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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 14 8:53 am)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: Noggin's Poser Chameleon_Available Now!!

noggin ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 9:37 AM · edited Mon, 10 February 2025 at 4:02 AM


Wow! that has to be a record. I posted this critter for testing at the start of the England:Denmark world cup game_ and by the time England had scored a masterful victory_ the chameleon was approved! I've put him up for a discount of 20% starting TOMORROW for 2 whole weeks_so do wait please until tomorrow(!!!!) If you buy him today (15th June) you'll pay the full price un-neccessarily. Ps new free texture will be available also tomorrow_ and maybe (if I get my act together) a free BOTTLE'A'BUD... nyaaaaggggghhhhhhhh_ well yes of course a virtual one!!! D'ya think I own a brewery!!

thgeisel ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 9:41 AM

looking good, but i dont understand the thing with the bud?( think its a beer) !sorry im german !!

noggin ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 9:59 AM

Yep sorry_ getting very parochial here. Two talking chameleons featured very prominantly in Budweiser Beers last but one advertising campaign (here in the UK anyway)Its also the 'Official Beer' of the 2002 World Cup. Still I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression!_ Its because of the natural beauty and interest of this animal that I was inspired to create the model rather than a great love of an American brewed lager-beer!!

davidm ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 9:59 AM

Brilliant Nigel!!! Cheers from Dave (in Scotland) :-)

noggin ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 10:03 AM

Did you watch the game_ they played out of their socks! Nice to hear from you Dave Nigel (Malmesbury, Wiltshire) :-)

davidm ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 10:09 AM

Yep, can you believe it Nigel?! - A Scot cheering on England?!! Ha ha! :-) Great game! - Love the way the Japanese/South Korean fans have really entered into the spirit of the competition - Great hosts!!! (wearing sombreros one game, painting St George's flags on their faces the next!) Dave :-)

noggin ( ) posted Sat, 15 June 2002 at 2:58 PM

Dunno we Brits have gotta stick together! I shall be an honary Irishman tomorrow. Didn't the USA do well (he said with half an eye to the cross Atlantic market_no but they really did_well played USA) Is this the right forum for these discussions? I'll shut up now or I'll get an ear bashing from all those who couldn't give a tuppence! ps the Bud's up there_ on the house!

dragongirl ( ) posted Sun, 16 June 2002 at 2:25 PM

One of the truly great banner ads of all time!! :-) -dg

davidm ( ) posted Sun, 16 June 2002 at 2:38 PM

Yep, I agree Dragongirl - That banner ad is really cool! Dave :-)

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