Thu, Dec 19, 9:47 AM CST

~Who's The Junk~

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Aug 02, 2007
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Hi all, First of all I've gotta say one huge thanks for all the support and the AOM... I can't tell ya how it's made my day when I got back from seeing The Simpsons Movie and found myself on the front page there with title of AOM... So a very special thanks to ALL of you. Been pretty busy this week so sorry for the lack of my presence but I'll be a round a bit next week cause it's a semi week off but still got some lectures to go to and homework... Would have like to have more of this rusty looking structure in my shot BUT there was a fence just below it all... Anyway hope you're all keeping well out there and AGAIN a HUGE thanks to all of you *HUGZ*
Thanks for the kind words on my previous image: My previous picture� Cheers, Kai

Comments (29)



2:50AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

the colours in here are realy rocking ^^ excellent shot buddy :)



2:51AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

very nice shot, feel really natural surely because of the very good compo and a great feeling of the light ! bravo :o)



2:59AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Love the atmosphere this creates and the wonderful colors and textures.



3:06AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Great shot...



3:18AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Good idea,I would have also tried a crop of the central area to emphasise the contrasts between the curves,angles and skylight. But then that lovely sky would be missing !


3:22AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Wonderful colors and a great atmo.



3:37AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

wonderful rusty old shot, and congrats on AOM


5:46AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

A very interesting sky and a mysterious building... Is it the aliens' premises on Mars? How did you get there? :-)))



6:13AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

congrats on AOM and this wonderful junk castle.



6:36AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congratulations on AOM! :) Very well deserved! :))) Love your work; this one is great.



7:03AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats on a well-deserved AOM!!! You have an incredible gallery~ =)



7:27AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats and you deserver it, great shot :)


8:16AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats, and you really deserved it as you prove again with this beautiful shot!



8:56AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats. Like they all have said you really deserved the AOM. Another great shot.



9:43AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Nice capture :) Kudos on AoM :)



10:05AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congratulations for your AOM. Excellent award and your work is exquisite.. Hugs



10:33AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats on the AOM! Well deserved!!! :) HUGS!



10:55AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

You had my vote :) Congrats! Great shot :) 5+++++



11:51AM | Thu, 02 August 2007

WHoohooo on you being AOM, it's definitely the right title for you! Congratulations Mr!


1:23PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

This is just one of the reasons why you got the votes Kai - amazing colours and atmosphere in this shot... you did real good!! Congratulations. xx



2:57PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

I really like the tones and textures AND the subject, but my first thought was that the image hadn't fully downloaded, because it looked cut off. Then I read your notes!! Good on you for posting it anyway, those contrasts are still worth it.



3:54PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Superb shot, I like the framing and think it makes the composition. Congrats on AOM!



4:11PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Nice work!



8:50PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Congrats on AOM. I love the colouring in this shot, even the corregated iron looks interesting.



10:07PM | Thu, 02 August 2007

Fantastic shot and congrats on AOM!!!!!!



5:49AM | Fri, 03 August 2007

Amazing colours and details in this shot!



10:31AM | Fri, 03 August 2007

Congratulations on your AOM - very well deserved!!! Would you look at that sky! Amazing!!!


12:30PM | Fri, 03 August 2007

Excellent!!!! :o)



3:39PM | Fri, 03 August 2007

There is something starkly beautiful about this...

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