Sun, Feb 9, 5:58 PM CST

Meeting at Vore Tower

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Mar 01, 2006
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We arrived very close to dawn, to find the Witch waiting for us--and surprisingly, she had Shayne with her. Was this woman truly a witch? I was convinced of it! We introduced ourselves, and asked her name. "You have not earned my Name," she answered haughtily. "Then what shall we call you, Lady Witch?" "Don't call me," was her simple reply. "Not that you could," she laughed. "None come to me but that I wish it." "Why do you hold our friend Shayne?" I asked. "I found this tender thing crying in the night, camped--if you could call it that--in the bushes under my tower. She was so unhappy, she couldn't even tell me what was wrong! You are bad people to do this to her! I give her love, and a home--not a tent, mind you--with a room of her own, and a warm bed and good meals. What more could such a dear child need from life? "Now come along, dear, let these...people go their way; we have things to do." So saying, she brusquely pulled Shayne away. Was it my imagination, or was there still a tear on her cheek, and pleading in her eye? I watched as they went toward the tower; Shayne glanced over her shoulder at me. They suddenly vanished before they got as close to the tower as Cheyenne: Vanished without smoke or light or other stage-magicians' distractions. Simply disappeared! It was then that I realized what I had been seeing all along: Cheyenne and Javyn were standing very close to each other, touching, touching intimately! She gazed at him with what seemed from this distance to be complete adoration. I had thought she admired ME! Not this little punk drunkard! Huh! Two gut-wrenching heartbreaks at once, and I'm not the sort that has those often...
"Blending." Aye, that's what I'm doing, Squeeka! :) Can you guess who the narrator is? I'll give you a hint: Cheyenne has already seen him bare, squared! :D I tried this with Depth of Field; found out that the backdrop came through sharp as a tack. Kinda defeats the effect. Besides, :)it made the texture on the tower look bad. You can glimpse DoF in the thumbnail, although that's a different angle, with a long zoom lens so the scale of the near and far characters was condensed. Textures from Kallea Xanay Reborn by LuckyRed. Vore Tower by Morgan Welborn. Rogue Red for Stephanie by DAZ3D. Terrain freebie; background photo mine. Modified texture on Quarker's Slinky hair. Not enough room for all my toys! :D I like my Mac mini, although I just got notice that the dual-core Intel Mac mini is now available, and it's four times as fast as the one I got... Well, I held my breath about as long as I could! :D

Comments (11)



12:27AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

Dontcha hate it when that happens. lol. Buy and new computer and then find out that what you would really like was just released. Sigh. Been there, done that. LOL. This looks fabulous. The textures and characters all are sharp as a tack. Bright, bold, and well defined. Love the outfit on the woman on the left in the foreground. What outfit is that. Cant tell from your credits. lol. Well, this is a great improvement . I mean, I can see everything in it. Excellent work friend. !!!!



2:53AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

Well done hon!! Love the depth to this and I hera ya about the computers, lol! Seems like there's' always something new and different right after you buy something :) Excellent job on the image and I love the story that's going on too!! huge hugglz :)



8:50AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

The tower texture is a bit too sharp as it is further away, but it is a great texture. ;) I wonder where this story leads to....and I do love long leggy witches, I have to admit ;)



9:26AM | Wed, 01 March 2006

Wow! Stumbled into the middle of your party and like the graphics. Shayne does look young, yet a woman. The witch, with the direct gaze of her almost lynx eyes, is a caution. Fool that I am, have a soft spot for haught, long-legged, beautiful witches. Nice use of character interaction in witch's dialog.



6:15PM | Wed, 01 March 2006

I like your story........ ^_^



8:47PM | Wed, 01 March 2006

I'm just going to agree with what everyone else has said. They all said it better than I could. Love the image and story!


9:25PM | Wed, 01 March 2006

Super render.



2:27PM | Thu, 02 March 2006

Bloody awesome Mic!!! Love your storytelling.



2:47AM | Sat, 04 March 2006

Gotta love that storytelling and what a great image to portray it. I really love that Wicca outfit very nice.......shannon ;}



3:08PM | Sat, 04 March 2006

Beautiful!! This has so many characters in it! Must have been a booger to tangel with! Awesome work!!



1:59PM | Sat, 25 March 2006

You can see the pleading in Shayne's eyes...very provoking :)

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