bryce have been included to many 3D apps since then. But Bryce has a distinguished user base - past and present! ;)
I am old enough I can remember all of the really old graphic progs that are no longer around. Have a friend who has Bryce 4, and is still learning.
The current conditions have forced a lot of new changes to all of the software programs, so it will be interesting to see where all of those programs will be in a couple of years. Unlike programmers it is not easy to relearn a new 3D application every year.
Bryce 6 was a good upgrade, and so I have a lot of hope for the Carrara 6 upgrade as well.
Gosh, just like Christmas; Wait! Wait! And more waiting!!!
I started out in 3D with Poser 2, and soon after that added Bryce 2. Poser I took to immediately -- Bryce I used to create sky backgrounds & shiny spheres floating over dream-like digital oceans. Back in those days, it was a real chore to import Poser scenes into Bryce. Although I knew people who loved doing it. But I never learned to love it........
I had Ray Dream, which I rarely used. I've still got the box.
I have Carrara 5 - which I've found to be impressive in its own way. I'm a bit preoccupied with Lightwave, Vue 6I, and several other apps now -- but C6 has gotten my attention to such a degree as to inspire me to take DAZ's offer for an upgrade to Carrara 5 Pro at the sale price, and then wait for the release of C6Pro. So I'll be placing Carrara into my toolbox along with the others: and probably in a much more serious way than I have up until now.
DAZ is handling this new Carrara track just right........and good for them. I'll jump on the bandwagon, too -- I think that they are going places.
Bryce? I have B6.1 on my machine. But I can't say that I use the program to excess. I prefer Vue for landscapes, vistas, etc........but I'm not the type who needs to slam another app in order to promote my own favorite(s).
As others have pointed out in this thread, a lot of beautiful work is done in Bryce.
(Bring on Carrara 6! :biggrin:)
Quote - Actually, you can just pick up Bryce 5 for free now. I think it's perfect for a person that wants to dip there toes into the 3d world.
Where is it free?, I thought the free offer for bryce 5 had long expired. All I see are dead links from long ago like at no longer available
If you know of a working legal bryce 5 for windows free download link please let me know.
Frank Hawkins/Owner/DigitalDaydreams
Frank Lee Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery Store
My U.S.A eBay Graphics Software Store~~ My International eBay Graphics Software Store
I have found Bryce to be one of the most difficult and cryptic 3d programs I've ever attempted to use. I don't like it's GUI or having to shift through countless dialogue boxes to make changes. I perfer Vue to Bryce for Poser import, it seems to import poser figures better without me having to mess with material setting to make them look right. Vue plants and trees also are much more realistic, the ecosystems are to die for and now Carrara replicates in a way similar to ecosystems. Every time I try to do a Bryce scene I've given up in frustration 99% of the time. Perhaps it's just me but I can't relate to Bryce, I want to like it, but I've had too much frustration with it to continue to try to be productive with it right now.
I can appreicate the affection that 3D old times have for the application, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if Daz took all the features currently avaialble in Bryce and put them into Carrara 7 and merged the applications. Still there enough room in the 3D universe for alternative landscape rendering applications, so I hope for the sake of those affectionately in love with Bryce that they continue to develop it. Under Corel there was little improvement, Daz seems to be aggressively pursuing the Bryce market.
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After having worked with Poser, Vue and Bryce, why would one want to keep using Bryce. It seems the clunkest one do use and it renders slow. Carrara is the one program that is the easyest fore me me to use and thats 'cause of the interface makes it so clear to see what I'm manipulating. Bryce seems to be the hardest. To have both Bryce and Carrara seems redundent. Is there some that Bryce can do that Carrara can't? Especially after the release of C6.
I would love it if Carrara could do it all but I still need Daz Studio or Poser to get the figures started.