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Forum Moderators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 24 11:54 pm)

Subject: hi all ,who can do me a favor ?

null2001 ( ) posted Thu, 30 August 2001 at 10:08 PM · edited Wed, 26 February 2025 at 3:03 PM

hi friends i come from china ,could you do me a favor,i like poser very much,but in china i just can get limited tool ,not integrated poser ,because financial problem ,so i am not afford fee about this design tool ,could you tell me how can i get perfect pro pack ? thanks a lots null2001

hauksdottir ( ) posted Thu, 30 August 2001 at 11:40 PM

We do not support or condone piracy in any way. People work really hard to make these programs, and without sales, these small companies will die and nobody will have these tools. Please wait until you can buy the software legally. Carolly

null2001 ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 12:35 AM

i know your meaning , ok , maybe i should think sth anyway thanks null2001

GeorgeD ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 12:47 AM

You can get a copy here: Ask for Anthony Hernandez and tell him you want a free copy of Poser Pro Pack because you couldn't find it on any of the Warez sites. I'm sure he will take good care of you. GeorgeD

atthisstage ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 11:00 AM

God help poor Anthony now..... I can imagine how much his mailbox is now gonna be flooded.

GeorgeD ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 11:04 AM

I think the fact that I mentioned Warez and pointed them to one of the guys that handles the AntiWarez crusade will keep alot of people from emailing him:) If they know what is good for them that is:) GeorgeD

atthisstage ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 11:46 AM

You know, forgive me for saying so, but that's just plain cruel. Whoever the original poster is, his first language is not English, so he probably doesn't have a clue what Warez is, let alone what it'll mean. Hell, I don't know, and I'm not exactly a virgin when it comes to these programs. So now you set him (and God only knows how many other people out there who don't know what Warez are) up and send him off to get blasted by someone he doesn't know and who he thinks will be able to help him. Boy, what a pal.

GeorgeD ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 11:57 AM

I recieved an instant message from null2001 thanking me for helping since he couldn't find it "for free" anywhere. trust me there's no language barrier with the word Warez. If you've been doing 3D long enough to need or want Pro Pack I'm sure you know what the word Warez means.

atthisstage ( ) posted Fri, 31 August 2001 at 2:03 PM

Bud, I've been working in 3D for years and only recently knew anything at all about "Warez". And the fact that the guy IMs to thank you for your "help" just compounds the insult. Jeez. Never mind.

null2001 ( ) posted Sat, 01 September 2001 at 1:28 AM

sorry all ,i am newer here ,and know poser last year,but i just get copy version ,and i just wanna get pro pack ,because i know it can make *.swf and i am useing flash now ,and wanna study 3d tool ,sure,i am not know what mean about Warez,maybe culture reason or so something,so , i did not whats your think ,and i just wanna say is ,because i am not rich ,and i cannot afford the fee ,so if who prefer to really help me get pro pack,i am so glad and thanks very much . null2001

bantha ( ) posted Sun, 02 September 2001 at 5:41 AM

Null2001, You will not get a free pro pack here. We do not support pirated software. We do not give away software which is not free. I do not own pro pack, because i do not have the money to buy it. I would like to make my 3D Models with maya, sice it is the best tool for it, but I cannot afford it and do not use it. Even if you can get downloads from the Internet for free, it is still illegal in most countries. Noone here will give you a free copy. Ask further and you will probably banned.

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-"Amazing Grace" Hopper

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