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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 15 11:01 am)

Subject: poser.bum to .jpg conversion

noggin ( ) posted Tue, 19 November 2002 at 3:56 PM ยท edited Fri, 14 February 2025 at 4:36 PM

Does anyone know if its possible to convert P4 .bum files in to .jpg's that PP can handle. Is there a handy utility? Thanks in advance.

raven ( ) posted Tue, 19 November 2002 at 4:10 PM

The only thing I know of is a utility that Anthony Appleyard did. On the other hand, pro-pack reads .bums anyway. It won't convert a .jpg to .bum, but if that's the problem, open the file (prop, figure etc) in notepad and replace instances of .bum with .jpg, well that's what I do anyway :)

garder ( ) posted Tue, 19 November 2002 at 4:57 PM

Rename the .bum to .bmp and convert the .bmp to .jpg with a convert program like: Image Optimizer, that's what I do and it works very well :-)

Nance ( ) posted Tue, 19 November 2002 at 5:28 PM

See MartinC's "Poser Speedbump" utility. He demonstrated it here a while back and it actually unscrambles channels of the .bum file somehow as opposed to just converting it to a monochrome image that retains the channel offsets.

Spit ( ) posted Tue, 19 November 2002 at 6:31 PM

I just right-click on the .bum and send it to Photo-paint, then save as JPG. I don't think Photoshop will load the file.

EnglishBob ( ) posted Wed, 20 November 2002 at 4:26 AM

Quite a few image editors will open a .BUM file, which is based on .BMP format but without any blue channel information. Paint Shop Pro does for sure... You can then save these to any format you like. BUT the red and green channel information is offset compared to the original greyscale. Whether or not this matters depends on the bump map in question; some will work well enough, others will not. General "rough texture" type maps will usually be fine, but one which is trying to generate well-defined features will give a fuzzy result.

noggin ( ) posted Wed, 20 November 2002 at 7:02 AM

Thanks everyone_ I'll give some of those ideas a go_ bit disappointing about photoshop tho as its my image editor of choice. Raven I can't get pro pack to read bum files_ that was my just locks up every time.

EnglishBob ( ) posted Wed, 20 November 2002 at 10:13 AM

Attached Link:

The linked thread may be of interest in general bumpmap terms - but also gillan's original post implies that he opens .BUM files in Photoshop. Maybe if you rename them to .BMP?

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