Sun, Feb 9, 12:42 PM CST

Fright Night - for visualgirl

Poser Gothic posted on Oct 29, 2005
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Happy Halloween!!!! Dont fall over from fright that I am actually posting!! LOL Thank you to visualgirl, you are a sweetie and a wonderful support. I am glad you are in my life!! ::hugs:: I hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!!

Comments (36)



5:06PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Very nice work



5:09PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

What a vibrant little doll!! Where ya been?! This is one Sweet image! Love that mist! Happy Halloween to you too! :D ~Charlie



5:10PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Aw, thanks, honey! It has been my pleasure being friends with you and you know it goes both ways as far as support... She is a cutie, eh? I love the little chubby! LOL! Huggies and Pampers!



5:11PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Kate!!! Hug Hug Kiss Kiss!! I so miss you!! Great to see your post and she is way too cute to be scary. (Sorry, Hon, but she is grin) Marvelous image. Love her spookie stomping grounds!



5:11PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Yesss!! A new post from you! Doing the happy dance(or at least a pale fascimile...not as young as I used ta be). This is sooo sweetly wonderful and spooky too. Wonderful dedication. Happy Halloween to you as well!



5:13PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

WOW, this is excellent! :D



5:14PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

So adorable - Bravo - EXCELLENT!!!!



5:15PM | Sat, 29 October 2005




5:34PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

simply adorable!!! and so good to finally see you post something again too!!! hugs



6:35PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

So sweet and wonderful dedication..great to see you posting!!



6:35PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

She looks so wonderful, and spooky. Excellent! :)



7:50PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Ooh, a cute redhead! but that expression... for some reason, she reminds me of Chucky, and I was too chicken to watch THAT movie! :D It's good to see you post again; you're part of what makes this place what it is to me!


8:22PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

YAAAAAAA! Missed ya babe!Love her expression!MWUH!!



8:44PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Fantastic scene ...wonderful image and dedication EXCELLENT WORK



9:48PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Oh this is too adorable! Great image.



10:31PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

OH!She is so adorable and her expression is perfect,so good to see a post from you...Happy day...!!!



11:20PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Oh my, what an adorable character and a wonderful Halloween scene!!



11:56PM | Sat, 29 October 2005

Oh just excellent... she's a real cutie devil... if there's such a thing... really fancy that spiders web! (V)



2:11AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

Ah yes, Miss Kate - it is true, indeed. "Absence does make the heart grow fonder". You have exquisite tastes in art, and in your friends, re, visualgirl. Superb artwork!! Keep on 'truckin' in the words of one Eddie Kendrick, dear lady. My best to you and yours. T.P.


2:19AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

Nice image Kate and a great dedication



4:48AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

Absolutely excellent!!!!The spider Web is wonderful and her expression, too. Excellent work. V



6:28AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

Nice work, Kate!!!! She is absolutly cute and I love the background!!!! Wonderful done and a beautiful dedication!!!


7:31AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

What an adorable little goth girl!! Good to see your work! I just love this one!!



10:40AM | Sun, 30 October 2005

Where ya been girl? Gee, I've missed ya bunches! Oh, this is really, really good! The detail and clarity are so great I feel like I can reach in and touch it! Really great work! Don't be such a stranger! ~big hug~



1:49PM | Sun, 30 October 2005

A most lovely halloween pic, excellent character and great background. Glad to see you posting again.



3:19PM | Sun, 30 October 2005




6:47AM | Mon, 31 October 2005

Very beautiful and cute how you have dressed this lovely looking lady! I like the background! Bravo!!! V



9:43AM | Mon, 31 October 2005

Happy Halloween! Great image and glad to see you posting! More treats, less tricks! :)



12:18PM | Mon, 31 October 2005

Fabulous! I love this image! Well created and beautifully thought out. Fantastic work V Cathy xoxoxo



2:31PM | Mon, 31 October 2005

What a cutie goth girl! Excellent scene.

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