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179 comments found!
Quote - "Right-click on desk-top background and you'll get a choice of "properties" and any hardware-specific control panel to set display properties. On the Windows default Properties option you go to "Settings" and can set resolution and Color Depth. All the hardware-specific systems I've seen will pick up those settings from Windows. "
Well I go further than that...can you tell HOW to configure my Catalyst 8? Because in there I'm having problems to make the driver to give VGA it's best and same time to make Poser sr2 (thanks ! now is Sr2) happy as well.
Look here. I upload both the 'cracked' image I got when moving limbs in the working area, but I must say that after that starts to occur Poser is speedier than before and also some stuff goos goes with it see following..
Well after doing all these strategies (rember I'm using a 64 bits OS that lacks in right drivers...since 3 years I'm living that pain..sometimes less sometimes more, like now after formatting or when I update then) I finally put back All Nvida drivers for the MOBO and the ATI Driver for VGA and discovery that Poser likes only one of my monitors - the other it does not show the working area only after rendered..so I can't see what I'm doing until is rendered - but if I move the window of the working area to the secondary monitor it runs speedy and almost no problems! Almost! Because now I have a problem when I move the figure /object inside it. But in the other hand when I saved it in png it gives a separate background from the figure...is that Poser stuff? 'cause for me that's new..I love it.
Like here as attach you can see - what does when I move limbs. 1error.jpg
Also the preview image (was so speedy that I raised the size of the image map to 2048 )looks sometimes BETTER than the rendered image (figure that now ;() )
As you here too can see preview image no retouch as it looks in the working area also come out with separate background..I just downsized a bit in Photoshop because the image was over 2 MB. file **pre1.png
**I don't mind to have it the way is now..but just wonder if with time goes by that will damaged somehow the files in it..like corrupting or else.
Any one can give right advise in how to configure a model: EAX550 or Ati Radeon X1600 Pro 512 Mb from Asus using a latest driver Catalyst 8.
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: OT : Info request : Software/Hardware for Win XP Pro x64 (my new Poser platform) | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Hi Jovial,
Guess you can Portuguese or Spanish..just guessing..
Well I'm in a kind of painfull stage concerning my 64 bits WinXPPro. First I can't configurated the VGA to it's best and same time Poser 7 Sr2. Below a better /details:http://renderosity.com/mod/forumpro/showthread.php?thread_id=2725066
But one thing I know. Avast has a antivirus for 64 bits WinXPPro. as well Avir.
First one I'm using about 3 years since I got the WinXPPro. Latelly I think is not so good anymore..I got some problems for it to scan and when scan is done it can't exexcute the order...
Now I'm going to try the Avir, but I haver not installed yet. Both are FREEWARE.
Avast: http://www.avast.com/
Avir: http://www.free-av.com/
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Vista x64, Poser 7, ATI, OpenGL Slow fix | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
jdehaven, hi
I'm pulling my hair out because using XP64bits I'm not able to insatal the driver for my good AtiX1600Pro 512mb - doing it the Poser 7 will run oddly as much as you mention here.
Taking away the driver will work ok, but as you say it's unaceptable since the ATi is powefull etc..
Now, I not only use 64 bits XP Pro but also have my Poser in an external drive ( WDC of 500Gb) .
Have a suggestion?thanks
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Installing your Runtime (free program) | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
odlly as it may seems...my antivirus: HTTP://www.avast.com
found your *.zip file as a virus treat!
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: After format the OS - Poser which is in the external hd is oddly behaving.. | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
well pals thanks..no one so far could point out what is it..I by not accepting the situation..(you saw that I run 64 bits? and that is the main problem here..what did not occur me at the very moment I wrote)
I decide to unistal the Video enhancement driver from the motherboard as well the Ati Video driver to my graphic card Ati Radeon.
So Poser starts to funcition normal as nothing had happened.
Now, I did instal again the Ati Driver only it. No adicional diver for the motherboard concern to video (mobo it a based Nvidia chip and my graphic card is a Ati radeon !) All peaches but ..but.. BUT...the resolution is not okay..it's looking cheap VGA card almost as no driver is instaled....
so I'm back to square one..and worst.....can't remenber waht I did when that happend last time...cause it's not the first time I format same system.
Any enlightment form you guys will be always extremelly helpfull..since I trust you more thatn any others in the net...because you also use Poser..
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: OT - if you are going to install XP 64, there's something that you should know - | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
well finally someone has shared a VITAL information for my pc headaches..I'm running painfully a XPPro 64 bits for around 4 years and all problems has ocurred since day one..as myself did the building of that system/machine I always too it hard ob me ..on my total ignorance os such small terrible issue with drivers etc...noit the less...I use to format my system about twice a year - when was 32 bits every 3 months - now it's so painfull to do it with 64 bits that I shrink the 'plastic- refreshment' for twice a year only.
Last week my site was hacked, and same time I was formating my pc. Since today almost 4 days after the format I had not yeat decide which ATI RADEON X1600Pro driver I 'll use in it...I have installed about 3 different ones and unisrtalled. Trying Poser that is seated in an external 500GB drive and all it's gang - several times with the most odd behaviors ....so also unistalled Poser 7 about 3 times nothing changed.
So I realized I had instlled the driver for Video enhanced that is part of the Motherboard gang. So I unistall such driver and Poser works peerfect! Perfect without using driver for Video enhanced and witouth Ati Driver! No..no ..no...not possible I have to have at least thr Ati driver.
So I install again Ati driver from Ati site direct - version 7.12 but in my pc when checking the version is 8 !!!! Never mind! Site's error when writing the text in it..I presume...
Now, yes Poser is working. but....but the driver witouth the Video enhancement does not look good. My Ati is 512MB so it's quite 'ok' the resolution when you look at the display but when you look again..the desktop picture is kind of 'moiré' look..that's not aceptable. So I wonder I do need to install the Enhanced Display Driver Helper Service. (look at thr anme..do I really need this?)
I wonder what is that is making the Ati's driver look so bad? obviuosly it could not be the 'Enhanced Display Driver Helper Service' because it sounds more like a 'how to' stuff than a 'do' stuff....
anyone of you guys, obviuosly feeling same pain as I when managing the drivers for you 64 bits system..could give me a 'light' here?
I also did pay for that ridicouslly site: http://login.esupport.com/join_today.php?PHPSESSID=dr1jcchhs79s1jajaspojmj5f0
but so far it did mess with me....drivers it find for you are so many that is better you choose by yourself via normal googling... 'cause what he sugests are the ones I had here too even same from 2005!!!! so it's trowing 30 USD away...
well...gladly awaiting for a supportive advise or even better the right solution for my sick system...
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: have anyone found out how to fix that old problem with memory in Poser? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
well, i wished that thread was helpfull for all of us..unfortunelly, propably my ignorance towards hardware or else...haven't solved my problem with Poser 6 and WinXP 64 bits..while Poser still running slow and 'tight' since Does not allowed a full FireFly render (final step) using V4 and all the props and backgrounds props too. Make it short; a pz3 file of 106 MB wont Render at final step FIREFLY.No help using smaller buket(32..) n help taking off 'shadows' from objectos and also unmarking the 'smooth polygons' etc...nothing helps..wont go ahead.
reason I did buy yet the P7- since I use it has being the same issue...
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Poser and Vista | Forum: Poser Technical
I'm planning for a new laptop but did not ubtill today'cause the new good stuff around here only sells with Vista in it....since I loose the garanty if I change the OS...I'm postpone the new machine..much more now after reading you guys!
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Quad Processor Hangs on P7 Render? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
'Getting a 64 bit OS means the programmers will pay even less attention to memory usage (since so much of it is available) so be prepared for huge amounts of swap space.'
I'm running 64bits XP Pro and having still problems with Poser 6 (SR2 and pacht for memory incan't get a FULL to the Final FireFly render with a V4,M3,V3 it) I looked up in my Task manager and Poser is taking about 350 to 700MB of memory never more than that...when looked up TaskM in the Total Ram used (all OS) it's around 1,5 GB in use! I have 4Gb to use for Ram! I tweaked up a bit the Graphic card and got a tiny better result with Poser but still in the same pz3 file.
Now to the end of my despair..I read somewhere here at Rendersoity that you could 'change' the *.exe file in Poser to accept the full memory available.! I read it and start to want to do it..still I'm pretty much SCARED to s... up all and then...??? if at the end will be no better than it's now?
I was even thinking to make the BIG expend (after reading up here, I just pulled my horses back!) of a QuadCore new machine etc..but now..I just wonder...what makes that damm stupid and same time wonderfull software called:Poser?
Apprecited a good advise. Also have write Poser about 'what is the RIGHT machine to run your product'? Lots of this and that but not a sharp answer- buy that processor, buy that card and use that OS..none of this kind of answer.
Also reading the Poser Tutorial I wondered if in Preferences where you can change the size of the 'default' window to: 300 inch/pixels (use for Print issues) instead of having theirs default that is 72 inch/pixels.
To summarize: will that make better resolution. a better final result with a 2 steps under the final FIREFLY as would be a Final FF or not? or Just will make it worst because it's going to be bigger...
Anyway: I'm not keen to the meshes and parameters...just guessing...I have to find a solution for my actual despair with Poser.
at the end of the day after 7 years using Poser I'm still stuck with the same issue - a full render in Poser takes a Poser Wizard to make it or a Super Quadro card to solve it.
Thanks for any usable and pratical solution for that old 'pain'
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: at end of render Poser freezes | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Content Advisory! This message contains profanity, violence
Attached Link: CrisGalv
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Poser 6 sr3 X Windows XP Professional x64 Edition | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
No! No way! I already spend a lot of money in that system, plus the 64 bits win xp pro..no way I'm going to take that...
I have re-install the Ati driver and the drivers for mobo but b´nothing it seems that now only do render a 1-2 steps after 'draft' mode in FireFly. Using V3,M3 and some large 'figures' and 'props' good light etc...that's what give me, a 2 steps after the draft mode. Increble!
Can't stop to be furious!
Poser simply stops, freezes all and just don't go throught.
I wonder...what Curious Labs would say to a customer about that.
I keep blaming Poser..since all the rest works fine.
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: Poser 6 sr3 X Windows XP Professional x64 Edition | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
well the program install itself in the C:Program Files (x86)Curious Labs
but as you said it has both options in 64 bits..so I asumed that even being instaled into tha directory insatead of:C:Program Files will not make difference because the WinXPPro64 bits has indentified as a 32 bits program RIGHT?
1processor . Latest driver from Ati radeon - Catalyst vers. 07.1/ Open GL vers. 6.14 / Direct 3D vers.6.14( for my X1600Pro -512MB video card.)
Mobo also has the latest from Asus officail site.
Now you tell me that I have to insatl and re-instal several times? Could that be right?
I'm new into the 64 bits world and I do appreciated to know for SURE that I have to do that.
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: continue..from HELP HELP....... | Forum: Photoshop
okay you all thanks!!! I got finally the work done..not before a lot of sweating...mostly because was the first time doing a comercial work for a company and the printer shop was not my job to deal with but the people in the company to deal with and then tell me..so I did sweat a lot ...mostly because I was afraid that they will find out I'm not the PROFESSIONAL I'm trying to sell myself...luckly was all done today...right sizes and right resolution..in *.pdf what did made me very surprise since I thought they will wanted in *.psd...now I know. see later in a new poblem arrives..BTW will take a look in In Design.
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: poser 6 user seaching for a new video card(PC)..Ati or Nvidia? | Forum: Poser Technical
my pc was build by me; I have today an Intel Pentiun 4-833FSB = 3.40GHZ;into a Asus P5VD-1 (slot 775/Intel LGA775 Pentium 4 CPUDual-Core CPU VIA PT880 Ultra Dual-Channel DDR400/333PCI Express & AGP8X combo solutionSATA with RAID 0, 1, JBOD) and running with my old AGP INNO NVIDIA 5600FX 128mb...using as well two 17' monitors('cause I can't afford those HUGE ones..)and my screen resolution is 1280 by 1024 pixels in each one..in case you're talking about that..can't find out which chip has in it...but I believe Asus is working with Ati X series..not sure.
OH!!! yeah! you're right..can't got to 2560x1600 resolution..gives me 'the out of range'...so I can't go for that right? But if I use the actual resolution I do today would be ok I guess..still I'm missing nothing in it's perfomance.. I have to search again for a more suitable to what I use today as softtware..since was already and again told here that Poser does not use any of those NEW TECH in the videos cards..have you any real good advise on that? now..
Since Nov.2004 I'm trying to buy a new video card and still has not yet done...ca'nt decide if I go for a old model Radeon, that today is quite cheap or those X series that will give me more speed (PCI E)in the rendering/ huge files in Photoshop etc..
Message edited on: 02/01/2006 17:39
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
Thread: poser and it's issues..a new video card will help? | Forum: Poser Technical
ok good to know.thanks
"'you shut up! or I'll
bring democracy to your country! "
Galvão aka Softcris - www.crisgalvao.com
(or softcris,
Rendering since 1997 and
at Renderosity since 1999.
Win 8.1 64 bit
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Thread: After format the OS - Poser which is in the external hd is oddly behaving.. | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL