Mon, Feb 17, 4:52 PM CST

EVOLUTION - The story of a life in 9 mouse clicks

Photography Still Life posted on Jan 20, 2008
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Yesterday I bought another mouse... the previous one started to have some trouble with the left button... too many clicks I suppose... So I had a thought... can a simple desk item, a 25$ device made in China with few pieces of plastic, metal and rubber tell a story? Maybe yes... if the computer graphics is your greatest passion... Data: Mouse description;Year Computer I used in the period;Software I used in the period What else I was doing... 1 One Button, squared like a Lego Brick;1985 My dad's Macintosh;Paint 1st year elementary school 2 Two Buttons, the same squared shape;1989 AMIGA 500;Deluxe Paint 5th year elementary school 3 Two Buttons, a bit more ergonomic;1993 AMIGA 1000;Deluxe Paint II 3rd year intermediate school 4 Two Buttons, more rounded shape;1995 AMIGA 1000;Deluxe Paint IV 3rd year high school 5 Three Buttons, average ergonomicity;1998 Pentium II 350;Bryce 2, Photoshop 5 1st year university 6 Ergonomic, scroll wheel, cordless but still with the ball;2001 Pentium II 350;3DStudio Max 3, Bryce 5, Poser 4 3rd year university 7 Optical, cordless, no rechargeable cells;2003 Pentium IV 2400;3DStudio Max 4, Poser 5 5th year university 8 Laser, cordless, cadmium rechargeable cell;2005 Pentium IV 2400;3DStudio Max 6, Poser 6 Specialistic Graduation 9 Laser, cordless, improved autonomy rechargeable cell;2008 My new Dual Core;3DStudio Max 2008, Silo 2, Poser 7 Assistant Teacher The story of an entire life in 9 mouses...

Comments (40)



12:04PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Hehe! I think I have quite a few of these buried in boxes too! Excellent historical journey too, ah the memories! 5++


MagikUnicorn Online Now!

12:06PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

What a great idea!


12:08PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Very original work, cool idea!



12:15PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

very nice!!



12:24PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

;-) A peace of history



12:26PM | Sun, 20 January 2008




12:31PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Very creative work! Nice!



12:52PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Grand idea!



1:06PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Ah! Ah! Do you know that I still use somletimes any Amiga ( 4000 et 1200 ) to create animation movies with my students ( DPaintV is easy to use ). Unfortunately, it's very difficult to by mouses! Alain



1:18PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Very cool, antiques now in this modern fast moving world!



1:32PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Fantastic idea and shot. Interesting commment too!



1:49PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

LOL, they're almost obsolete the minute you buy them!! Great idea and love your comments!!



2:15PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

The whole epoch! EXT!



3:32PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

LMAO..... Yeah, what a great story...



4:49PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

i've had 3 to 9 lol and then some lmao.... to much clicking my friend, less clicking more wrist movement.



5:57PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

i have had 5,7, and now 9 lol i still got 5 and 7 someplace around here lol A+5



9:41PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

LOL...I think have their cousins around here somewhere! Very unique image!



10:57PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

Most Historical! Bravo! I wish I would have been in the First Grade back in 1985! ;)



11:45PM | Sun, 20 January 2008

I'm still using the middle-ish mice. LOL And if I recall, my first computer, a Tandy TX1000 didn't even have a mouse or HD for that matter. LOL Thanks for posting this. :-)



7:24AM | Mon, 21 January 2008

This is a very beautiful image! This is an excellent work of art! Five stars!



1:38PM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Ahhh yes ..... It's better to collect old mice instead of x - wifes !



2:45PM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Wonderful idea! Can't believe you still had all these! Creative and nicely done, what a history!



3:08PM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Joli petit musée !



3:52PM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Cool, excellent looking collection and peice of art, glad they've evolved the first is very funny, it looks like a brick and the last looks like a space ship:) I still have a mouse:P



6:41PM | Tue, 22 January 2008

Very cool collection! Bravo!!!



12:52PM | Mon, 11 February 2008

really interesting! Now the way I go through mice there would be a lot more than 9... maybe I should stop buying the cheap £1 mice!



8:31PM | Fri, 15 February 2008




10:30AM | Mon, 18 February 2008

Mammamia!!!!!! Sembri me LOL! Quanti ne ho consumati di mouse!!!... Ma detto da una gattina può sembrare un altro tipo di MOUSE!!!! LOL gnam gnam!



9:40AM | Fri, 22 February 2008

very nice idea. 23 years of clicking in one shot. how many clicks do they have all together...



7:36AM | Sat, 23 February 2008

I used the Logitech, the # 8 and I think I used it the past or last 2 years. Never had trouble with it. Nice that you kept all of them Nice capture!

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