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Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom

Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 09 2:22 am)

Subject: California Dreaming

Schlabber ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:02 AM

Hmmm ... this skirt - animation ... looks like there's something about "Collision Detection" :o) A question for CL/Kupa: As it IS asked so often - will there be any new animals available in Poser 5. I mean a horse that can grace ... a dog/wolf that can sleep ... a cat that can scratch behind it's ear ... etc ... I would happily do some poses for better creatures (yepp - for free) :o)

soulhuntre ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:57 AM

Attached Link:

Just a FYI - we archived these images (with permission) on our site as well.

wolf359 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:24 AM

thanks SH that will make it easier to share this with others it looks like the Default male is named "Alex" did you notice?? i wonder if he has any muscle morphs??

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wolf359 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:38 AM

The macintosh version will ship "sometime after" the PC version
so pleass PLEASE!!!! be patient

and I personally recommend a minimum G3 system or higher.
and to those who have considerd MAC OSX i think now is a good time to do so.( personal opinion)

and there will be continued support and development for the propack and hosting in other programs such as lightwave and Cinema4DXLand MAX
and in the near future a new 'Super plugin" that will forever change
the relationship between poser and the high end community.
Especially for Character animators :-)

My website

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AgentSmith ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:48 AM


Impressed with Poser 5, Woody is re-negotiating his Curious Labs contract for the upcoming release. He's asking for a larger gross percentage on the backend coupled with demands for a higher res body and first dibs on hair implants. AgentSmith (Woody's new Agent) * I get my 15% cut...or, Poser 5 for free, whichever comes first. Tell ya what, I'll just send you my address, so you can next day air that bad boy version 5...

Contact Me | Gallery | Freestuff | IMDB Credits | Personal Site
"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

xvcoffee ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 6:12 AM

Go into the Poser forum and then into search, enter Poser 5 into the field and look at the results. Does CL have very big ears?

x2000 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 6:13 AM

Ah, and you'll notice the "SETUP" tab. Cool. I was wondering if the Pro Pack features would integrated into the core app or not. So the biggest questions are: How soon is it coming? How much will it cost? How much computing power will this require? I have a feeling my poor old 533 Celeron with 128 megs of RAM just ain't gonna cut it no mo'...

bikermouse ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 6:33 AM

x2000: bet your right.

FyreSpiryt ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 6:40 AM

This makes me sad. There's no way this will run effectively under my operating system, and I've yet to find an acceptable alternative. I wonder how it'll work under Lindows.

c1rcle ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 6:45 AM

someone pinch me I must be asleep & dreaming, it's a strange unreal dream where steve posted some pics and movies from poser5 :) thank god I got a new pc when I did hopefully it will be up to the task, I can't have poser5 for my birthday in 2 weeks so how about christmas instead? message to everyone at CL: I love you all :) Rob

Daio ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 7:42 AM

"The macintosh version will ship "sometime after" the PC version so pleass PLEASE!!!! be patient" If 'sometime after' is less than a month or so, I'll grit my teeth and bear it. If it's more than that I will fly to California and camp on the relevant person's doorstep, lamenting loudly, until the the Mac version is done. :-)

"Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer." -- Bruce Graham

Shaerra ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 7:45 AM

Right, /finally/ waded through al lthe posts /AND/ the coke going over my keyboard the /first/ time I tried to read this thread. WOW! drooool WOW! and ditto on what everyone else has said! Shaerra

ronknights ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 7:57 AM

You've made up my mind. I'm not spending a dime, or wasting any more energy on "the Poser world as we know it." I don't need anything more for Poser right now anyway. When Poser 5 arrives, we can see if we actually need any of the stuff we've already gathered. I rarely used Posette and Dork when I got the Millennium Couple. I think the move to Poser 5 will be even more drastic, and welcome!

gryffnn ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:05 AM

The upside of Wolf's comment is that it gives me hope that my almost-perfect G3/OS9 can still be in the game. Downside is the implication of the end of one of my favorite things about Poser - the dual-platform CD??? The thing that made small-scale products like mine feasible was being able to test them on multiple machines, but this sounds like we will have to buy both PC and Mac versions. If so, hope they give a big discount on a bundle (maybe with the same serial number?) Wishing I could deliver daily batches of warm pecan chocolate chip cookies to the CL gang to help fuel this blast of creative genius - Elisa/gryffnn

c1rcle ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:06 AM

I'm not reading through all that again, but did anyone ask about gravity? are we going to be able to simulate gravity at last? Rob

Silverthorne ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:08 AM

I cannot believe the quality of the upgrade.. I cannot wait for this to come out.

c1rcle ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:13 AM

slap me sideways I must be half asleep there it is with a little video showing gravity at work, fingers crossed figure jumps up & down and all the bits that jiggle in real life do the same in poser5 :) Rob

stewer ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:14 AM

Let me try to answer a few questions...but keep in mind, these are my personal experiences, so don't quote me on it when the P5 retail box says different things. Computing power required: If you want to use the new hair stuff (and I know you want), RAM is what you should upgrade first. Hair really eats a lot of RAM. My personal recommendation is to use Win2k or WinXP, as the 9x series is really bad at handling larger amounts of RAM. Regarding the CPU: Of course, faster CPUs will give you faster rendering. However, a fast CPU needs RAM to play in, so if you have a 800MHz computer with 256 MB RAM, upgrade your memory first, then the CPU. The putty tool: It's the way you always wanted morph targets to be. Well, at least the way I wanted them. To Little_Dragon: Yes, that's the way the hair stuff works.

markdc ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:20 AM

Kupa, Awesome stuff. Will the display use OpenGL? And will the renderer be improved? Will your plugin support Max 5? Will you have a plugin sdk? Any python improvements? -Mark

ronknights ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:35 AM

Attached Link:

Anyone looking for that player can save time and click on this link. That way you won't get the version that has that Advertising stuff in it. I'm sharing this link because I was forced to click on several outdated links before finally coming to the right one.

wolf359 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 8:55 AM

"My personal recommendation is to use Win2k or WinXP, "<
Or mac OSX!!

the handwriting is on the wall, any OS system not using
Dynamic memory assignment and preemptive multitasking
( win 95/98, ME , and mac os 8.6-9.2)
will have major problems with this Poser release or ANY program that has to calculate real world physics

Im not concerned as i am doing physics and dynamics in Lightwave 7.5 in OSX so I think poser 5 's dynamics will run nicely in OSX :-)

My website

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Peggy_Walters ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 9:08 AM

Thanks Kupa for a wonderful night dreaming of Poser 5. We really needed something positive right now. Keep up the great work and have a great weekend. Peggy

LVS - Where Learning is Fun!

stewer ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 9:32 AM

As a matter of fact, Windows 9x is using dynamic memory assignment and preemtive MT. It's just a crappy implementation.

Routledge ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 9:37 AM

I`ve only had a quick skim through this thread, has anyone asked this question: What are the joint deformations like on the elbow/knees/thighs of the figures? Has this problem been solved, either by morphs or new geometry? A quick thanks to Steve Cooper for the information given B)

wolf359 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 9:41 AM

"As a matter of fact, Windows 9x is using dynamic memory assignment and preemtive MT. It's just a crappy implementation"<

MAC is 9 has neither
which is why im using OSX
any word on the new character animation tools???

My website

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Staby ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 10:11 AM

I was so excited that I didn't ask, but what about cross talk?

Spit ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 10:37 AM

I'm just breathless. Finally found the codec and viewed the avi. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice how her foot kicks the skirt up? Will poses grabbed from frames pick up the cloth movements? Sylvia Who thinks she will need 1gig of ram instead of 512 on her new XP 2gz machine!

hmatienzo ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 11:00 AM

CL: Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Now hurry up, will ya??? -Heike-

L'ultima fòrza è nella morte.

stewer ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 11:11 AM

You won't need full Gig (unless you want to make Scully from Monsters Inc), but with 256MB you'll probably notice performance hits when rendering 15,000 hairs.

dorothylee ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 11:39 AM

I'm jumping in here late - I hope I didn't miss the answer to this while skimming through the long line of posts: my MAJOR concern (and one that I had while I was spending so much money on props but bought them anyway): Will my old library of Victoria and Michael characters and their accessories and miscellaneous props become unusable garbage?! I am VERY concerned about this. Like most Poser addicts, I have a very large library of props and would really be PO'd if all that hard earned cash was spent for nothing. It's one thing to not desire to use those props anymore, but I need to know if they will be able to work in the new Poser 5 environment. My props were considered an investment for me and I expected to be able to use them for at least a few years before they become obsolete. Other than that, Poser 5 seems to be pretty impressive and I like all the other addicts look forward to it!

Spike ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 11:52 AM

Poser dork (PD) from this day forward will now be known as Poser Stud (PS).

You can't call it work if you love it... Zen Tambour


MissMellyMel ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 11:54 AM

Okay... does anyone know about the price of this program??? Because i'm willing to spend whatever :)

Gwarsbane ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 12:13 PM

All I can say is WOW! Poser 5 looks amazing right now, I can't wait to see what it will look like when done. :)

I know for a fact that I will have to upgrade my computer because it's only a k6-3 333 with 256 megs of ram. I'll be saving my pennies for my upgrade and for Poser 5 too.

I have a few questions that I hope you can answer, if you can only answer a few I understand.

  1. Will you be able to save the Pose/Camera Dots with the file like you can do with bryce or will they continue to only be saved in the program there for limiting you to only 9 buttons total.

  2. Will the name size limitation be increased? I noticed that if I have a file or a part with a long name that it doesn't show up in the top part where it says Poser 5.pz3 or in the drop down box below.

  3. Will something larger then a Duron 600 be needed or will that work just fine?

  4. Will it be able to handle texture maps over 4000x4000? Currently the pro pack can handle it, but still in the preview image the texture is all messed up. Annoying but I can live with this thou I wouldn't mind it working right. :)

  5. How many polygons does the new P5 Dork have? How many does the P5 Posette have?

  6. How is the file structure of Poser 5 handled? Is everything all over the place like it is now in Poser 4 or will we be able to just download a character with all the object files and textures and stuff and put them all into one folder?

  7. Can we create mat files automatically now?

  8. When exporting a 3d file (obj, 3ds or what ever) with textures on it, will all the textures and bump files be copied over to the same folder that the 3d file was exported to?

  9. Will there be a render to disk? This would be great so that if we do any long renders that go over night we don't have to worry about the computer crashing when its done and we are asleep and loosing that render time.

  10. Ability to make the dial menu wider so that you can make out all the text with a small monitor. You can make it longer why not wider?

  11. Ability to have the pose dots, camera dots and UI dots as separate things so that you can put them above each other and have the UI dots on the left bottom side of the screen camera dots on the top right and the pose dots middle left. Or where ever you want to put them.

  12. Ability to select a figure or what ever that is hidden (via menu) and un-hide it. If you have 2 dozen items on the screen, its VERY annoying to have to un-hide everything just to turn around and hide most of it again just to work with one item.

  13. Ability to undo (click undo in the edit menu) for anything and everything. I've clicked the wrong thing every now and then in the right menu and had no ability to just click undo.

  14. Ability to move the little selection boxes under the main window further apart so that longer names can be seen.

  15. Ability to drag a selection box around 1 or a bunch of items and do collective stuff like lock them all, delete them all, hide them all, rotate them all, or what ever.

  16. Copy and paste whole figures with any textures or props on them so that we can make lots of copies of figures.

  17. If beta testing is not going on right now will it be a public beta test where you will offer spaces for some people to beta test the software or close beta test where only certain people that are part of a beta team will get to try it? I have done beta testing for Microsoft and am willing and able to push my computer to and past it's limits for beta testing. I've done it before. :)

Yes I know that there is a lot here but even if you could answer just a few of the minor ones (like the post dots, render to disk and texture maps over 4000x4000) would be nice.

Also we of the poser newsgroup made up a wish list of stuff we would like in Poser 5 a while back and sent in. I would just like to post a link to it just to make sure you know about it. :)

Thank you for such a great program and thank you for posting up this timbits of another great program that we will be getting in the near future I hope. :)

PS is there anyway to get onto the beta testing team? I have done Beta testing for many different companies including Microsoft.

  • Nick Julian
  • Photoshop, Bryce & Poser stuff
  • HTML link creation program
  • Visual File Lister

praxis22 ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 12:43 PM

Hi, My computer is "ill" XP pro has locked the tool bar, and network access isn't working (Boooo!) :( I have to back up every God damn thing to CD reformat, reinstall then get it all working again (Bleh!) :( Before returning home I turn to 'rosity, to see who's beating the crap out of who today, but find Kupa has blessed us with some truly great images and movies, "it's got a hair editor..." (after Pariah :) Yaaay! :) "excitement, adventure, a Jedi craves not these things..." :) Thanks Steve, people!, made my day :) later jb

huskydog ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 3:32 PM
Online Now!

Add me to the "Wow!" group. My brain is stupified. Wow wow wow! Can't wait!!!!!

elgyfu ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 3:37 PM

Argh! I have just ordered Poser 4 from Amazon. Please, please, I beg of you, I am a cash-strapped mum who enjoys Posing (don't tell my friends!) I can't afford to but Poser 4 and then drool over Poser 5 a few weeks later! Please can you give us a clue WHEN it will be out? Are we talking months or seasons? Elgyfu

TheVelvetFoxx ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 3:40 PM

A anitomically correct Poser figure?!? Whhhoooohooooo - am I going to have some fun with this!!!

etep ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 3:45 PM

Will we be able to import and use bryce 5 files in this new version?

Fillingim ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 3:58 PM

Yeah...what is going to be the status of the Poser 5 functionality with other 3D programs???

Jeff Palmer ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:01 PM

I am in total awe. It's clear by the screen caps that the texturing and morphing capabilities are going to be superbly enhanced with Poser 5. It's more than worth the price just for the new hair capabilities! Please take all the time you need to put this package together. From what we can see here, it's most assuredly going to be worth the wait! :-)

petereed ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:14 PM

Boom...She Bop...Hey, Let's Go For The Top
Sookie, Sookie, Sookie, Can't Tell When To Stop

Here I come Elizabeth...My heart can't take it.

Jaw on floor...eyes bugged out.

Don't make this Mac Addict wait too long.

I WANT IT!!!!! I WANT IT!!!!!



senjin ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:19 PM

Ok now after reading all this I have but one question. Where can I get a copy of the program and for how much?? :P :-)

jval ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:25 PM

Steve, Steve, Steve... now look what you gone done boy! Ya turned an entire crowd inta a pack a droolin' idjits. Careful son... we could be talkin' law suits here...

cobalt ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:49 PM

Attached Link:

Wooh! Now I'm all tingly.... ...speaking as someone who belongs to an animation group who have been relying very heavily on Poser, this next version looks like it could easily be a godsend. We've been attempting to re-create missing footage from a 60's sci-fi TV show, and although we've got props and sets built out the wazoo, replicating the actors for the scenes has been a major hassle, even with poser4's character modification tools. Judging by the looks of the new face-maker, we shouldn't have any trouble re-building these actors, and with the new cloth and hair tools,... man, oh man.. I *really* hope this gets released soon.... Is there any hance it'll be compatible with Bryce, or is that simply asking too much? cheers!

Red_Raven ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:57 PM

if the hair algorithms are anything like SoftImage, those little yellow dots on the last hair image are control hairs. you select those, then whatever modifiers you apply to those are interpolated to the hairs on the rest of the model. as far as rendering, it may not be as intensive as you think. most of those hairs may only be one polygon. i have a PII 350 and i can still run pretty intensive programs, as long as i turn high-level previews down and book a long vaction whenever i render. don't freak out yet. wait until we see the specs. then buy the most powerful computer you can get your paws on. or do it right and get a mac.

petereed ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:58 PM

JVAL If I drown in my drool I'll be first in line with a lawyer!!

xvcoffee ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 4:59 PM

We may have to wait longer for the MAC version, because we may need the G5. Or maybe have a G5 service release, with some Mac only features :-) What is the record for the most number of threads in 24 hours, or the longest thread in this forum? Ps- If P5 has Gravity, should Poser 6 have Relativity?

SAMS3D ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:00 PM

Oh my God.....this is wonderful, thank you Kupa...Sharen

pdxjims ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:05 PM

OK, lets see, figure $150 to $200 for the upgrade... $200 for more memory, no, lets just get a new machine, $2500. Then the new figures and textures everyone will come out with to take advantage fo the new technology...say another $1000. OK, how many unemployment checks is that?...hmmm... I can call Pop for cash if I whine... Ok, OK! Can you get it out tomorrow? Please? I'll look for a job, heck, I'll look for two! I'll be a better person, I swear it! Want my dog? He's a good dog... This looks truly neat! I hope it'll read nested directories so I can better organize all the stuff I've got. If it saves in .pz3 format, I'll give you my firstborn. One last word. Please don't be another Microsquish. I'd rather wait for a fairly bug free product, than have 14 updates. You guys ROCK! The community needed this. I know we all whine a lot, but we really appreciate the quality and the work you do, and we'll definitly reward you with lots of sales. Every time I show some of my art to a friend, they ask where I got the software.

StormyGal ( ) posted Wed, 03 July 2002 at 5:23 PM

DROOOOOL Short circuts her keyboard! Poser 5 is gonna be SO sweet!! Now do I finish learning where everything is in Poser4 or do I just wait for 5 to come out??!!? Decisions, decisions!

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