You can fool some of the people all of the time,
and all of the people some of the time;
you can even fool the human eye, from time to time,
but you just can't fool that old camera lens!
B i o g r a f i
Denger was born on a standard world orbiting a non-descript G-type star near the galaxy rim. An early life characterized by social introversion and a passion for learning gave rise to many and varied interests, including Terran paleontology, archaeology and history, aerospace history and technology, geology and mineralogy, music performance, photography, classical and pulp literature, electronics technology, exploration and travel, survival techniques, commerce and business operations, Terrageneering and interpersonal relationship dynamics. He also seems to have developed an uncanny knack for handicrafts, parlour trivia games and bean bag tossing. In addition to training the leaders of tomorrow, he has of late been engaged in global navigational satellite systems-related pursuits.
Not surprisingly, Denger became known to those around him as a jack-of-all-trades, (some might add, master of none). He currently resides at a northerly latitude with his lovely spouse, two juveniles and two felines. We hope you will enjoy the images on display in Denger's Gallery; they have been gathered from beyond the farthest reaches of Time and Space, for each one originated at the true Final Frontier: the Human Mind.
I cordially invite you to view My Featured Images & Favorites (from the pulldown console above).
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Comments (11)
Incredible detail captured in the dagger. The lighting is fabulous as is the color and tone of the photograph. How wonderful that you could capture the shape of the rise down the center of the blade. Excellent! V
Scarey looking shot this, damaging! But excellent of a catalogue!
Outstanding render:stunning V V V
Not a render; this is a photo with some minor postwork.
An impressive weapon but great for use in the wild nature! :)
Nasty looking weapon and nice lighting to show off the glint of the edges! :0)
Looks like a photo of a real hi-tech blade. Bravo!
NO WAY!!! I was mentioning my Kershaw Amphibian earlier..AND HERE IT IS!!! I have that exact knife, in fact I just pulled it out of my desk drawer to make sure it was the same!!! I see you altered the logo though! Great knife!!!
Good picture erland
I have a Laguiol (designed by G. david) And I did never seen this one, beautiful object, must be cool to have it when trekking in nature. BTW Great shot of it. Euh, is it build with Bryce? great rendering... Big lol!! ;)
Pretty tool for surviving where ever you are (could be a dark alley, perhaps a jungle)! In my country by law, not allowed to carry any sharp "object".