Yukimi for Digimon & goodoldboy by TwoPynts
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"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; rather, seek what they sought." ~ Basho "Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water." ~ Zen Buddhist Proverb "You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." ~ Unknown
This is an antique Mara Yukimi stone lantern in a zen rock garden. Yukimi means "snow viewing" because as the granite lantern cap captures the snow fall, the lantern is believed to be at it's greatest beauty reflecting the purity of simple lines. We don't get much snowfall in South Florida, but one can still appreciate the simple, elegant lines of the Yukimi. These Japanese lanterns are very popular used near water elements and the roofs are found both in hexagon and round in shape. Yukimi are easily identified because these lanterns always stand on 3 or four legs as opposed to a column or pedestal. Ishi-Doro Lanterns were originally introduced into Japan from China. The first ones were made of metal and primarily used to light doorways to temples and shrines. They were later made of stone for use in gardens, but it wasn't until they were introduced into Japanese tea gardens by tea-master Sen-no-Rikkyu that they really become a major garden element. Japanese tea ceremonies were often held in the evenings and light was needed to guide guests to the tea room. Aside from that though, the stone lanterns were primarily a decorative element and rarely used as a light source. ----- goodoldboy
posted an Yukimi of his own for me this past Sunday, thanks buddy! I'd also like to dedicate this scene of contemplation to my good friend Digimon(Eric). Much to my dismay, he's decided the stop posting in his gallery here at Renderosity but I understand why he feels the need to move on and I wish him all of the best. -----Thank you for your forested comments on my last upload,
Sangatsu-Do Tachi-Gata
Olympus C-8080 & PhotoshopCS. (769)
Morikami Japanese Gardens, Boca Raton, FL, USA
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Comments (23)
I really like the curves and how they raked the pebbles and it's sad to see another one bite the dust...~Cheers~
Beautiful BW photography of this so wonderful looking park! I think they invest a lot of time to keep the park clean! Excellent posting!!!
Serene, very feng shui.
A beautifull attended to spot. Zen peaceful. Good shot with fantastic contrast and great presentation.
Stunning shot buddy... the tones are perfect and that compo is simply genious! Excellent work! :) Thanks for sharing! HOpe you are keeping well!
Gorgeous work as always, and sweet that you dedicate it to Eric as well! :)
Beautiful compo which works perfectly in sepia tones!!! Wonderful dedi! 8;o)
Fantastic, moody and elegant, easily the best of your Ishi-Doro shots. st_fish is right, the tone does this image alot of favors . . . but it's the composition that really makes this one great. Instead of putting the lantern in the center of the shot, you left it waaaaay off to the side; it emphasises the background and the tree on the right edge makes for a nice border. Bravo!
Wonderful atmospheric and POV capture of the Ishi-Doro and environs! Kort, my friend, thank you for the fine dedication involving these ancient artifacts from the Far East! Also, I have a couple of captures from my local Japanese Garden showing these immaculately manicured gravel gardens that I'm posting for everyone's pleasure and edification.
He seems to be the keeper..peaceful place..great compo. bravo
Beautifull image.....
Brilliant use of the mono tone image along with the lines raked in the gravel surface.
now thats the best one until now in my humble opinion!
Beautiful capture and the serenity that it gives to those who look. Karen :)
this is super
Any foot prints left next to this latern? An excellent series. Aloha
Beautifult picture in color and composition erland
Like a lot this sort of gardens, great pic !
I loved this part of Morikami.(It's the 'zen' garden with the patterns in the sand,isn't it?)And knowing what that looks like,I have to say you did an awesome job with this.The contrasting tones and textures and your compo all come together wonderfully.Excellent one,Kortalouche...As to your dedies,both artists are most worthy.But I have to sigh...AS you can maybe tell,I'm backtracking some ebots,so I wasn't yet aware of Eric's decision.I do see I have an ebot for him though...Sigh...-M :^(
Hey, I've been there! ....beautiful photo and dedi !
NICE! love the tonal range as well as the pov and comp!!! very well done Kort!