Wed, Feb 19, 3:52 PM CST

Seadance for Lisa

Bryce (none) posted on Mar 06, 2002
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Dedicated to Lisa with thanks for creating these beautiful mermaid textures. Okay image totally in Bryce except that I painted hair in post and tweaked the color balance a tad .. polished a few joint edges, that kind of thing. The pleasant surprise was all the different color effects I could get out of these textures with just the Bryce lights.. the gal mermaid here is in the Amethyst tail texture .. the blue you see is a light reflection. Her body is the silver texture .. you can mix and match them . The guy mer has the sapphire tail and the silver body. The textures are very detailed so they show in Bryce quite well... even under water ;-). The second surprise was that I was able to convert Lisa's "Classics Poses" to the mermaids with no problem (even the Michel pose went onto the Mer dork really well) a few tweaks and there ya go. I do not imagine you had these guys in mind when you made the poses Lisa but .. surprise ;) .. The combination of these two pkgs has endless possibilities and they have side tracked me for going on two weeks now! The pillars here are Thorns fabulous pillars in Free stuff, saved as a obj and imported into Bryce along with the Arches were made by "harie" and are also in free stuff . Most veg came from Mitch's 3D site .. (I love this guy's work ..he has some amazing models and all for free!)Along with a couple of Models from 3Dplants, also amazing work and free:-) Hope you enjoy.

Comments (12)



10:35AM | Wed, 06 March 2002

Wonderful!!!Realy great textures and excellent setuped Image.


10:41AM | Wed, 06 March 2002

You really did a fabulous job with this...and with the dork, no less! The atmosphere and the background are masterful- deepest admiration for the things you can create in just Bryce!



11:27AM | Wed, 06 March 2002

Very nicely done! Excellent background mixed in with interesting characters and lighting. Well done!


3:04PM | Wed, 06 March 2002

Wonderful image. Really enjoyed viewing this one. Thanks and Well done. ---- Scott.



3:49PM | Wed, 06 March 2002

Very Cool! Nice atmosphere and setttings.



8:43PM | Wed, 06 March 2002

Laurie, I am truly amazed by your artwork.



1:42AM | Thu, 07 March 2002

Very nice picture Laurie.You must have spend lot of time for it. Congratulations.



7:28AM | Fri, 08 March 2002

Wow, Laurie! I love what you've put together here! It's gorgeous! Thank you so much for using these textures in a setting that's so absolutely perfect. :) No, I never did imagine the Classic Lovlies poses on the Mermaids but what a great idea. The mood of the poses is totally different now! Fantastic work! Thank you! :)



5:25AM | Sat, 09 March 2002

This is beautiful Laurie. Bryce really did a remarkable job with it, man if I could ever find time to play with Bryce.



6:24PM | Sat, 13 April 2002

This is a masterpiece! Thanks so much for sharing!



8:20AM | Sat, 20 April 2002

Oh my Laurie - this is pure exquisite beauty in every way. I am always open-mouthed when I visit your gallery, and marvel at your expertise and finely-tuned skills in 3D. Experiencing such gorgeous work as yours not only treats my senses to a sumptuous feast, it becomes far more evident of what can be achieved when in the hands of a true expert. The colors of this are simply delicious, filled with excitement and depth. Your posing of the characters, and their wonderful, natural looking interaction is brilliantly handled. A true masterpiece Laurie - I love it!



2:33AM | Sun, 21 April 2002

Gorgeous! Your gallery is definately one of my favorites! Every image tells a different story and makes it a pleasure to watch and do litlle daydreaming :)

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