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Renderosity Forums / Carrara

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Carrara F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 23 11:50 pm)


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Subject: The great wait goes on!!!!

kaom ( ) posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 2:09 AM · edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:25 PM

Well here we are, waiting for the supposed patch or upgrade to come. Antoine left us hanging by a frayed thread with his last announcement. I don't think I'll make it for another two weeks.Carrara is eating my mind and my time, let's all pray to the 3D gods that this works itself into something good for us all.

FATfoe ( ) posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 8:06 AM

here here

litst ( ) posted Mon, 11 June 2001 at 7:39 PM

Philip Staiger from Eovia have said on Yahoo Groups that a file should be available for download for those who wants a free patch . Let's hope that it will offer all Carrara Studio's functionalities ! litst

cristianr ( ) posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 1:12 PM

Eovia faces a big challenge, first it has to apiece all of the Metacrapeations disgruntle customers that where disserted, before it can get them to spend any more money on there products. They have to recapture there market, and what is sad is that it was really not any of Eovia's doing, quite the contrary, there giving us hope for our orphaned 3D program. If they release Carrara Studio for free to all Carrara 1.0.1 register users, and it works and is better than Carraras original version, it would more than make up for all this lost time and aggravation that Metacrapetions created, and it would surly set things strait, at least with me, and entice me in to getting a future release of this software package. This seems to me the most likely course of action for Eovia to take. Only time will tell.

kaom ( ) posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 5:21 PM

Yeah only time will tell! Unfortunately Eovia seems to go by a different system of time than the rest of the world, I think they go according to the Mayan calender or something. At Eovia one week equals one month in our time.

John_Spirko ( ) posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 6:15 PM

Well, the curious thing about the Mayan calendar, is that it ends either October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012, depending on how it's interpreted. So there's plenty of time :-)

kaom ( ) posted Tue, 12 June 2001 at 6:40 PM

But according to the Mayan calender, on Dec 21,2012, the world is going basically end, they call it the end of time as we know it. So I hope the patch comes out before then so we can at least use Carrara for a while (bug free).

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