Tue, Feb 11, 11:24 PM CST

1stBryce/Light Java

Bryce (none) posted on Jan 01, 2002
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I was thinking of a perfume that would smell like an easy morning with a cup of fresh coffee...My first Bryce, not much just composed some primitives with a sky & one lightsource. Honest comments please. By the way it's now already 2002!

Comments (24)


10:49AM | Tue, 01 January 2002

best bryce work in months...



11:41AM | Tue, 01 January 2002

Excellent bit of pure design ! Hard to understand why you choose to do this in Bryce after the landscapes in Terragen ? Have you done any landscapes in Bryce ? Can this sort of thing be done in Terragen? I am not having a dig at you ! I am interested to understand why the jump in style from one bit of software to another? I feel that the Terragen landscapes I see here, have better looking atmosphere's and a more natural look. However, landscapes, is all there is, very few trees as well! I really like the tonal range in this image. I find that the fewer lights used the better, as is shown here. Good'n PS. Sorry about the third degree !


12:53PM | Tue, 01 January 2002

Nice work, Ray! Hope you are not forget Terragen, when you are now working with Bryce, hihi!


3:39PM | Tue, 01 January 2002

Hi RayTraz, thought I'd check your images out seeing you had a look at mine :) Interesting concept, I like it! :)



7:56PM | Tue, 01 January 2002

This is really coool...doesn't have the Bryce feel (not that there is anything wrong with bryce :) but it feels more like a 3DS or Maya render.....I would love to know how to do that! ...great work.



11:32AM | Wed, 02 January 2002

cool render in bryce. and real coffe cups



10:33PM | Thu, 03 January 2002

Wonderful, if this is your first Bryce picture than I say that your well on your way to mastering this program....;-)



12:30PM | Fri, 04 January 2002

Just thought the same as J3nuwin. If this is your first render with Bryce it deserves a 10. Btw is it the 30 days trial version ?! You must have the full version I wanna see more !



3:09PM | Fri, 04 January 2002

you don't want to see my first bryce :( excellent work mr traz



12:57AM | Sat, 05 January 2002

great stuff, Ray....really the first time? Nice idea, it really looks like a photo!!!!



1:12AM | Tue, 08 January 2002

Very well done! great job! and cool idea =-)



6:27PM | Tue, 08 January 2002

this is a beauty, definitely...


12:28PM | Thu, 10 January 2002

Damn good for a first try...


10:20PM | Tue, 15 January 2002

Excellent design and beatiful render.


5:34AM | Wed, 16 January 2002

I see excellent control of composition and lighting!.. Your first Bryce render?.. Very impressed indeed! Hat's off to ya' Cheers!



9:45AM | Wed, 16 January 2002

Woow now THATS a jump in style! I was just going through your gallery workig my way up.. and I agree with Brendan, even though I don't feel it TOO strange to chage styles like that. But this oe IS a change! Ad it looks like ANYTHING but a "first go" at modeling in Bryce! Great work and no advice needed to be given actually!(Think I am gonna pull the rating a little up!)



5:22AM | Sun, 20 January 2002

Very nice! I like the concept for the perfume and the quirky packaging design - clever! Not to mention the fact that everything is competently executed. Professional stuff!


6:30AM | Sun, 20 January 2002

Love the smoothness on this one. Very realistic yet very powerful. =)


5:35AM | Mon, 28 January 2002

looks damn good your getting skill


5:56AM | Thu, 07 February 2002

gila juga lu ya'


1:15AM | Wed, 20 February 2002

crisp, clean image. thats some slick work there. very cool.


12:15PM | Tue, 16 April 2002

real good work! great composition and well chosen colours


2:56AM | Sun, 28 April 2002

OMG! Your first bryce?!?!?!?... I would sell my grand ma if someone would teach me how to make scenes this good in bryce ;)



5:54PM | Sat, 01 March 2003

So stylish. What an eye :-)

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