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Renderosity Forums / Poser - OFFICIAL

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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 10 10:34 am)

Subject: EZSkin 3, is this an error?

rokket ( ) posted Wed, 09 August 2017 at 7:21 PM ยท edited Mon, 10 February 2025 at 9:55 PM

When I use EZSkin 3 in PP11, I get a popup window when I apply the shader that says:

C:Program FilesSmith MicroPoser 11RuntimePythonposerScriptsScriptsMenuEZSkin3.pyc:4585: RuntimeWarning: Parsing SetFloat() Usage: SetFloat( value). Interpreted 0th tuple component as float.

Is this an error of some sort? I'm not much of a Python coder, so I know exactly nothing about it. Sorry if this is a dumb question.

If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.

ironsoul ( ) posted Wed, 09 August 2017 at 10:14 PM

Might help https://forum.smithmicro.com/topic/232/hmmm-python-error-after-updating-to-sr4/13

Miss B ( ) posted Wed, 09 August 2017 at 10:19 PM

Ohhh, since I've never seen that error message, I couldn't imagine what would cause it. I think my never installing the 32-bit binaries with Poser updates is probably why.


OK . . . Where's my chocolate?

Butterfly Dezignz

ironsoul ( ) posted Wed, 09 August 2017 at 10:52 PM

I guess Poser is saying "you've given me more numbers than I was expecting so I'm going to take the first one". Don't recall EZskin prompting for a list so its most likely the script has got confused over something and its really an error rather than a warning.

parkdalegardener ( ) posted Thu, 10 August 2017 at 5:58 AM

It's a Python error caused by ezSkin. There is an ezSkin update that fixes it.

rokket ( ) posted Thu, 10 August 2017 at 8:03 AM

I heard from Snarly himself that it is indeed EZSkin and it needs the update. I am 13 pixel samples into a 20 sample render, but I will get the update as soon as it finishes. Probably tomorrow.

If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.

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