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Poser Technical F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 04 2:47 am)

Welcome to the Poser Technical Forum.

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This is the place you come to ask questions and share new ideas about using the internal file structure of Poser to push the program past it's normal limits.

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Subject: Editing Bones in Poser

noggin ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 7:41 AM · edited Thu, 13 February 2025 at 7:17 PM

Any wise owls out there know if its possible to INSERT new bones in to a pre-existing bone structure in Poser (pro pack) You can add them on to the end of chains but I need to add in bones and regroup a mesh to give it more flexibility in the middle, but I don't want to loose the bone set-up further down the line.

lynnJonathan ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 1:21 PM


Sure, The image here is the Poser Mannequin and I added a Bone called "lButtock". What you do is create your bone with the parent selected first. Here it was the hip. You need to have a group of polygons named the same as the bone- of course. Then open the hierarchy window and drag the "lThigh" onto the "lButtock" to make it the parent.

noggin ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 2:05 PM

Thanks lynn_ but (there's always a butt!) will the lThigh bone then 'stick' on to the new lButtock bone? I think it might_ you sounded so confident! I'm gonna go and play with my mannequin!! If you're right_ this could make my life SO much easier!!

noggin ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 3:04 PM

I had a go lynn_ and drew a blank. I dragged the lButtock on to the hip in the hierarchy editor and it just wouldn't 'drop'_ nor would the lower segments drop on to the new buttock bone. I tried setting it all up in the IK chain as well_ and although this worked it still wouldn't allow me to connect the new bone in to the hierarchy but merely place it in as an additional branch.

noggin ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 4:02 PM

Hey Ratteler (and thanks to lynn!!!) got it. Here's the sequence: 1) edit your mesh to create the new group 2) create corresponding bone (first click on the intended parent bone)This new bone is a seperate branch at the moment. 3)Then select the bone in the chain you want to attach as a daughter and click on menu Object:Change parent. Select your new bone as the parent. There you are all connected up. It doesn't appear that you can drag and drop in the hierarchy editor. Thanks a million Lynn for pointing me in the right direction.

bloodsong ( ) posted Mon, 11 November 2002 at 7:28 PM

heyas; you have to grab the parent bone and draw the new bone along the current child. if you do it right, the child will now be the child of your new bone, not its old parent. if you miss, the child will still be attached to its old parent, so you need to delete the new bone and try again.

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