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4,649 comments found!
Quote - Does Poser Pro generate "version 8" in files that it writes? I don't have Pro, and I've
noticed conflicting information here.
Nah, looks like it was a stupid typo on my end, that I didn't notice in time, and it proliferated when I made INJ REM files. I meant to put in 5 or 6 and ended up with 8.something.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Is there a set version # batch? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Darn! Sowwy I didn't ask sooner!
I pretty much turned blue and pink and every other color, when one of my testers noticed I made and organized a milion INJ files, and somehow a version 8 crept in there, and everyone was getting load errors.
kitty tail went pouff
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Thread: Is there a set version # batch? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Here's one I wrote a couple of years ago.
Might or might not suit your purposes......
It worked PERFECT!
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Thread: Will there be a Poser 8? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Gawd, Connie. That sums up the entire topic, I guess. :laugh: You goofball! LOLOLOL
Kitty kut twough da kwrap!
Sorry, being silly, here...
hold this you can have the thread back.
Sowwy aboout that knot at the end... it's a kitty thing...
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Will there be a Poser 8? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Then there are those threads where someone will claim that Poser isn't art, or unless you model everything in your scene it's not art, or if you don't paint and draw with conventional art media it's not really art, and on and on and on. I just encourage people to be tollerant of other's self expression. If they ask for critique, then one can give them it without being mean spirited.
Yea, just about anything in extremes is no good - even chocolate!
Extremes make my kitty tail go pouff
So does my bum with too much chocolate :lol:
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Will there be a Poser 8? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - > Quote - Your response seems to indicate you equate the honest pointing out of flaws with "bashing".
I don't think Tomsde meant that, but a whole lot of people here do respond to basic honesty as a personal attack. In one of my own experiences here, even though the person was specifically asking for feedback, the reaction went so far that they complained to site administration about me with a lot of inventive nonsense. I didn't let it get to me but it was certainly a lesson on just how extremely some people delude themselves about the quality of their work.
Yea, unfortunately there are people like that too... My experience so far has been that its' a minority.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Will there be a Poser 8? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - > Quote - No one wants to have their images bashed, my motto is: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
For the most part, practice makes perfect. I think that people will eventually improve their techniques on their own without "constructive criticism" if they keep at it. If people are discouraged, they are more likely to give up, and that would be sad because creating digital art can be a very satisfying hobby.
I didn't say anything about "bashing" anyone's images.
Your response seems to indicate you equate the honest pointing out of flaws with "bashing".
If someone checks the little box that indicates he wants critique for improvement he should be grateful, not offended, when someone points out he has no shadows, or shadows that conflict with the direction of the light, or dead looking eyes in his figure, or any number of other things.And so by your logic, being "nice" by saying nothing is actually "nicer" than offering the criticism you know an image needs, and what the person wanted? That makes no sense.
If people are so easily discouraged by negative comments to their imagery then perhaps they shouldn't post it on a public digital art website. Either that or grow a tougher skin and live with the bad comments along with the good . If they're so easily discouraged by a few negative comments, they probably ought not be using any 3D software at all, let alone posting their work. Forget about any comments - the learning curve of various software itself is enough to discourage allot of people, particularly the easily-discouraged.
Either that or uncheck the comments box. But then they also shut out the fawning and the mindless praise from their clique. But that's what it comes down to, really - most of the people who post art here allot really don't want the honest criticism, they want to see the fawning and the mindless praise from their clique.
Collecting stamps or bird watching can be very satisfying hobbies as well, and there's much less chance for someone's feelings to get hurt. ;-)
Actually, constructive comments with information how to improve have no need of appearing negative or de-motivating. Trouble with a lot of people wanting to make critical comments is that they don't know how to deliver them without demotivating negativity.
I'm yet to see someone whom doesn't want to improve their skills.
I'm also yet to see someone whom likes to go through feeling like crap while trying to learn something, or read other people's comments.
If an image is not a succes, it still doesn't mean that saying something to the effect of "It looks bad" is the right thing to do. Better approach would be to not comment at all, or say, It's nice, I wonder what it would look like with (insert suggestion here).
People whom want to dish out advice of sort with negative delivery aren't any better then people whom don't want to be exposed to it. Most of those whom like to dish out advice with bad delivery are often just as sensitive, if not more when the tables are turned. I've seen that about a milion times.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Poser Displacement Map Tutorial | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - > Quote - > Quote - Here's another experiment, which makes no sense unless the mesh has moved.
My big sphere is now made of glass. There are two small decorated spheres. The lower one is being refracted through the glass of the displaced lobe. How is that possible if it isn't really there? How do you explain why the two smaller balls do not appear identical, if the lobe isn't really there between the camera and the little sphere?
If the renderer was just moving the glass pixels to the right, we wouldn't see the sphere through it because in that case it isn't really behind the glass.
This is not an illusion as you described it.
I think Luke meant that displacement doesn't permanently move the mesh (in a way a magnet or a morph brush would).
In 3DS Max and few other high end programs there is Shader based Displacement, like what you get in Poser. Then there's also displacement based modifiers that can be used in mesh modeling. Those actually do change the mesh, in a way a magnet or a morph would in Poser.
yes. this is also in blender. you import a black and white image and you can change the whole model with the ''displ'' map. its in real time. it changed the mesh. it will not have details but it will change it.
Exactly! And it can be exported as a morph target, or stored as 'hard' data - meaning the vertex xyz information, rather then stored as displacement values in an image, and only available during rendering.
If one really wants to split hairs, it can be argues at whih point the 'illusion' starts. Some high lama people will succesfully argue that illusion starts when you hit 'Render' button. Others will have different views.
What bothers me the most about what happened here is that Luke was trying to do something really nice, and got reamed out like he was doing something really bad. :rolleyes: As if there's a hard consensus on how to define displacement.
Heck, Poser only gives you half the displacement abilities most other applications do. I'd hardly see it as the authority on displacement definition, or much of other 3D stuff. That's probably why displacement is so hard to grasp within poserdom, you only get to see half of it's functionality.
Some people really do need to peek outside the poser box on occasion. I think educating people into thinking Poser is the authority on 3D only does them disservice. Many of those people get burned when trying to participate in other 3D communities (and a large number of Poser users do), and exhibit this attitude elsewhere.
IRRC, within max, you can also tessalate the mesh to refine it for displacement effect.
It's been a little while since I used that functionality, so I could be remembering it wrong. In the past I used displacement quite often to create terrain models - which had to be edited later, to add different thigns to them, like roads, bridges, building pads and various changes. I often work across several applications to accomplish something, so I could be remembering this functionality from another ap... I'm at least 50% sure it's in Max too.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Poser Displacement Map Tutorial | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Here's another experiment, which makes no sense unless the mesh has moved.
My big sphere is now made of glass. There are two small decorated spheres. The lower one is being refracted through the glass of the displaced lobe. How is that possible if it isn't really there? How do you explain why the two smaller balls do not appear identical, if the lobe isn't really there between the camera and the little sphere?
If the renderer was just moving the glass pixels to the right, we wouldn't see the sphere through it because in that case it isn't really behind the glass.
This is not an illusion as you described it.
I think Luke meant that displacement doesn't permanently move the mesh (in a way a magnet or a morph brush would).
In 3DS Max and few other high end programs there is Shader based Displacement, like what you get in Poser. Then there's also displacement based modifiers that can be used in mesh modeling. Those actually do change the mesh, in a way a magnet or a morph would in Poser.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: OT: Please say a little prayer for my kitty | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Quote - Glad to hear that Ashley is settling in in her new home. We always have a period of adjustment when we introduce a new cat. Cats that did have problems are now settling down in front of the fire. Yes, a fire in June, that's British weather for you!
Hope the doctors can get your thyroid sorted out. Lots of hugs to you, your honey and your menagerie lol.
BTW it was lovely to hear about Bubba singing to hummingbirds :)
Thank You :)
Yea, if Bubba was a hooman, he's be a very sensitive, probably gay, poet type. Gotta love him.
Ashley is settling in. I don't know if it's happening slower then Bri - it's different. Bri is being an adorable little rascal! It's hard to tell them apart across the room, especially now that Ashley aka Bella has started wandering around more.
I'm so glad I got both of them. Everything is doubly adorable!
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: I'm not having any fun with Poser and Vista | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
I had some problems with Vista, but they all went away when I changed it to run in administrator mode all the time.
Sorry, I forgot the exact setting name.
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Auto keyframe morphs script? | Forum: Poser Python Scripting
YES, YES, Mark, it worked out PERFECT!
I love how you adeed a feature in there to select the mophs too, not just go through all of them. Slick! You got it done so fast, I'm already using it! It's awesome!!!!!!!!
Excellent job!
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: OT: Please say a little prayer for my kitty | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL
Can I just say, I LOOOOVE the sisters. Getting Ashley (AKA Bella) was a great move.
They are the best thing since Tigger!
They're so much alike, in behavior too. From about 5 feet away, you can't tell them apart, other then different color collars and different sounding bell. Perfect amount of doting for me too. Just Bri was not quite enough. Bri and Bella, is perfect! (Bubba doesn't like my doting, so I try to not bug him)
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Auto keyframe morphs script? | Forum: Poser Python Scripting
Thank You so much markschum!!!!
I can do scripting in other languages, but not python - so frustrating! It hasn't gotten it's learning turn on my to-do list.
If you guys would rather email me, it's conniekat8@yahoo.com
Also, if you want to make the script available to others, that's fine by me :)
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Auto keyframe morphs script? | Forum: Poser Python Scripting
It's for the BODY level dials only (FBM's Yes)
I have a script that exports eachs, and managed to modify it to just give me a list of morphs.
What I'd like to do is make a little animation that shows all the morphs in a piece, but... it has almost 200 morphs in it, I'm not looking forward to manually keyframing that. Actually, I can't afford the time :(
With a script, I may know enough little edits to where I can adjust the keyframe time as needed, as long as I have the core.
Something like this:
Frame1 - all zero
Frame5 - morph A at 1.0
Frame10 - Morph A at 0.0
Frame15 - Morph B at 1.0
Frame 20 - Morph B at 0.0
If frame numbers for each subsequent keyframe are determined by n+5, then loop for as many morphs there are M#* 2, I can easily change n+5 to n+any number of frames I need.
The timeline in Poser would have to be scaled up to something like number of morphs25 plus accounting for the first and last, probably just first, since last finishes at 0.
I don't know if poser automatically scales the timeline as you add frames, or not, so I don't know if the timeline scaling is even needed.
But, even if I have to scale it manually to have enough frames, that's no biggie, it's only done once. What I don't want to do is have to key each morph manually.
Does that give you more info? If I left something unclear, please feel free to ask!!!
Hi, my namez: "NO, Bad Kitteh, NO!" Whaz
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Thread: Is there a set version # batch? | Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL