I have many dreams, mostly ones one can hardly convey in spoken language. IÂ want nature and peace around me, yet IÂ do not want to relinquish digital photography. IÂ have a Nikon D200 with a very basic lens. I had a Canon 30D too, but what a disappointment. BIO I am 55, an IT consultant and tried my hand at diamond digging, computer programming, being a network & computer technician, web designer, amateur photographer, etc. I am a man of the bush and appreciate simple things. IÂ do photography assignments from time to time. I am privileged to live where IÂ do, (map), a rural area in South Africa where I can hear the lions roar just 12 miles (20km) from where I live. I love this site and the artists uploading their work and I don't think any other site offers this varied depth in artistic skills. Piet
Comments (65)
Very beautiful...makes me wish spring would arrive
Indeed not just a flower. These ones are quite rare looks to me that Busi manage to get all the special photo opportunities in Africa, disgusting LOL :-). Bidens Formosa (Sinonym: Cosmos bipinnatus) belongs to the gorup "Compositae" of which there is 20 known species and only two are annual species (Cosmos bipinnatus and Cosmos sulphureus) of which the first is also referred to as "Sensation Cosmos" ranging from white to dark rose and all variations in between. Lovely compilation Busi, taking something we thought to be a common South African site depicting it in perfect Stile. Well done!!!
HeyHello dear PTA ;) wonderful and love this one with butterlfy but I have to say that all there have wonderful gradients - beauty done work !
Nice collage, great set of flowers !
They are all GORGEOUS!!! I Loovvveee Kosmos! You don't see them that much down here in the Cape. My favourite our of the collage is at the top right! Sweet dedi and Lovely shots too. 8;o)
Beautiful collage and composition, The colours diferent look GREAT. I think to imitate you with many flowers i have.. also... congratulations
exceptional collage Piet and all very beautiful. some flowers are boring but not here
A marvellous collage of photographs, with a botany lesson thrown in - what more could we ask for? Thanks so much! Mike
Beautiful collage and very informative to boot. I love that you included a shot of field? of them. Very beautiful presentation.
wonderful flowers!
What a fantastic collection this is. It is lovely to see the progression of colours of this magnificent flower. Brilliant, well done!
Very interesting variations. Beautiful macros.
Wonderfully done each on their own would be good... I love the one with the butty on for sure..
Excellent idea carried out very well!
Wow!!! wonderful collage!!! I love the presentatin and the shots of course! Bravo Piet!!!
lovely set of photos
hello, a later comment ,sorry, but i have not much time because i make some working in my house for some months! you make a beautiful serie who give colors during this winter time! have a very nice weekend Piet!
A marvellous collection of a lovely little flower which seems to grow all over the world. These ones do have a different look to them.
Oh yes, so beautiful pictures and very nice color !!! :)
Wonderful presentation of the range of pink through white, and especially like that you put that small shot in that shows who they grow wild in the field.
Most beautiful collage! Super done!!!!!
Such beautiful florals and marvellous collage! Wonderful work, interesting story.
A very pretty collage! These flowers look very similar to the self-seeding Cosmos we have in Minnesota. In the seed catalogues they are listed under the "Old Fashioned" flower seeds. Nice dedi! :0)
So curious this, very interesting ! Excellent pics.
I love flowers too and Cosmos are only annual here so we have to plant them every year. Funny how hybrids are supposed to "improve" a species in some way but my favourites would be the first ones, starting with the first one, love that one, not just the flower but my favourite shot of the bunch. Beautiful pictures and wonderful montage!
My fave is the top middle one - very pretty!
Beautiful work!!!!
These are all such lovely shots ... the light is perfect and so nice to see some different coloured ones. Your presentation is spot on to :D
interesting progression of colors, nice work.