Wed, Feb 19, 3:13 AM CST

Somewhere in Rivendale

Bryce (none) posted on Apr 23, 2002
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Saw a LOT promo with a background something like this.. that's were I got my inspiration anyway *s*. There is a background double line of trees in the far back .. then a section of trees just behind the statues.. I had a time of it getting the lighting right.. as in were the heck is it coming from ;-), so I set up a set of 4 radials staggered going downward right at the statues .. then I duplicated these and raised them, then moved them back into the far trees .. this gave me I hope a kind of moonlight stream effect . All the radials have a ranged drop off of about 60 to give me more of a stream.. then I used a cone with lit rays to finish off the effect. Not that you can really see it after all that *s*. Okay the trees were made using trunks from all over and foliage from Pinhead (3DComune) he made these fantastic leaf and flower textures to go on a tree foliage mesh that he also made. The statues are all Vic with Lisa's Classic poses applied to them and tweaked a tad.. then a stone texture applied in Bryce. My gazebo started with the great arches available here in free stuff.. the were pulled and pushed into what I wanted. The gal is Daisy by Dalinise .. available here in the market place. She was put into the Bryce file nude.. then I masked her and lifted her off to paint.. then set her back in on a 2D face. There is a detail of her in the Poser forum for anyone interested. Special thanks to Elusion for taking the time to help me sort out how to put this image together and for the very cool magic light idea! Hope you enjoy, feel free to IM me with any questions.

Comments (27)


9:41AM | Tue, 23 April 2002

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Amazing work


10:13AM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Stunning scene! Love the lights, Beautiful work!!



10:35AM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Truly an outstanding piece Laurie. The lighting is superb, textures, great, and the painted clothes blend into the scene as if they were rendered there! You have managed to capture the essence of Rivendale :)



11:35AM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Yes, this is beautiful!!!...and very, VERY well done!!!!!How big is the original size of the Image??

Laurie S

12:10PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Thanks for peeking folks, I am glad you like it.. AGOR the size is 3600 x 2425, at 300 dpi.. it was divided into two renders (background and forground) and had to be rendered to disk and then composited in PS. I wish we did not have to render to disk to get a print size in Bryce .. it is a major pain in the butt ;-).As it was I was rendering for several days.


12:25PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Oh my... this is so beautiful. The light is just perfect, and the gal is amazing. It must be a hard work to paint her.


12:57PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Nice work. Really cool, emotional feeling image. I'm impressed extremely...


1:01PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

sigh ow my god this is just breathtaking


3:56PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Beautiful image. The painted figure is very well done.


4:05PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

Nice work Laurie! There is always so much work and time envolved with big renders. I know what you must of gone through waiting for it to looks like it was worth the wait. ;)



4:16PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

This is a brilliant piece of work....Definately gets my vote for the Hot 20.


8:23PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

This is beautiful, congrats! Your painting of the robe I think is the best part, very nice.



10:48PM | Tue, 23 April 2002

This is absolutely wonderful. Everything about this picture is just excellent.

Sacred Rose

3:54AM | Wed, 24 April 2002

Stunning enchantment!!!


4:00AM | Wed, 24 April 2002

Absolutely awesome image. The figure and background just blend together beautifuly.


6:22AM | Wed, 24 April 2002

omg! i wish i could do this ! you are just amazing

11:38PM | Wed, 24 April 2002

As always, your images are just wonderful. I love this one, the light... the character.. everything about it. THIS is one of my favorites of yours! :)



7:07AM | Thu, 25 April 2002

This is just fantastic. Wish I had the computer power to be able to render work like this without having to wait for 3 years.



5:18PM | Thu, 25 April 2002

Excellent work, your post work is seamless and the candlelight is very effective.


6:24AM | Sat, 27 April 2002

Riveting work as usual Laurie! Love the mood, lighting and colors!Also reminded me of "Sound of Music"...somewhere in my youth or childhood...:-)



3:46AM | Sun, 28 April 2002

Great work, beautiful light! This one (as the others : ) is absolutely delightful Laurie! Thanks



6:52PM | Mon, 29 April 2002

WOW excellent love evrything...



2:39AM | Tue, 30 April 2002

Very, very nice :) J-L



10:22PM | Thu, 02 May 2002




3:58AM | Sun, 19 May 2002

this is so magical and so beautiful well done :)


10:48AM | Mon, 03 June 2002

this is one of the most beautiful images i have ever seen. thank you for sharing :)


1:10PM | Tue, 22 October 2002

Had to comment, this is so beyound what I thought poser could do - wonderful work.

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