Sun, Feb 16, 12:10 PM CST

Just GO!

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Jul 31, 2006
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When I found her, she was practicing with a sword. Her gleaming hair was flying, the sword flashed as it whipped about. She spun, rolled, dashed and twirled; her bare buttocks and thighs shone with sweat. I couldn't help myself: I gasped aloud at her beauty. "Oh, my God!" I said. She immediately whirled to face me and froze in a crouch. "What did you say?" My mind was blank. She seemed angry, and I didn't know why. I should have known better than to open my mouth again, but I blurted the first thing in my head. "You are the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen," I told her. She slowly straightened, eyes locked on mine. "Get out," she demanded imperiously. "Just GO!" Was that a tear in her eye? I wondered as I obeyed.
I used Pantomime to help with the pose; it's almost twice as fast as the method I normally use, but I'm glad I got it on sale. :) It still has a couple of, um, "bugs": When you select some (most) parts, it resets to zero before you move, which makes fine-tuning a pain in the...yeah. So I turned off the auto-manipulation draw style; I'm glad my current computer is fast enough for that! Pantomime would be useless on the laptop I started using for DAZ|Studio. Apple can thank DAZ that I bought a newer machine! :D And now DAZ introduces ray-traced shadows; ten times as CPU-intensive as deep shadow maps! but they do look better. I also experimented with ahShader Package 1, by Arthur Heinz (aka Pendragon on the DAZ Forums) Version 0.9 Beta; no guarantee that I used it correctly, or that its subtleties weren't completely washed out by the odd lighting I used :) but if you happen to see an effect you can't duplicate with lights, that might be it. I applied it to Aiko and the leaves on the plant. It's difficult not to overdo it. The shader set is free at this point, but you pay for it in the lack of documentation. :/ (If you get it, be sure to read the doc it does have!) Mitsu hair is pretty, but I think I'm done with buying hair: I've purchased almost a dozen different sets looking for one that poses. I'm just going to have to learn how to make my own! I've been modeling in Hexagon, as those of you who visit my gallery regularly know, but I haven't figured out how to attach morphs to a model. I did get a copy of Panther--an earlier version of OS X--and installed it on a FireWire drive, so I can now run Poser 5! Yippee! I'm working on a special project with a group at Artzone, where I'm writing the program code for a video game. I did this render just to burn off some frustration. Not that the narrator of this story isn't a bit frustrated, too! :D Aiko3, Mitsu hair, Hiro's Tansei Shunketsu sword (scaled down), DM Garden Corner Terrace and potted plant, Moda Fashion earrings, and Aikiyu skin texture from DAZ; Chinese Leotard by BatLabs. I started with a light set by who-knows-who; it's called "Light Sets:Lit from below." Rather demonic, so I toned it down and added a bluish light for the shadows: I just wanted the mood to be angry/hurt/heartbroken, not hell arisen! :)

Comments (8)


7:29PM | Mon, 31 July 2006

Beautiful work



7:43PM | Mon, 31 July 2006

Nice image, reminds me of an image I had posted a long time ago.. About a woman of exquisite beauty!! Hm, anyway's another life, another time.. She never really existed in my life anyhow!! Was just another stupid dream.. One is much better off finding the queen of hearts..



8:13PM | Mon, 31 July 2006

Pose drastique il faut vraiement outer????Travail gial



10:29PM | Mon, 31 July 2006

Hi Mic, not seen you round for a while. Very nice looking swordswoman. Love her hair:)



6:21AM | Tue, 01 August 2006

WOW. This is fantastic !! So good to see you upload an image. I am really, really, really, really glad that you got a new computer. YIPPEEEEEE. This image is really strikingly beautiful and I really LOVE the story that goes with it. Love her outfit too. I have no idea what the Pose program you bought is but it did a great job!!!. So wonderful to see this and to know that you will be posting more. right ??? He he !!! You have done a stunning job with this image. So glad to hear that you can use Poser now. I have been trying to use Daz Studio to create things that I can then move into Bryce and I sure find that its interface is much less user friendly. I am impressed with any work I see done in Daz Studio after trying it !!!! Excellent work my friend. I hope you feel the need to vent more frustration. lol. Welcome Back !!!! HUGSSSSS



1:24PM | Tue, 01 August 2006 have been so busy havnt you! I think the pose here is perfect!! Love the whole setting and the light...Awesome job!



5:05PM | Tue, 01 August 2006

Impressive Mike! And damn glad to see a post from you. Slow down some and post more often, please. There are those of us who miss you around here.



2:02AM | Thu, 05 October 2006

wonderful pose and BG!!

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