Sun, Feb 9, 1:51 PM CST

Wind Dance

Poser (none) posted on Dec 01, 2001
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Some painting play using a bunch of tutorials.. a big thank you to Will Kramer for his wonderful tuts, as well as Socar Myles for her great cloud painting tut .. and Patric Keith for his tut on painting Rocks and grass. I started off with Vic.. got her pose and body shape going .. then worked my background in PS .. took that back into Poser to use as a background image and re rendered with Vic to get the lighting right. Saved as a tiff. and then lifted her off to paint on her cloths and hair in PS ..Finally I rendered the post in Bryce , brought it in to add to the image and painted my fabric for it. Addys to the painting tuts below. Hope you enjoy. Will's tuts: Socars and Patrics:

Comments (25)



4:21AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Just gorgeous. This pic is excellent, without flaws.



4:58AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Oh my gods.. this is incredible..


5:02AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Very beautyful, youve done a fantastic job!



5:13AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Laurie - this image is grandiose, olympian and chasteness applicative all in one render. Each time I am priviliged to behold your skills, they excel with each new piece you share with us. The wind that is evident plays upon her bellowing skirt, the colorful banners and moves through the clouds. Such beaty awes my senses.



5:14AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Very pretty,light and airy what an appropriate title too! The sense of movement is great even in the blades of grass.



6:26AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

This is absolutely wonderful, your postwork is amazing!!



6:39AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

I've always been a fan of yours and this image shows the postwork, the pose, lighting and just all of it!


7:47AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Great work! All the postwork is fantastic.



8:08AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Lovely, just a playful mood to this one. Great job Laurie! Thanks for posting the links to the tuts as well :~)


8:35AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

This is full of fabulous detail! You've done a really marvelous job on all of it. Thanks so much for the tut links, too.

Seven Wolves

9:11AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Fabulous job! Very fluid. Lovely composition :)



9:11AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Absolutely beautiful.. Your post work is exceptional.. =) BRAVO!


10:13AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Absolutely beautiful! Not only are you very talented but based on your description you are a master with your tools. It's a keeper!


10:51AM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Amazing!!! :)


1:12PM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Very beautiful! :D


2:46PM | Sat, 01 December 2001

excellent! this one really caught my eye..


6:00PM | Sat, 01 December 2001

Wonderful motion! The hair and clothes are outstanding. I bow before your skill.



6:54PM | Sat, 01 December 2001

I love your artwork and this is beautiful! :-)



7:07PM | Sat, 01 December 2001

This is exquisite. Can almost feel that breeze. Superbly done.


2:00AM | Mon, 17 December 2001

Wow, I ask myself why I am even here anymore now...magnificent work you do...


7:27PM | Fri, 22 February 2002

Hi Laurie, I know you from way back. And Ive negected your gallery, May I say you host some of the finest works on this or any other site. Youve come a long way and your images are supherb each and every one.



4:34AM | Sat, 30 March 2002

Excellent work and thanks for the link pointers.



1:49PM | Mon, 03 June 2002

Nicely done! So good to hear the tutorials are helping people out :) Keep up the good work.


12:56AM | Sat, 10 May 2003

beautiful picture.



8:49PM | Wed, 03 May 2006

this is so beautiful!!

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