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Photography F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 18 12:22 pm)

Subject: Informal Poll, "your gallery"

bclaytonphoto ( ) posted Tue, 18 November 2008 at 4:46 PM · edited Wed, 02 October 2024 at 10:21 PM

Just curious about how people here feel about their own gallery..

Do you just keep adding images to it?

Do you ever go through it and weed out some ?

Have you ever deleted it and started over?

Just curious really...

every so often I go thru mine and remove a few that I don't think are up to snuff anymore..

I have my own reasons for keeping some and same with the ones I remove..

I'm just curious about how others feel about this..

There are no right or wrong answers...just your own opinion and feelings..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

Fred255 ( ) posted Tue, 18 November 2008 at 4:53 PM

Mine is one of the largest here.  In fact only a couple of days ago I posted my 2000th upload.  I have removed some but not for a couple of years.  I feel looking back every now and then shows a progression of how much I've improved.  Improvement mainly by being here and see and learning from comments and others.

 ecurb - The Devil

camera ( ) posted Tue, 18 November 2008 at 8:07 PM

I think this raises a question I have wondered about and have never asked. If I delete one of my photos that has been added to to an other's favorite pictures, will it disappear from their "favorites" gallery? Otherwise I would gladly delete some of my posts and did, completely,  when I was initially involved with Poser.

mbz2662 ( ) posted Tue, 18 November 2008 at 9:18 PM

I haven't removed any images from my gallery.  I like to see how different they are and to see how much I've learned and how much more I have to learn.  So I just keep adding to it, hoping to see improvement. 


TomDart ( ) posted Tue, 18 November 2008 at 9:26 PM · edited Tue, 18 November 2008 at 9:29 PM

I have removed a few but only a very, very few.  I have reworked some and then reloaded, noting that with the image posting.  I prefer to let the gallery show me the growth (if it is there) in my work and directions.  Sure, a few shots might be the sort I would not post today but at the time I did have reasons and that was at the time my effort showing. worry there.  I am not running for office and will not be judged by entire gallery..and if so that is an unfair jump to make.

I accuse myself of lack of "discretion" in uploads...seeming to upload some which are not up to my real standards but there for other personal reasons..that is ok with me and anathema for others. All has to do with me and you and what we are at the time and are comfortable with others seeing, even if not a comment is made.

durleybeachbum ( ) posted Wed, 19 November 2008 at 2:29 AM

Like Melinda I'm interested to see if I'm improving.

babuci ( ) posted Wed, 19 November 2008 at 2:41 AM

I had a thought to delete some pictures what realy hopeless but then I decided to keep them to look back  where I came from. Will be interesting to see a year time if any change in my quality . I never felt I want to delete the whole gallery.

seeya  Tunde

bclaytonphoto ( ) posted Wed, 19 November 2008 at 12:35 PM

It's good to see how others feel about this..

I've just made it a habit of every so often, going thru and weeding out a few images here and there..

I actually got rid of quite a few the other day.. I hope I leave enough to show progress..

I'm not sure how the favorite image thing works..I would have to assume that if you remove it, it goes away from the fav list as well..

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

camera ( ) posted Wed, 19 November 2008 at 12:48 PM

Of course I failed to take into consideration if it became a favorite, it is less likely that it would merit being removed.

bentchick ( ) posted Sat, 22 November 2008 at 1:32 PM

First let me say.... Fred, 2000 uploads??? Wow! I can't even imagine! I think if I ever had that many uploads I would maybe think about weeding some out.
For me, personally, I like keeping my gallery in tack..... one to see improvment ...... and two, because I know that some of my favorite pictures are always going to be here even after my own computer crashes and I lose everything. It's only happened once, but it was enough to teach me to "backup, backup, backup" !!!
There was one time when I almost deleted my entire gallery. Luckily someone here at RR talked me out of it and now I'm glad that I didn't.

Finally.......... TOM FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! :thumbupboth:

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



auntietk ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2008 at 9:12 PM

Tom for President, and the Viewer Family as his Cabinet!  ;)

So far, I haven't deleted anything from my gallery.  I, too, like to see progress.  I have occasionally done a re-work and re-post of a Blender 3-D piece and left the original for comparison.  There are things in my gallery I'm not crazy about, but that's okay.  What they show is what I was doing at the time, and I'm all right with that.

On the other hand, some friends talked me into opening a gallery on DeviantArt a while back, on the theory that if I just hung out there for a while I'd start to like it!  They were mistaken.  I deleted my entire DeviantArt gallery a few weeks ago.  I'm sure there are good things about DA, but it just isn't my thing.

An interesting question, Bruce!  Thanks for asking.

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

TomDart ( ) posted Mon, 24 November 2008 at 9:17 PM

Ahhh....the Viewer family! : )  They are alive and well, I imagine preparing for a nice Thanksgiving day.    (Yes, some things do hang around...)

L8RDAZE ( ) posted Tue, 25 November 2008 at 1:56 PM

A few years ago, I decided to delete my gallery due to "stuff" going on here and personally.  When I was a coordinator, I just tired of having the TOS goggles on all the kinda got in the way of enjoying art in general. I also got wrapped up in the whole Views/comments crap! Couldn't understand why my gallery/photos were being overlooked.  I took it too heart and decided to take a break for a bit.  I ended up setting up a pbase gallery in that timeframe, where I could upload as much as I wanted and customize it to my taste as well. Yeah it cost $23 bucks a years, but well worth it in my book.  Met alot of other photographers through that site and received actual feedback on ways to improve my photos.  It also provided me with  more exposure and I've gotten some work through it.

I actually came back here because I was getting back into Poser and Cinema 4d...truthfully that didn't last long. Fell back to posting photos and hanging here in the forum again. 



Fred255 ( ) posted Tue, 25 November 2008 at 2:34 PM

Joe I have just started posting on Pbase. For the same reason.  Yes I enjoy being a Mod here, But I feel by posting on Pbase I can just relax and let someone else worry about TOS issues. Although I do still find myself looking and thinking "Thinking, that would never get away on here"   

 ecurb - The Devil

BibbyBear ( ) posted Wed, 26 November 2008 at 11:53 AM

I've never deleted a photo, one of my very early photos I edited and reloaded, but I noted that in my edited narrative.

On the other hand, there have been a few occasions over the last year or so that I was so close to deleting my gallery in it's entirety - but something inside wouldn't let me??  Don't know what it was or is, but there's just something about RR land that keeps us coming back, no matter what goes on here on in our personal life!

I like to look back at my earlier uploads - see the photos that, at the time I was soooooooo proud of and now, some of them really make me cringe at how bad they are and no doubt, in another year or so, I'll be feeling the same about the ones I upload now - but that's the trouble with photography, the more you learn, the more it can sometimes take the innocent fun out of it..... learning all the "rules" etc.  Can ANY of you now look at a photo, anywhere, a magazine, wedding album, newspaper etc., etc., and NOT critique it??   I know I can't - and that is sometimes really frustrating - wouldn't it be nice to just go back to the days of being able to see something that really grabbed your interest, press the shutter and then go WOW, I like that - irrelevant of whether it's being composed correctly etc?

Anyway, for all of those reasons, my gallery is intact and will remain that way FOREVER!!!

Great topic though Bruce - an interesting read!

Chrissy xx

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it."
CCCD Photography 
CCC Dezynz

TomDart ( ) posted Wed, 26 November 2008 at 5:25 PM

Chrissy, indeed the simple times are often full of pleasures we talk ourselves out of down the road of time.   Yet, I have not let photography become a "job" for me.  I learned soon enough in my jewelry work that artistry often took a backseat to earning a living and some became tiresome.  Photography for me has not reached that stage and I don't want that to happen.

Glad you stayed aboard...we all sometimes need a holiday and time but glad return.    Tom

dhama ( ) posted Thu, 27 November 2008 at 4:40 AM

I tend to clear my gallery every so often of temporary pics. What I mean by this, is that the temporary pics are only in a showcase for a period of time.

Since I can't have a 'Bryce' gallery and a 'Photographic' gallery I tend to keep more permanent images... which in my mind is my better work.

I started here predominently with Bryce, so my gallery will always be predominently Bryce... however the temp pics can be Bryce and photographic.

I'm trying to create realism with Bryce, so maybe it could be a meld of both. 😄

At the moment I only have Bryce art in my gallery...... but will always add photography on a temporary basis.

bentchick ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2008 at 3:14 PM

OMyGosh!!! I just had the most profound experience and had to find this thread to post it. Whether anyone actually reads this is beside the point, but I hope maybe it will catch someone who is thinking about deleting their gallery.

As you may or may not know, I have been posting pictures everyday that are coming out of a "hold" folder I've been sitting on for awhile. One of the pictures in there I was sure I had already posted. So I started looking through my gallery to find that particular shot.......

I could not believe how overwhelmed I became when I saw a picture I posted in Feb 2007. My brother had just passed away....... I started reading the comments..... sadden by the fact that several of those people are no longer at this site because they choose to delete their galleries.
Most of them said condolences..... and then one stood out like a sore thumb..... even though there was no longer an avatar to show who that person was, I knew immediately it was Valerie! Here she was saying how sorry she was to hear of my brother passing so young...... not even aware that her own demise at an even younger age was about to occur!!!! 

THIS IS WHY I WILL NEVER DELETE MY GALLERY UNTIL I HAVE JOINED THE TWO OF THEM, as well as many others we have lost in the years since joining RR!

Love to all of you, friends! And please hold your families dear this holiday season, cuz you just never know.......

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



TomDart ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2008 at 5:41 PM

My bent friend and the rest of you...I would hug everyone on this thread if it made a single smile or warm heart for a moment.  Yes, many photos are more dear than we do imagine and not only to the photographer.  And comments..some will always be precious to me and I do want those to stay.

bclaytonphoto ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2008 at 8:32 PM

very nice thoughts here...

I guess it would take something "ugly" to happen for me to remove my entire gallery..

But a good "weeding" every now and then is Ok with me..

My friend "Foe" passed away  a while back..I really miss his dry sarcastic humor..

His gallery has moments where he struggles with his own mortality..

and especially THIS IMAGE

bclaytonphoto on Facebook

bentchick ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2008 at 9:53 PM

Very cool that Foe's gallery is still here!!! Sorry for the loss. Thanks for the link!

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



auntietk ( ) posted Thu, 18 December 2008 at 9:53 PM

I agree with you, Kim.  It's nice to go back and look at things that were just everyday events (and some extraordinary ones) and see what was going on.  There are a few people who have deleted their galleries here, and I'm sad to no longer be able to view their work.  Some images I had in my favorites ... gone ... things that were dedicated to me for one reason or another ... gone ...   I know nothing lasts forever, but there's a loss associated with loved images that are no longer available for viewing. 

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

bentchick ( ) posted Fri, 19 December 2008 at 10:20 AM

You know, Tara, you just gave me an idea that I'll have to act upon soon. I am going to go through my favorites and save any dedications that I don't want to lose.  I know some people will think I'm crazy, but just call me sentimental!

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



scoleman123 ( ) posted Fri, 19 December 2008 at 11:18 AM

Do you just keep adding images to it?
No. I do not add to it much anymore. I think the last time was in September. It just got too mundane dealing with the image sizes and lack of useful comments.

Do you ever go through it and weed out some ?
Nope. I still have all my old CGI stuff in there from when I did Bryce.

Have you ever deleted it and started over?
Nope. I dont think I have more than 200 images in there, if even that.

viper ( ) posted Sat, 20 December 2008 at 9:13 AM

I love going though my gallery, its like taking a walk into the past as my gallery is nearly 10 years old now.

TheSeekerr ( ) posted Sun, 21 December 2008 at 7:00 AM

I've removed some really terrible things from back when I was mucking around with 3D, but only if they were either a) substantially the same as a subsequent (or preceding) submission or b) I thought it was terrible, and so did all the commenters.

Since I've started with photography, I've only been tempted to remove my very first submission, but then I looked at it, and realised that it wasn't really so bad, and just needed a new thumbnail!

Some of my early stuff I'm really quite proud of, and wish I could go back now with a better camera and take the same capture.

Actually, now that I go through, I DID remove one image - a pretty little idyllic scene, but poorly focused thanks to digital zoom. It never attracted even a single comment, so I wiped the poor thing.

inshaala ( ) posted Sun, 21 December 2008 at 9:25 AM

 Generally go for the quality not quantity approach to posting on here - and that, if you take it through logically means i wont delete anything from my gallery as (even if i dont think it is "up to scratch" now) the photo i put up was something i was proud of taking at the time of posting it on here.

"In every colour, there's the light.
In every stone sleeps a crystal.
Remember the Shaman, when he used to say:
Man is the dream of the Dolphin"

Rich Meadows Photography

Meowgli ( ) posted Tue, 23 December 2008 at 7:04 PM

a very interesting topic and read... for me my gallery here represents the best of what I was doing at a given time, and sometimes when I've taken a bunch of shots of a particular place I might upload a small series but generally I either only upload the ones I'm in some way proud of, or which are there for friends, or which are new ideas and experiments I haven't tried before and can look back on if I decide to try something again in the future..

I agree with 'camera' I'm less likely to delete an image if someone has made it a part of their favourites collection, but it doesn't really sway my decision if it's only 1.. and again I don't automatically delete images without any favourites as it's probably there for a reason... see, I'm a bit of a lazy ass getting around to finishing building my website so for the meantime a gallery like this is a useful place to be able to direct people to if they want to know what kind of photography I do... so I guess I try to keep it as streamlined as possible, and there's a core structure of images which I'll never delete....

regarding talk of other sites, I find I'm more likely to post conceptual or 'half-baked' ideas in my gallery here as I know if I ask for it many of you will kindly give me honest feedback... over on DeviantArt (where my volume of views is higher, but feedback lower) I tend to only post those ones I think are maybe more commercial and 'finished' ideas.....   cheers for starting this Bruce, nice to know people's opinions too


Adam Edwards Photography

Garlor ( ) posted Sat, 10 January 2009 at 1:15 PM

My gallery remains as an archive of journeys.When some one discovers my aerial views they often look back and find lots of interest. My business website contains all my aerials but RR is the only place online for all my other pics which are for fun often.

I love to read the variety of comments and enjoy other galleries as well.

NightGallery ( ) posted Sat, 10 January 2009 at 7:41 PM

I haven't deleted mine. I would have to be really pissed off I think.. lol.
I think I have only removed 1 or 2 so far. Generally I am pretty happy with mine, although my intent was to have way more Night photos in it (a lot of bugs have invaded, but I post what i can get). But getting out and taking them, often alone is something I need to kick my own butt to do more.

And on deleting images, I really hesitate to do it if it has a good amount of comments and any favs. Then I feel I am cheating others that like it. With my 3D account here (striving), I have done that a lot though, for some reason my digital art seemed more personal, I guess it the term.

Cool thread.. interesting read.

blinkings ( ) posted Wed, 21 January 2009 at 7:24 AM · edited Wed, 21 January 2009 at 7:25 AM

I go through and weed some out occasionally. I can't come up with a logical reason, other than some shots just start to annoy me after a while. Or I add them and leave them because they are 'liked by others' when deep in my heart I know I shouldn’t have bothered submitting it in the first place!

busi2ness ( ) posted Thu, 19 February 2009 at 1:18 AM

I don't weed out the odd one as I would have nothing left if I start, lol.

Serious: My uploads fall in two categories if I have to be honest. One is striving to do justice to nature and what I perceive and to make others wander in the box I create. Secondly there are the ones loaded with personal emotion. I wouldn't like to lose from either category but then I only have an upload rate of 0.2 or less pics per day.

I cherish my Renderosity gallery much more than even my gallery web site because it is much more personal, interactive and intimate, making my mark in a non-commercial world. I use other sites to post the "what happened yesterday" captures and I don't hesitate to delete all of them periodically.

I have never deleted my gallery here though.

Having said this as background, I would not hesitate to maintain it in a fashion to present versatility while being a measure of growth.

Piet Vermeulen, South Africa

bentchick ( ) posted Thu, 19 February 2009 at 2:07 PM

Here's a thought! How often do we actually look at anothers "entire" gallery? I have ventured to go through say 2 or 3 pages of a gallery of someones work I really admire. I even like looking at the stats and clicking on their most commented or most viewed, but some of the long time galleries have dozens of pages of work. That makes me wonder if I shouldn't weed out my gallery to a more manageable size!
Love to hear everyone's thought on that one!

Kim Hawkins


Kim Hawkins Eastern Sierra Gallery



auntietk ( ) posted Thu, 19 February 2009 at 7:30 PM

I know what you mean.  I'm currently on page 35 of my gallery.  I think, "wow - that's unwieldy."  Then I think, "so what?"


So I'm leaving it alone.

"If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough."  ...  Robert Capa

Garlor ( ) posted Fri, 20 February 2009 at 5:17 AM

I do not keep a diary so when I look back in my gallery I have a wowee reminder of the people and places caught forever.

decie ( ) posted Tue, 10 March 2009 at 2:18 PM

I thought about deleting some stuff but people have added some of the stuff to their FAV list so i leave well enough alone. and i look back to see if i have improved any and see where i can improve.

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