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Give Thanks

Poser Fantasy posted on Nov 23, 2005
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Haven't had much time but just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all. May your holiday season be blessed with all that makes you happy!! A special Thanksgiving wish to TallPockets... Brian, you always find the time, the words and the compassion, may you be blessed with all that is good!! ::hugs:: for some reason the lighting on this just wouldnt cooperate :(

Comments (32)



8:01PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

So adorble and beautiful in ever way!!! Bravo EXCELLENT!!!!



8:01PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

I think the lighting is fine..it looks like a beautiful summer day and this is an adorable image. Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful too.



8:05PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Kate! I miss your posts very much and I'm glad to hear from you for Thanksgiving! I wish you and your family the best holiday ever, and what a beautiful image to kick if off with! Adorable characters and they are one with nature to get that close to the deer! The setting if just fantastic and has that Autumn feel! Excellent work and big hugs!



8:08PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Yeah, where ya been? Excellent render and I hope you have a great holiday with your family!



8:49PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Very sweet..they are both darling. Happy Thanksgiving!!



9:01PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

How cute! The looks darling in the dresses. The deer is a wonderful touch. Happy Thanksgiving day to you.


9:03PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

AWWW! Happy Thanksgiving to you too M'love!!The lighting looks fine to me! MWUH!!



9:22PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Such a sweet picture! Adorable!!



9:23PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Awww this is cute honey! my God :( I miss you terribly :( I hope you are doing just great and that you are having some happy happy hollidays! You know how much I love you and I'll be always here for you!! Muahhh


9:30PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

They so cute!!! Great render!!


9:32PM | Wed, 23 November 2005




10:00PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

I just love this scene, Kate! So full of charm! Wonderfully done and Happy Thanksgiving!!



10:44PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Beautiful, and so very sweet.



11:44PM | Wed, 23 November 2005

Thank you for posting this and Happy Thanksgiving!!



12:46AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Delightful and pleasant Thanksgiving scene Kate! Bravo, and I pray you and yours the same! HUGS!



2:27AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

This is super s, genial scene and creation, wonderful little lady`s, outfit and hair, super colors, light, mood and image!V


3:21AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Awwwww! Have a Great Day! Alan. xxxx



3:27AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Oh that's a real lovely and cute looking autumn scene with those two beautiful dressed girls and their little deer! I love this sweet created work! Bravo!!! V



3:29AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Its such a cute autumn scene. Excellent work.



4:31AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

what a lovely image! ^_^



7:58AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

What a sweet thing to wake up to this Thanksgiving Morn!! Wishing you a happy one too!! Alway wonderful to see your adorable scenes! We miss ya! :) ~Charlie



10:11AM | Thu, 24 November 2005

How adorable and dainty what a lovely scene. Long time no see and I hope you have a lovely thanksgiving. The background is beautiful and the whole scene is precious V Cathy xoxoxo


1:15PM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Sweet! Happy Thanksgiving!



9:54PM | Thu, 24 November 2005

Charming and adorable! I so hope you have spent the day surrounded by family and that all went as planned. I miss seeing you here often, but so happy to see you now. {{{HUGS}}}


6:31PM | Fri, 25 November 2005

So sweet, Kate!! Such a beautiful scene! Wonderful image and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!



6:55PM | Fri, 25 November 2005

I hope it was a Happy one! We'll catch up later. precious image! I love the ones you do with the little girls. They're so cute I just wanna pinch their cheeks! Ha, I spent the night last night playing games with the kids. THAT was an adventure. :)Hugs!



11:14PM | Fri, 25 November 2005

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours..Hope it was wonderful...!Love this cute image!!



9:16AM | Sun, 27 November 2005

WWWWWWWWWWW Fantastic job! I love it!!!!! VOTE


11:04AM | Sun, 27 November 2005

Gorgeous Scene!!! Love the colors and background, Fantastic Work!! =0)


12:00PM | Sun, 27 November 2005

Cute render.

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