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Bryce F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Aug 28 6:28 pm)

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Subject: the gods tease me to death...otish..

erosiaart ( ) posted Wed, 08 December 2010 at 2:25 AM · edited Sun, 15 September 2024 at 2:05 AM

or at least..they trying to humour me till i grow sour..and i won't fall prey!! 

My laptop has fallen ill again..and I've had to send it to the hospital for diagnosis. Will be there for two days..and won't know how long after. 

Welcome to the real world again. A world I dislike.. and run away from. 

Books, movies, and wondering what to do. Turning into a tigress who's sadly down with a sore her roars are rather either or really mousey.  

I miss my bryce.. just the comfort of knowing I can open it up anytime and render anything anytime, anywhere. It's been 34 mins since I left my laptop... sigh. 

In that noisy cafe a few mins from home. Silence..just the fan whiring. Yes, fan, Temp dropped like a stone to 10 deg yesterday.. (celcius).. but it's in the upper 20's now. I can hear traffic on the road.. and feel the grit of dust out here. Oh ..just noticed the keyboard. Don't ask..and I won't tell of the amt of dust between the keyboards. nor the amt of wires around. 

Reality?? they don't even have photoshop on this. Reality sucks. 

And now..someone popped in to ask about the charges for a scan. He says they charged him less the lat time. A mere 8 pence for a scan..and he's shouting. peace, I want to yell. Rs 10 is nothing! Pay..and be happy. He resigns..and it's once more silence. 

O for the silence of home! But my brain screams..photoshop..bryce! A thumping beat in my head. 



tom271 ( ) posted Wed, 08 December 2010 at 4:58 AM

Sorry to hear that Rosie...    This too shall pass...   more grits for the mill...

burning Karma...  ;)


erosiaart ( ) posted Wed, 08 December 2010 at 6:46 AM

it's that snowman in a globe image that did it in. the one i put up on the post of my nano window slowing down . to render it..took me 3 hours...!! no joke on the render time, haha on the what that did it.

keyboard here rather stiff... an it's warm in here despite it being coolish out.

burning karma?? lol... i so must have been a naughty kiddo in my previous birth!! :-p

Rayraz ( ) posted Wed, 08 December 2010 at 6:23 PM

lol why dont you take the opportunity to enjoy the good things in real life? last 2 weeks i worked 170 hours.. damn it was good ot have a day off after that.. i intentionally left the pc alone and even my laptop! no computers.. all .. day.. long.. and it was bliss! i hung out with a friend, chilled, talked, slept in, spent time with family.


(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Wed, 08 December 2010 at 11:44 PM reading.. Sarum.. Edward Rutherford.

I guess I feel sort of left out as everyone I know are seas and countries away from and most of my friends. We'd communicate thru skype or emails. It does get you sort of feeling out of it..esp if you a news junkie like me and the paper version of an Indian newspaper can be read in 5 mins flat. No joke. My sister panicked yesterday.. didn't see me online on skype..and called from HK.. "are you ok"? This was before I took the laptop to the hospital after it fell ill.

And I really miss bryce. there is that comfort that when the real world goes mad around you, you can disappear into that world and nothing can disturb you.

170 hours non stop?? good lord! That's a nitemare! Yeah..I know how you feel though..that it's great to be out of that intense work and into doing other stuff. Like a big bag lifted from your shoulders.

have fun..enjoy your beak. I'm gonna go back to sit in a garden, and read to my heart's content..with a packet of bublegum flavored biscuits. :-p

Hubert ( ) posted Thu, 09 December 2010 at 4:51 PM

Hi Rosie,

oh no, not again!! 

I had intended to give Woody a "very special" Laptop as Christmas gift!!

Maybe you could use it until yours will be returned from repair? But I doubt that a "woody-compatible" Laptop will suit your purposes and skills. You will understand, when seeing that scene here in the Gallery, soon.

Maybe it will cheer you up a little bit. ;) 

Good Luck for your Laptop!


"All that we see or fear, is but a Sphere inside a Sphere."     (E. A. Pryce -- Tuesday afternoon, 1845)

Rayraz ( ) posted Thu, 09 December 2010 at 6:19 PM

hahaha noo not 170 hours non-stop.. 170 hours spread over 14 days.. roughly 12 hours a day on average, 14 days in a row. Still alot though yea! i took one day off and got back to work again lol.

hmm i suppose it does get a bit different of a situation when your family and friends are all in different places. perhaps you should look for news articles that are harder to digest? so it takes more then 5 minutes to be done with them :P

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Fri, 10 December 2010 at 6:54 AM

Hubert!! am desperately asking around for a spare laptop.. got an offer.. (kiddo's been banned from using his laptop during exams)..but I'll have to install bryce on it..

woody compatible? oh man..anything is welcome now...

rayraz. Ever came out of the office one day and looked at the sun..for the first time in days and tell your colleagues.."oh that what the sun flooks like?" i love that feel..

btw..was about to get a new mobile that would have been wifi connectable..but soft corner for my old phone. looks like as if i have to get the new one now.. though i dunno the security passcode for my home's on my laptop..

Hubert ( ) posted Fri, 10 December 2010 at 11:10 AM

Hi Rosie,

at least, you do not show any signs of addiction! :)

"(quote): woody compatible? oh man..anything is welcome now..."
Sure??? You should take a look at my according Woody scene first and decide only then! :))



"All that we see or fear, is but a Sphere inside a Sphere."     (E. A. Pryce -- Tuesday afternoon, 1845)

Rayraz ( ) posted Fri, 10 December 2010 at 1:34 PM

haha actually.. sometimes i walk through the office wondering why im still there :P like today.. im still here while i should be out havin dinner with a girl... and why? cuz sum1 else needed to use the ONLY usb stick big enough to transfer fullHD uncompressed video files on the ONLY pc that has hardware to compress it all at near realtime... i couldv been done an hour ago... instead i had to cancel my dinner.

oh by the way, if you are still bored on sunday, there will be an AWESOME concert in Blue Frog in Mumbai this december 12th, with some of brittains greatest dubstep producers of the moment! I sooo wanna go but im nowhere near india.. Especially the tracks from Nuphlo and Engine Earz will be sure to blow anyones mind! if only i were rich enough to just fly overthere... I cant believe u guys in india get Engine-Earz before we do overhere in the netherlands! sadly dubstep isnt big here yet.. <= preview of the music ;)

We're still stuck here with mainstream american music when it comes to popular music. and oh my god what kinda crap do those americans produce?! Ever turned on mtv lately? I literally cannot distinguish serious songs from parodies anymore.. 

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Sat, 11 December 2010 at 6:55 AM

rayraz... i'm 3 hours drive from mumbai.. in and we can hop over to mumbai have a home to stay.. and hopefully by the time you fly in.. my laptop will be back with bryce on it..

Lol.. mtv here is crap too..all that rap and stuff that makes my head ache. where's the jazz and classical music?? And bossa nova and ooh..musicals, and instrumental music and stuff that makes you want to go ooh..such peace in silk and satin and the beach amd mtns?! :-p

I can't listen to the link you went speakers here.. and i'm petrified of putting on ear phones..if i can find one out here. will listen to it when i get my laptop. I know what you mean about India getting those bands out first. I do find it strange..since they all listen to boring American stuff. If I try to get in will be pretty difficult..will be full. It's madness..send any 'Western' band here and pple will flock, even if they've not heard them. Btw.. bryan adams coming in to my town next month.. :-p and i know the pple who bringing him in. I was supposed to do the twitter/fb mrkting bit of it

did you call up that girl and tell her honestly why you were stuck before she thinks you ditched her purposely?? i'd have made a date out of it.. get wine in the office, and hors d'oeuvres...and vase of her to the office..and voila.. a work date. (though if i was that girl i'd have pummelled you with a pillow). hope you went out with her later on!

HUBERT!! I call getting a cold addiction.. and pacing up and down like the dad when a mother is in labour addiction..and getting lost..walking around like a zombie addiction. Amd not knowing what to do in life..feeling really odd and out of place...addiction.

zorzim ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 5:38 AM

Dear Rosieee !

Sorry to hear about your laptop... these things happens.

I have 3 desktops, and from time to time every one of them suffer some serious problem that require tech attention... the one you pay with sound money...

the other week I was lucky; on my main machine ,the one on which I compose

my renders, XP crashed and refused to start, ever. But was costless this time...

I am ready to this, I have an updated Ubuntu Live CD, plus many software tools that can accoomplish almost everything, like taking out from the trashbin erased files, so rarely happens that I lose anything that I do.

Well, what I can propose to you...  ?

Can I be radical...? Bring out the paper and stencils, and color out your soul onto it.

I know at first you will not like the very idea. Try to effort on it lest say ten minutes,

what you draw really doesn't matter - I am sure this will ease your loss.

Of course this can't replace Skype... for that you will have to wait...

erosiaart ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 6:48 AM

Zorzim, i got my laptop back yesterday or was it day before evening., with a warning..keep it on for no more than 3 hours at a stretch... how do i render????????????? was told that if it gave up again..its straight to computer heaven. I have to use a laptop fan too. Rendering caused it all. 

oh man. I just bought this one two years ago. next laptop.. I'm buying 3 years guantee time. 

Rayraz!!!!!!!! That sort of music is ok if you at a club. You tell me you listen to this when you bryce? reminds me of that white/blue light in clubs..when everyone is happily tipsy  and I'm sort of wondering if I can escape and go read a book far away.. when you get out of the club.. you realize how silent every where is!! Silence seems so silent that time away from it!

Rayraz ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 7:01 AM

I listen to that when i bryce or when i program or when im out partying or in the bus to work.. that and many other styles of music.. but nothing can perpare you for the festival of sounds and vibrations that flows straight into every fiber of your being when you stand in front of a wall of speakers blasting some subsonic and/or wobbeling baselines infused with the rich dynamic part instrumental, part electronic compositions that are the fruit of the producers' labor.

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

Rayraz ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 7:04 AM

Oh by the way, its great at a club, but even better in a squatted abandoned building filled with audiophiles that spent all day or more tweaking every amplifier, equalizer, filter and every interference pattern in the room to perfection.

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 7:10 AM

and where your heart beat goes doom doom..with the beat? lol.. you'll so love it out here. the clubs play music at megawatt speakers...forget decibel levels.. don't think that scale for that level was invented yet. just as you described and more. 

oooh man.. you mean where your hair literally gets blown with the sound?

Lol. remind me..not to fall for you. :-p :-p 

Rayraz ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 7:16 AM

haha well, its loud enough to make a full beer bottle jump about a quarter inch off the table when the bass gives it a nice little kick :P

And yea i do very strongly advice to wear earplugs cuz it'd be a shame to end up with damage to your ears.

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 7:22 AM

i love it when it does that to glasses and bottles. I've always been tempted to keep the glass at the edge of the table, but insane friends frown upon me.. such a waste of a drink and a galss..and the mess on the floor! 

Rayraz ( ) posted Fri, 17 December 2010 at 9:03 AM

haha i would prefer to not put my drink on the edge of the table either.. :P

(")This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

erosiaart ( ) posted Sat, 18 December 2010 at 6:03 AM · edited Sat, 18 December 2010 at 6:03 AM

hear this one?

put yr speaker on the highest..

TheBryster ( ) posted Sat, 18 December 2010 at 3:25 PM
Forum Moderator

Well I'm still chilling out at home. I'm itching to Bryce something but my loco's been on my mind and I can't face getting into that atm.....way too complex for this damaged brain. I've been creating playlists for when I get back to the Radio Station and on the air again, which won't happen till new year because I'm too knackered. I'll probably end up creating Jingles again. SonicFire is awesome.

I'm listening to RUSH R30 which I got as a gift - 2DVD & 2CD boxed set. No not a Christmas pressy, but my headphones don't go loud enough for me. I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing. Whatever. Here's 'Animate' - again. I love the chord structure on this one. I watched the DVDs the other day. Geddy Lee was having soooooo much fun on stage at Frankfurt. Of course he could have been stoned........

The snow has bought most of the UK to a standstill. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere. We're gonna get more snow tonight and it's getting colder. I watched the snow come down at 4am - it was so quiet out there.

If you didn't know about it, check out the NORAD website and the countdown to Tracking Santa. Or you could create a message from Santa at   for a little one. Not sure if you have to pay.

Be happy, Guys!


Available on Amazon for the Kindle E-Reader

All the Woes of a World by Jonathan Icknield aka The Bryster

And in my final hours - I would cling rather to the tattooed hand of kindness - than the unblemished hand of hate...

ThunderStone ( ) posted Sun, 19 December 2010 at 9:15 AM · edited Sun, 19 December 2010 at 9:18 AM

Keep warm, Bryster! And just relax! Doing the loco will come in its own due time. Meanwhile, I am taking off for parts unknown this coming week. I'll pop in from time to time to see what's shaking and also on FB... Those that are on there will know I'm there either playing games or re-connecting to my friends and family over there. Cheers to all and

Happy Holidays!!!


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


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