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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 24 11:54 pm)

Subject: Royloo's free suit

mousso ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 11:48 AM · edited Tue, 25 February 2025 at 8:51 PM

I didn't see this posted and I know that some people here love sci-fi stuff.
Royloo came out with this new outfit, and its free.
Vicky version is on its way in a few days.

here's the thread about it

and royloo's site



Anthanasius ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 12:14 PM

Look nice ! But dommage i'm borred to have to create acount just for download freebees ... ;-)

Génération mobiles Le Forum / Le Site


vholf ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 12:37 PM

Quote - Look nice ! But dommage i'm borred to have to create acount just for download freebees ... ;-)

Oh come on Anthanasius, it took me like 6 seconds to register including the confirmation email :-)

The outfit is pretty good. Thanks for the link.

SamTherapy ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 1:46 PM

Quote - Look nice ! But dommage i'm borred to have to create acount just for download freebees ... ;-)


Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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JVRenderer ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 3:44 PM

Kids nowadays own the world, don't they.

Software: Daz Studio 4.15,  Photoshop CC, Zbrush 2022, Blender 3.3, Silo 2.3, Filter Forge 4. Marvelous Designer 7

Hardware: self built Intel Core i7 8086K, 64GB RAM,  RTX 3090 .

"If you spend too much time arguing about software, you're spending too little time creating art!" ~ SomeSmartAss

"A critic is a legless man who teaches running." ~ Channing Pollock

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Acadia ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 5:38 PM

Quote - Look nice ! But dommage i'm borred to have to create acount just for download freebees ... ;-)

"Just for download freebies"!?

Maybe I look at it differently than you do.  But I found that statement rather rude and upsetting to me....and more than likely to every freebie creator out there.

The people who make freebies don't have to make them, and they certainly don't have to make them available to the public either.  But they do!

These kind and generous and talented people take the time out of their lives to make something for us.  The least we can do is be grateful to them and not shoot them down because they want to semi protect their stuff by requiring a registration to their site to download.

if you don't want to download, fine but do it quietly. There is no need to make an announcement about not downloading it and the reason behind it.

"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never
able to know ourselves fully as we are, especially the evil side of us.
This we can do only if we are not angry with our critics but will take in good
heart whatever they might have to say." - Ghandi

jartz ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 5:41 PM

Quote - I didn't see this posted and I know that some people here love sci-fi stuff.
Royloo came out with this new outfit, and its free.
Vicky version is on its way in a few days.

Thanks mousso for the info.  I always liked Royloo's creations.


Asus N50-600 - Intel Core i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz · Windows 10 Home/11 upgrade 64-bit · 16GB DDR4 RAM · 1TB SSD and 1TB HDD; Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 - 6GB GDDR5 VRAM; Software: Poser Pro 11x

wolf359 ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 7:34 PM


I would like to thank Royloo for this great **FREE** armor it reminds of the the Classic Jin Roh Armor in the anime Cult classic" Jin Roh the Wolf brigade" Some of us are more than willing to spend 5-9 seconds filling in two **SIMPLE** registration fields to get  a **FREE ** handout for M4.

Thanks  Again Royloo


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SamTherapy ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 7:52 PM

Just got it, too.  Also echo Wolf's thanks - and extra comments. 👍 

Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.

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Winterclaw ( ) posted Tue, 15 December 2009 at 7:56 PM

I didn't need to register to get an Aiko 3 outfit.  However I think it's a WIP because it's missing stuff to cover "certain parts".


Thus Spoketh Winterclaw: a blog about a Winterclaw who speaks from time to time.


(using Poser Pro 2014 SR3, on 64 bit Win 7, poser units are inches.)

infinity10 ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 12:31 AM

I recall RoyLoo did come awesome historical Chinese commercial products as well, in the early days.  Most were for Victoria and Michael 1 and 2 from DAZ3D.  Some years ago, they were sold at the now-defunct 3Dcommune.

The freebie historical items are now available at his new Kacha3D website.  I hope very much he'll make more of historical costumes and props sometime again.

Eternal Hobbyist


aguirre ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 3:20 AM

Hm. "Your login has been blocked", no matter if Firefox or IE. Furthermore the item does not appear in the dl-section. Perhaps royloo is doing a revision ?

wolf359 ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 4:58 AM

links to the clothing section are still working for me.

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Klebnor ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 8:56 AM

Quote - > Quote - Look nice ! But dommage i'm borred to have to create acount just for download freebees ... ;-)

"Just for download freebies"!?

Maybe I look at it differently than you do.  But I found that statement rather rude and upsetting to me....and more than likely to every freebie creator out there.

The people who make freebies don't have to make them, and they certainly don't have to make them available to the public either.  But they do!

These kind and generous and talented people take the time out of their lives to make something for us.  The least we can do is be grateful to them and not shoot them down because they want to semi protect their stuff by requiring a registration to their site to download.

if you don't want to download, fine but do it quietly. There is no need to make an announcement about not downloading it and the reason behind it.


There is no reason to make many of the statements made on these forums, they're individual opinions.   Why the need for absolute conformity?

For the record, I agree with the french chick.

Lotus 123 ~ S-Render ~ OS/2 WARP ~ IBM 8088 / 4.77 Mhz ~ Hercules Ultima graphics, Hitachi 10 MB HDD, 64K RAM, 12 in diagonal CRT Monitor (16 colors / 60 Hz refresh rate), 240 Watt PS, Dual 1.44 MB Floppies, 2 button mouse input device.  Beige horizontal case.  I don't display my unit.

lmckenzie ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 2:08 PM

"There is no reason to make many of the statements made on these forums, they're individual opinions." 

Relevance on the web began a slow death with IRC, Twitter administered the Coup de grâce. Hold on, Vicky just tweeted me that her feet hurt and Posette slept with Tiger Woods.

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken

Klebnor ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 3:54 PM

Quote - Hold on, Vicky just tweeted me that her feet hurt and Posette slept with Tiger Woods.

Tiger adamantly denies any such assignation.  OK, maybe Vicky, Aiko, Miki, Alice and Stephanie, but not Posette !

Lotus 123 ~ S-Render ~ OS/2 WARP ~ IBM 8088 / 4.77 Mhz ~ Hercules Ultima graphics, Hitachi 10 MB HDD, 64K RAM, 12 in diagonal CRT Monitor (16 colors / 60 Hz refresh rate), 240 Watt PS, Dual 1.44 MB Floppies, 2 button mouse input device.  Beige horizontal case.  I don't display my unit.

KimberlyC ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 9:27 PM

Wow.. thanks for sharing this info! :)

.::That which does not kill us makes us stronger::.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

pakled ( ) posted Wed, 16 December 2009 at 10:10 PM

I spent the better part of an hour looking in Freepository, when it was in the Commons all along...;)
Downloaded, and...;ideas...;)

I wish I'd said that.. The Staircase Wit

anahl nathrak uth vas betude doth yel dyenvey..;)

bantha ( ) posted Thu, 17 December 2009 at 5:30 AM · edited Thu, 17 December 2009 at 5:38 AM

Thank you for the info. IMHO there is nothing wrong in asking for a registration before giving out the freestuff. Of course, there is nothing wrong with not downloading because of that. Both opinions are fine. Still, people who contribute to the community without charging for it will have my thanks and my respect, even if I don't need or use what they offer. And this outfit doesn't look like it's done in a couple of minutes.

A ship in port is safe; but that is not what ships are built for.
Sail out to sea and do new things.
-"Amazing Grace" Hopper

Avatar image of me done by Chidori

Klebnor ( ) posted Thu, 17 December 2009 at 6:56 AM

Quote - I would like to thank Royloo for this great FREE armor
it reminds of the the Classic Jin Roh Armor in the anime Cult classic" Jin Roh the Wolf brigade"
Some of us are more than willing to spend 5-9 seconds filling in two SIMPLE registration fields to get  a **FREE ** handout for

Thanks  Again Royloo


Are we looking at the same registration form?  The one on the Kacha3d site requires detailed personal information (11 required fields, not two) and the user must agree to the terms of service, which allow for storage of the personal data and it's sharing not only when legally required but also to "co-operate with other sites to combat piracy", whatever that means.


Lotus 123 ~ S-Render ~ OS/2 WARP ~ IBM 8088 / 4.77 Mhz ~ Hercules Ultima graphics, Hitachi 10 MB HDD, 64K RAM, 12 in diagonal CRT Monitor (16 colors / 60 Hz refresh rate), 240 Watt PS, Dual 1.44 MB Floppies, 2 button mouse input device.  Beige horizontal case.  I don't display my unit.

wolf359 ( ) posted Thu, 17 December 2009 at 7:10 AM

Quote - > Quote -


Are we looking at the same registration form?  The one on the Kacha3d site requires detailed personal information (11 required fields, not two) and the user must agree to the terms of service, which allow for storage of the personal data and it's sharing not only when legally required but also to "co-operate with other sites to combat piracy", whatever that means.


I had to choose a user name & password and wait 3 second for a confirmation Email and I was able to get to the freebies
 As far as " personal information"
 im just not that paranoid about giving out my  free public,
junk collector,(Dont give a hoot about spam), Email address over at Yahoo.

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mousso ( ) posted Thu, 17 December 2009 at 8:35 AM

Quote -
I had to choose a user name & password and wait 3 second for a confirmation Email and I was able to get to the freebies

Same here, but the registration page looks different now. I guess the site is going to be a store.

StevieG1965 ( ) posted Thu, 17 December 2009 at 9:01 AM

Quote - I recall RoyLoo did come awesome historical Chinese commercial products as well, in the early days.  Most were for Victoria and Michael 1 and 2 from DAZ3D.  Some years ago, they were sold at the now-defunct 3Dcommune.

The freebie historical items are now available at his new Kacha3D website.  I hope very much he'll make more of historical costumes and props sometime again.

I saw in the forums at his site a comment about some ideas he was working on for future releases for the historical Chinese line for V4/A4 and M4/H4.  Should be top notch, can't wait to see some W.I.Ps in the hopeful near future.

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