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Subject: Very off Topic: Paranormal

silverblade33 ( ) posted Thu, 01 July 2010 at 5:13 PM · edited Mon, 21 October 2024 at 11:30 PM

finally got around to writing up my experinces with "weird" stuff

ok, so, I'm odd! ;)

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tsquare ( ) posted Thu, 01 July 2010 at 10:14 PM

 ooo I like weird stuff... so guess I am another odd one!


R.P.Studios ( ) posted Fri, 02 July 2010 at 2:58 AM

WOW Steve, a few dozen more of these and you got yourself a book :D

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.

alexcoppo ( ) posted Fri, 02 July 2010 at 4:05 AM

One day I was coming back home. It was about 2pm. Hot day, road almost empty, everything perfectly OK. The route I was travelling is a kind of bypass and is designed to go 90 km/h; everybody, if the traffic allows it, exceed 110 km/h :m_wink:. That day, as I told you, the way was almost empty, so I was actally going at 120 km/h. The snag? the road is has many wide turn and a somewhat hard turn to the right, the visibility completely cut off by trees and a house.

That day, when I was approaching that turn I had a most vivid kind of "vision" (not an actual image, just "knowing") of a lonely stopped dark blue car just around the corner. There was NO indication that there was anything amiss. I was actually alone on my side of the road. I slammed the brakes and managed to nearly stop entering the turn. There was a long queue of stopped vehicles, due to an accident where a truck had completely burned down. The queue was completely hidden behind the turn. And the last vehicle of the queue was a dark blue car. Given the speed I was going, I would not be here, typing this story, had I not followed that feeling.

GIMP 2.7.4, Inkscape 0.48, Genetica 3.6 Basic, FilterForge 3 Professional, Blender 2.61, SketchUp 8, PoserPro 2012, Vue 10 Infinite, World Machine 2.3, GeoControl 2

DAM3D ( ) posted Fri, 02 July 2010 at 5:45 AM

 I appreciate reading or better yet hearing first hand from people's odd experiences like that, it's just neat and makes your mind really scramble to make sense of it.

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silverblade33 ( ) posted Fri, 02 July 2010 at 6:51 AM

well we all love eerie tales ;)
used to like the M R James horror stories as a kid, "The Monkey's Paw", and who didn't like Hammer horrors etc :p

R P Studios,
*"Welcome ot the Twilight Zone, book 1" *hehe ;)

yup that's the kind of thing folk need to think more on.
Most people's "spooky stuff" i jsut simple misunderstadning, but sometimes...nope, more than that.

Alas most folk don't like talking about such stuff to avoid feeling foolish, be surprised how many folk have had really odd experiences, out there!

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Darboshanski ( ) posted Sat, 03 July 2010 at 11:51 AM

What always has cracked me up is that you hear all these scientists, physicists, shrinks and religious folk talking about how vast the universe is, angels and demons, UFOs and all of the unknowns in nature and yet will be the first to shoot down such experiences. These are suppose to be open minded individuals HA! I always thought that science was one thing to keep an open mind on because there is so much left to discover and explain. We as humans like to think we know it all and have explanations for everything when in fact we are like children who are afraid of the monsters under our beds and need mummy and daddy to explain them away.

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gillbrooks ( ) posted Tue, 06 July 2010 at 6:13 PM · edited Tue, 06 July 2010 at 6:15 PM

OK - yep.  I saw something very weird in the early 80's.

It was the time when CB radio was big here (before it was legalised!)   I was on late chatting to friends. Light out, curtains open.  I spotted what must have been a triangular craft hovering northwest - I could only see 3 red lights in triangle formation. I mentioned it to my mates and they all saw it too.  We went to the breaker channel and asked if anyone else could see it and where they were.   A load of people came back up to 10 miles away from where I was.
We just stayed up all night talking and looking.  Fortunately, it was summer 😄   Anyhoo,after a couple of hours this 'thing' had a load of little lights eject from it and whatever they were came down to the ground - we never saw them go back up.  The 'mothership' as we called it still didn't move. Had been there for at least 3 hours by now.  Thinking back, I dunno why any of us didin't get in the car and head in the general direction of where it appeared to be ( from my estimation it was hovering somewhere over Cannock Forest or Hednesford - ish). 
A bit later, before sunrise but the sky had started to lighten, it suddenly just zoomed off.  No apparent acceleration - just went from stationary to whoosh !

Always wondered what it was we all saw that night.  Oh and yes, I was sober 😉



alexcoppo ( ) posted Wed, 07 July 2010 at 12:20 AM

Quote - Always wondered what it was we all saw that night.

Some gum chewing yanks playing with their super secret toys...

GIMP 2.7.4, Inkscape 0.48, Genetica 3.6 Basic, FilterForge 3 Professional, Blender 2.61, SketchUp 8, PoserPro 2012, Vue 10 Infinite, World Machine 2.3, GeoControl 2

silverblade33 ( ) posted Wed, 07 July 2010 at 5:11 AM

hehe yeah, simple fact is be Humans know this much
" . "
And the Universe is like
and on and on for 13 billion years' worth of lines! ;)
We don't have the thrght to feel certain of about anything, there may even be civilizations hwere death and taxes have been beaten ;)

hehe I remember that with the CBs being everyone had ot have one, they made them legal and...they stopped being os popular :p

yeah it's the fact these things can hover absolutely 100% still, no vibration or swaying, then whoooosh! just accelerate at impossible rates.

"I'd rather be a Fool who believes in Dragons, Than a King who believes in Nothing!"
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gillbrooks ( ) posted Wed, 07 July 2010 at 9:51 AM

Quote -
hehe I remember that with the CBs being everyone had ot have one, they made them legal and...they stopped being os popular :p

yeah it's the fact these things can hover absolutely 100% still, no vibration or swaying, then whoooosh! just accelerate at impossible rates.

I got rid of mine just after legalisation.  My last rig had over 600 channels (I'd had some added), HamInternational Concord.  Great fun.  That's how I met hubby, though we didn't actually hook up till a couple of years after the CB thing had died.

Ooh, and back on the other topic, even further back when I was a wee kid, had to be late 60's because of where we were living at the time, my dad saw 2 moons.  My  mom told him not to be so silly so he persuaded her out into the garden to look, and indeed, she also saw 2 moons.  They were not close together.   Now that's a strange one.



Xpleet ( ) posted Sun, 11 July 2010 at 7:20 AM

I have been researching these topics for the last 6-7 years.

The triangles you wrote of, Silverblade are all over the place in the united states. There are several sources stating these craft are built in the United States. And because there have been many ongoing treaties with the well known extraterrestrial tyrants (commonly known under greys, reptilians etc.) for the last 60+ years, many of the underground corporations (who pretend they're government) who work in conjunction with these extraterrestrials and their agendas, now own this kind of technology that is completly out of the scope of the public.
Regarding the purpose of the triangle craft: from all the data I could gather it's a serveillance and abduction/personal transportation scoutcraft.
But there are have also been reports of bigger ones, in fact some of them so big they'd fill the entire sky of the observe if they were low enough. The reason they are only visible at night most of the time is because they block out the stars, and at daytime they are only visible in the infra-red light spectrum and they have been observed using 3rd gen night vision devices.

People are now discussing these topics, taboo'd by The System, in many forums, which means that the general state of ignorance is finally breaking down.

If you like passive psychic arts by the way, try remote viewing, it's a lot of fun and everybody can do it. Most of you will be astounded that you can actually gather real data from anywhere/anytime in the space & time continuum, just with your mind. This is a great training site for remote viewing: and forum:
In fact the CIA has admitted of using Remote Viewing to spy on the Russians in the cold war.

kind regards,


alexcoppo ( ) posted Mon, 12 July 2010 at 12:38 PM

Just a small idea of the totally earthly stuff that is up there.

GIMP 2.7.4, Inkscape 0.48, Genetica 3.6 Basic, FilterForge 3 Professional, Blender 2.61, SketchUp 8, PoserPro 2012, Vue 10 Infinite, World Machine 2.3, GeoControl 2

silverblade33 ( ) posted Mon, 12 July 2010 at 3:04 PM

("!=" means "does not equal")
problem with the UFO's is it's physically impossible to accelerate from 0 to 1000+knots instantly AND do a true right angle turn
not banking becauseof inertia and needing air for lift etc, instead an actual L shaped turn
AND stop dead.

so, no know tech coudl allow that. theoretically i't spossible with some weird antigravity where you are within your "own relative gravity well"
but such tech and power sources would be vaslty beyond our own
so either someone found some amazing leap forward in tech
or it's aliens
or it's something beyond our current comprehension (like seeing things occuring in another universe because of their power source "bleeding through" into ours)

"I'd rather be a Fool who believes in Dragons, Than a King who believes in Nothing!"
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Xpleet ( ) posted Mon, 12 July 2010 at 5:12 PM · edited Mon, 12 July 2010 at 5:17 PM

Quote - so, no know tech coudl allow that. theoretically i't spossible with some weird antigravity where you are within your "own relative gravity well"
but such tech and power sources would be vaslty beyond our own
so either someone found some amazing leap forward in tech
or it's aliens
or it's something beyond our current comprehension (like seeing things occuring in another universe because of their power source "bleeding through" into ours)

Yup that is roughly how they work.

They float within their own huge magnetic field and then they amplifie their generators to whichever direction they wish to go. Then they simply let themselves be pulled by it.

You can find many videos where there are stars and then another kind of "stars" that'll go fast like satelites but making instant, right angle turns. Those are the kind of advanced magnetic craft we're talking about.

What do you think this is?

These are two huge magnetic fields of advanced craft, moving through the sky. You can see the plus pole which is the underside of the craft, where the mass accumulates in the middle and the minus pole at the top which pushes the cloudmass out of the way. As I said most of them are not visible until atleast in the infrared light spectrum and they are tracked by ground and air radar operators all the time but they are told to make no buzz about it or else. This systematic cover-up works on blackmail, layer through layer in society.

So you see this huge scam going on: humanity looking for life in space, when in reality the bipedal humanoid extraterrestrials have been here on and off Earth for atleast ten thousand years and worshipped in many cultures as gods.
Our modern mainstream scientific mindset has become like a religion with it's own strict set of beliefs that are nowhere near where the evidence of the reality of things is. And most people don't want to change their minds now because it is too painful to accept the fact that we have been living a lie for decades.

kind regards,


silverblade33 ( ) posted Wed, 14 July 2010 at 10:12 PM

problem is though, if someone had tech like that, they'd have total domination
So if it was war in Afghanistan/Iraq and it's the USA who's got the problem!
go to 100 miles up, in your antigravity machine, which since it's antigravity has little concern on mass it can lift compared to our crappy chemical rockets (which are actually woeful, no matter how damn great the designers/engieers are, efficiency and practical ability wise, they SUCK)
take 100 ton of steel rods with guidance systems up to space, and drop them from your orbital spy ship...see Project Thor. completely wipe out any bugger you want, no fallout, chemicals etc
kinetic weapons from orbit.

since that is not happening...I'm kind of doubtful it's the US government. Not impossible, but...unlikely much as I'd like to believe it.
I'm well aware of what the US, and UK, and USSR got up to that most folk don't want to hear about "their side" (in regards to really evil and stupid stuff) but....UFOs...that tech is such a huge leap forward it's beyond normal advancement, have to be true breakthrough/accident etc
it would have filtered out

now, if you want to read up on The Day After Roswell
written by an ex-Army intelligence colonel, and national security advisor
now that is interesting
but it's still...humans being idiots :p
Spiritual stuff if true, has much more meaning

"I'd rather be a Fool who believes in Dragons, Than a King who believes in Nothing!"
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