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Renderosity Forums / Poser 12

Welcome to the Poser 12 Forum

Forum Moderators: nerd Forum Coordinators: nerd

Poser 12 F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 22 9:02 pm)

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Subject: Updated Python scripts ?

ThunderStone ( ) posted Mon, 30 January 2023 at 2:48 PM · edited Mon, 06 January 2025 at 7:35 PM

Are there any legacy python scripts (e.g. Camera Panel 2014, etc.) available? Would like to use PICK if it's updated to the latest python version. Also, is there a fast and easier way to import libraries from various runtimes?


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


nerd ( ) posted Mon, 30 January 2023 at 6:07 PM
Forum Moderator

Updating the python scripts is original author. Some scripts are an easy update some are not. There is a Python that will link the runtimes from an older version of Poser to the current version.

Here's a link to it from my Dropbox:

ThunderStone ( ) posted Mon, 30 January 2023 at 6:33 PM
@nerd, I thank you. I will take a look when I'm at my desktop tomorrow in the morning.


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


Y-Phil ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 2:22 AM

You will find Snarlygribbly's own scripts updated for Poser 12 on Cobrablade.



👿 Win11 on i9-13900K@5GHz, 64GB, RoG Strix B760F Gamng, Asus Tuf Gaming RTX 4070 OC Edition, 1 TB SSD, 6+4+8TB HD
👿 Mac Mini M2, Sequoia 15.2, 16GB, 500GB SSD
👿 Nas 10TB
👿 Poser 13 and soon 14 ❤️

ThunderStone ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 10:26 AM

Y-Phil, yes, I noticed that from yesterday's reading. It's all good. Just have to put the EZSkin and EZDome kits together in my runtime.


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


ThunderStone ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 10:41 AM

Nerd, I thank you and Y-Phil again for the suggestion. 1 Question, where do I install this script? In the PoserScript /Menu section or the main Python folder in Poser 12?


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


Y-Phil ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 11:14 AM · edited Tue, 31 January 2023 at 11:16 AM

You may either install in a sub-folder of Poser's Poserscript folder, to access it directly from Poser's menu, or you may customize the Python Scripts Toolbox, example:


In the case of the Python Scripts Toolbox, you have the control, using a list of sub-folders, to build a full, custom toolbox



👿 Win11 on i9-13900K@5GHz, 64GB, RoG Strix B760F Gamng, Asus Tuf Gaming RTX 4070 OC Edition, 1 TB SSD, 6+4+8TB HD
👿 Mac Mini M2, Sequoia 15.2, 16GB, 500GB SSD
👿 Nas 10TB
👿 Poser 13 and soon 14 ❤️

ThunderStone ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 12:03 PM

Installed and ran. Got the following errors:

An error occurred importing addon  dson :
ERROR: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

An error occurred importing addon  EZMat :
ERROR: bad magic number in 'EZMat': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'

An error occurred importing addon  Reality :
ERROR: bad magic number in 'Reality': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'

An error occurred importing addon  dson :
ERROR: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

An error occurred importing addon  Reality :
ERROR: bad magic number in 'Reality': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'

An error occurred importing addon  ShaderWorks Scripts Menu :
ERROR: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print('Advanced Render Settings 2 not found. Please check installation.')? (, line 372)

I'm not a code writer or genius of any sort, so I welcome your advice in this matter.


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


Y-Phil ( ) posted Tue, 31 January 2023 at 3:42 PM

"ERROR: bad magic number in" means that you are trying to run a compiled Python script, often a .pyc, using the wrong Python version.
Poser12 uses Python 3.7 whereas Poser11 and previous versions are using Python2.7 scripts.
Same origin for the errror on the 'print' command: in Python3.x, print is not a command anymore but a function, thus needing to write if print("Hi!") for example.

"ERROR: DLL load failed": forget about dson with Poser12. You'll have to use Poser11 (dson uses Python2.x, and Daz refuses categorically to either update it or to let anybody update it).
Note that both Poser version can coexist on your system: install them in different folders. IN my case, Poser11 lies in "c:\program files\..." whereas Poser12 is launched from "p:\poser\poser12\..."

Something else you will have to check: often, in "Runtime\Python\addons", whatever the Poser version, you may find a list of modules that are automatically loaded when the said Poser version is launched.
In each subfolder of this "addons\", you may find a file named or __init__.pyc
This will instruct Poser's Python to load them.
If Poser12 encounters such a folder that is for Python2.7, chances are that it won't load, resulting in one of the encountered errors.
The solution: either find an updated version or remove the sub-folder from there.
In my case, for example, I have one called OctaneRender and Poser12's default PythonShell.
Poser11: there's dson, EZMat, KinectCapture and Poser11's default PythonShell.

Start investigating in the folder where the executable lies. I'm writing as my installation has all the runtimes in a dedicated folder, on an SSD drive, and both Poser version have their runtimes collection in common.



👿 Win11 on i9-13900K@5GHz, 64GB, RoG Strix B760F Gamng, Asus Tuf Gaming RTX 4070 OC Edition, 1 TB SSD, 6+4+8TB HD
👿 Mac Mini M2, Sequoia 15.2, 16GB, 500GB SSD
👿 Nas 10TB
👿 Poser 13 and soon 14 ❤️

ThunderStone ( ) posted Wed, 01 February 2023 at 12:53 PM

Y-Phil, thanks for the eye-opening explanation of the errors. Seems it would be better for me to simply just forget about trying to get the legacy scripts running in any shape or form in Poser 12 at this time. I don't think any of the authors, such as Netherwork will be updating their fine scripts from Poser Pro 2014. Really did love the Camera Panel and oh, don't get me started on the PICK from YUR digital. That was pure genius of a script. I am heartbroken that I can't use Reality in Poser 11. Simply won't load. I guess, it's now an abandonware because it needs to connect with the creator's server (Phone Home).  Guess I'll have to settle for using Poser 11 or if I can find my older versions of Poser in storage, I might be able to use them for the starter base, then render in Poser 12 Superfly.

One thing for sure, tho. I won't be in a hurry to upgrade to the newest and latest version of Poser when It comes out. I'll wait for the dust to settle. In the meantime, I'll just go ahead and just keep using 11. Hey, it ain't broken...


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


Y-Phil ( ) posted Wed, 01 February 2023 at 1:45 PM

Camera panel plus... yes: I used to love some parts of it.
And, I've writing my own tools within Poser12.

Just in case, you will find excellent tools here, to be used with Poser12 and I'm pretty sure that they will be upgraded for the soon-to-be-release Poser13



👿 Win11 on i9-13900K@5GHz, 64GB, RoG Strix B760F Gamng, Asus Tuf Gaming RTX 4070 OC Edition, 1 TB SSD, 6+4+8TB HD
👿 Mac Mini M2, Sequoia 15.2, 16GB, 500GB SSD
👿 Nas 10TB
👿 Poser 13 and soon 14 ❤️

HartyBart ( ) posted Thu, 09 March 2023 at 7:37 PM

Just noticed this thread. I don't think I'm allowed to link it, but if you Google for "Python scripts, for use in the new Poser 12" then you'll find a page of organised links dedicated to the topic.

Learn the Secrets of Poser 11 and Line-art Filters.

ThunderStone ( ) posted Fri, 10 March 2023 at 4:10 AM
HartyBart posted at 7:37 PM Thu, 9 March 2023 - #4458037

Just noticed this thread. I don't think I'm allowed to link it, but if you Google for "Python scripts, for use in the new Poser 12" then you'll find a page of organised links dedicated to the topic.

Thanks for sharing. 🤗


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


hborre ( ) posted Fri, 10 March 2023 at 7:00 AM

It's basically all the Ken1171 products that are found here in Rendo.

ThunderStone ( ) posted Sat, 11 March 2023 at 3:47 AM
hborre posted at 7:00 AM Fri, 10 March 2023 - #4458061

It's basically all the Ken1171 products that are found here in Rendo.

No, not really. Some have different authors.  Take a closer look.


OS: Windows 11 64-bit
Poser: Poser 11.3 ...... Units: inches or meters depends on mood
Bryce: Bryce Pro 7.1.074
Image Editing: Corel Paintshop Pro
Renderer: Superfly, Firefly

9/11/2001: Never forget...

Smiles are contagious... Pass it on!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday


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