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~ * I NEED of ALL YOU * ~

Poser Romance posted on Jun 25, 2008
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This is my first drawing after my adored aunt's death. Who knows me knows that in two years it is half have lost all my family, first my mother and now at a distance of only 3 months the one from the other one first my daddy and now my aunt Zoe who for me were more than a mother. Without them I have found an empty house, without their voices, of their kisses, of their caresses. I miss their perfume and the be roused in the morning with the kiss on the forehead. I feel only lost when I open the freezer and see the prepared things by the aunt a week before she felt bad, and I do not have the courage to eat them to throw them. I am scared of my future I am scared of what other the destiny has in mind for me, I am terrorized to be roused at night in the silence and listen to only my heart. Maybe have spent too much little my life and I do not have experiences, but I have had an unconditional love from them that only few people can have tried. I am mine soul. I Believe in God and want to believe that there is something of good also for me, but for the moment I please all you to be near, I need you. I do not want fall in the darkness, I do not want to get lost in the depression spiral. Help me be my friend and be near to me I beg you . I need to be Loved Orietta

Comments (54)



4:23PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Cute couple :)



4:23PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

she is beatiful :)



4:24PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Amazing work! EXT!



4:25PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

O povera cara! Non puoi fare niente contro la vita Ori...e' dura e fa' tanto male ma purtroppo e' quello che e' e solo Iddio sa la ragione di queste cose. Tieni duro e fatti vedere su MSN e rispondi ai messaggi...Dio aiuta chi si aiuta. Hai tanta gente che ti vuole tanto bene, non sarai mai sola e lo sai! TVB!!! Coraggio sono sicura che ci sara' qualcosa di buono per te nel futuro non disperare. Un forte abbraccio!xxx



4:26PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

uff.. my english is to bad to find the rights words.. and also I'm sure there are no words which could take the pain away from you. Take your time.. take all the time you need for finding yourself again and for say goodbye. My heart and my thoughts are with you!! hugs Mel Oh.. I don't have to say, that you made a wonderful image here =)



4:33PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

hugs...your words just break my heart..I am so sorry for all you are facing..



4:43PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Omg Ori sweetie.... My heart goes out to you. You have my msn if you need to talk sweetie I AM always here for you...or get me elsewhere... my thoughts, prayers and love are always with you my friend xox



4:43PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Una hermosa imágen que refleja un alma igual de bella, por experiencia propia sé el dolor de esas pérdidas y sé también que serás fuerte y saldrás adelante, por tí y por aquellos que has perdido Creeme que compartimos esos sentimientos y que son mis mejores deseos que pronto encuentres consuelo y ánimo Un beso y un abrazo muy apretado... tú puedes!



4:49PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Lost for words after reading the text with your image. I'm sorry to hear about all the sad things that happened to you in such a short time. I can only wish you strength in the time to come. Keep your head up and try to find the little things that can bring you some nice moments. Take care.



5:01PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Beautiful work from a beautiful soul. I can only hope and trust that there is light and laughter waiting for you somewhere in the future.



5:14PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

I feel with you, Orietta - we all have to face the fact that the people we love will not live forever, it's a natural thing that they have to pass away. But unfortunatly this natural fact does not come with a natural strategy to ease the pain. All I can tell you is that it takes at least a year without your dad and your aunt (one birthday, christmas, easter, vacation...) to get used to the feeling. My wish for you: That the good and happy memories outweigh the grief and that you are able to smile again as soon as possible! What you do at the moment is the best thing you can do: Rely on friends and let them comfort you!


5:32PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

The darkness is not scary because there are stars in it :) People are your stars.



5:40PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

nice colors and poses :) I am sorry for your loss but those who have passed before you into the next realm are still watching you. Remember that you are still loved. I know how you feel. I have no family, except my husband and my children; who are my only blood relatives.



5:43PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Beautiful tribute!


5:54PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Beautiful Tribute and so sorry for your losses!



6:03PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

My condolences to you. God does love you, and your loved ones are already there with him, waiting for you to join them someday. But they would definitely want you to live a happy and fulfilling life. I lost my father two years ago, and my kids lost their grandmother just six months earlier. Life is like that, sadly. But we go ever onward, and hopefully when we leave, we'll leave the world a little better for having been here. Take the love they gave you, and give it to another, and they'll still be there with you. God Bless!



6:04PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

a sweet little picture. so sorry for all you're going through, but please remember you always have many friends here. you are not alone.



6:08PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

I feel with you! So sad to hear about your loss! I'm sure you are in many peoples heart here at Renderosity! Hugs Nicola



6:25PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

I feel with you Orietta, I lost my Mom in 2004 and my daughter in 2007. You are in my prayers and feel free to email me if you would like!!



6:26PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Orietta, you are loved and have been. I grieve for your losses... the burden must be overwhelming, but you are never alone. So many here love you, I would like you to count me among those. I too have basically lost all my family but not in the rapid succession that you have. Please, feel free to email me any time ... send a site mail and I will be there. I check my mail several times a day. You have been a good friend to me and I would be honored to try my best to repay you for that kindness. Be brave my friend, there are good things awaiting you... such a good spirit can only attract good. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Seth



6:48PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Absolutely beautiful, Orietta!!! HUGS!! You are very much loved!!



8:01PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Ori you know how to contact me, every day in the morning or the night or the day. I'm always here. I'm not forcing you to talk, I think it would be wrong. SO I am just here, looking at you , and always for you. My house is opened to you, if you feel you can't stand that situation we can manage a way for you to live here. I know this need to be saved. I know how does one feel when loneliness is all around. You know how my family is treating me because of my hilness. Just today my father came again to tell me that it was better for me to die. So...yes, my uncle and my granma and my father are all alive, but they don't want me. They don't want to take care of me. They can't love me. I need to be loved I need to be accepted. I'm scared about my future, who will take care of me? Will I never heal? Sometimes I think it would be easier to die. Cause I really am scared about all this. Terribily scared. So me when you feel alone, when you feel desperate, when you just need a voice. Call me in the middle of the night if your heart seems to explode...cause probabily I will be in my bed feeling the same thing ^^ I can't tell you I will help you to heal, or not to be depressed...I can promise you that things will be ok...but I can offer you someone to weep with, and also laugh when we feel ^^ to laugh about how much paranoid we are, and all these stupid things we have in mind. I am always here. I love you. I am your little sister, if you want. We are such delicate, strange creatures. In a way or another we will survive. Perhpas togheter we will survive better ^^ And, sweety, take your art and see it like your medicine. Not only your work, but your art. Put on a white sheet all the black and void and confusion and fear you have inside. For me, it helps. I love you sweety, i love and love and love you... A big kiss, and hope to hear you soon hunny



8:05PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

My heart is aching for you Ori,you know what you have to do my friend,be strong and enjoy your memories for now.Im not around much and have missed you alot and your beautifull images but I am always an email away if ever you want to chat again.Take care dear, this image is lovely ,love cal



8:06PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Oh my sweet Ori, your pain has touched me so much. I hold you near and dear to my heart. I can see those angels watching over you. It is so hard to believe when our worlds are shattered that life goes on. I will pray for your peace and that you will find joy again in their memories. I love you and give you many hugs my Ori......... xoxoxoxoxox



9:25PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Beautiful work


10:49PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Such terrible news to hear Miss Orietta. I will pray that God will grant you peace and comfort you at your lowest and send you joy to fill your days. You bring such beauty and joy to us here at Renderosity with your lovely art. I know its been said before but it bears repeating; you need time to heal from this great loss, and in time you will. All my best to you. Philip Lopez, Jr.



11:19PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Oh sweetie....I know we don't know each other well...but I am truly sorry for your pain and loss....I truly believe what Dawn(1010) says and all your other friends here at Rosity....much love to you and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Carol


11:40PM | Wed, 25 June 2008

Gorgeous work! Love it



12:25AM | Thu, 26 June 2008

Wowww einfach schön und auch die Stimmung und die Pose wirklich ein gelungener Render!!! 5+++++++ Gruß Rocksy



12:30AM | Thu, 26 June 2008

Dear Orietta You were very lucky to have such wonderful people around you. I am sorry that you lost them. Nothing can be harder . It will take some time to adjust. I hope that you will find love and support. So many people like you for your art ,sensitivity,kindness. You have more friends than you know...You are not alone. Your work is beautiful! The expression of the girl,so good ! With love.

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