Sun, Feb 16, 2:43 AM CST

Vore Tower Encounter

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Feb 28, 2006
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Several weeks after the incident in the pub, our travellers are searching for the snubbed Shayne. "This is where Shayne went?" Cheyenne asked. "That's what the locals say." "What is it?" "The locals called it the Vore Tower. They say a witch lives there," he answered grimly. "It scares me." He kept his own fear to himself; they soon left to tell the others.
Can you see where this fits? Am I blending "fantasy reality" with "fantasy fantasy" too much? :) Even with all the distractions today, I managed to finish this in one evening on the new machine. Probably less than an hour's work, compared to the ten or so it would have taken me on my laptop. I might even get caught up with my image list someday! Vore Tower by Morgan Welborn.

Comments (8)



6:48AM | Tue, 28 February 2006

This is a really cool image !! I had to take it off and look at it in Photoshop to see the whole thing on this small monitor, but there are shapes and forms and a kind of abstract here that are really beautiful. Not sure what you mean by blending the fantasty reality with fantasy actually looks almost surreal to me. Excellent work friend !!!! HUGSSSSSS



9:18AM | Tue, 28 February 2006

One of your finest to date. Impressive pov. Awesome work on the tower and the dark lighting.


1:03PM | Tue, 28 February 2006

Fantastic Mike! The MovieThe Brothers Grim, I was excited about seeing, however while I watched interesting enough I found it had more then its share of corny momentsBut I gave it a break and thought, a little of thatonly adds to the mystery, although I admit I continually asked myself throughout am I going to like this movie or am I going to hate it?...LOL, and yes I thought of the Movie as soon as my eye graced your work before the text below. Your work as your words always brings a smile to my face! Anyhow when the movie was over, I was left with a feeling of relief and wondered if I should watch it again, thus warranted that I enjoyed it, and also Mike thanks for sharing your work and what you have been up to today too. It is always a pleasure hearing from you.



3:08PM | Tue, 28 February 2006

Looks like a very tall tower. Haven't seen Brothers Grim yet (won't be out over here before a couple of month, I think) but this reminded me of the snake tower in the first Conan movie. interesting point of view, but I liked the thumbnail's pov better.



4:13PM | Tue, 28 February 2006

Awesome hon!! Love the POV and that tower is way too cool! Excellent lighting and please keep blending :) huge hugglz :)



6:17AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

I love the POV and the texture detail is excellent! Goodness, you've come a long way since you started this! ^_^



8:08AM | Fri, 03 March 2006

Micsteel. I have watched your work for a while now and am amazed at how far you have come so fast. Bravo on your work. Excellent image and great view! WTG!!!



3:05PM | Sat, 04 March 2006

Awesome job!! And what a POV!! Great textureing too!! Excellent work! :)

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