Our ancestors?. by clam73
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Evidence indicates that modern humans (Homo sapiens) originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago, also it has been estimated that the human "lineage" diverged from that of chimpanzees (our closest living relative) about five million years ago, and from that of gorillas about eight million years ago.
However, a hominid skull discovered in Chad in 2001,is approximately seven million years old, which may indicate an earlier divergence. But what about 50-100 millions years ago o maybe more?!....well......we have no evidence!.....so, I enjoyed myself thinking in different way..... maybe I'm gone too far!.
Here the scenario : planet Earth 200 millions years ago, lat. 36.3 N - long.112.8 W more o less at the actual Grand Canyon area. One big guy looks warlike but it's only the remains of what he was.......beside two more guys are looking at him with admiration and timorous respect....the same respect you have for your God. But....wait a moment, one is a human being and the other is a gorilla and he seems to be more than Sapiens!, this is not possible 200 millions years ago!, and who is this big
guy?...an alien? or he is part of our ancestors?.. in the meantime on the right side a meteoroid hit the ground.....maybe it is a warning?.......something big has to come? or this meteor is the carrier of something else?.... virus?....intelligence?....o what?!....and the dinosaurs....where they are?....naaah!...without a properly atmosphere......uhmm!...I think for today it's enough....now I'm a bit confused,
so please, give me a break! and find the answers
This time I used mojoworld for landscaping, from poser I have imported the models and rendered all togheter..... sign, framing and postwork in photoshop CS3. The fantastic alien cannon was originally created by Sean Kennedy (aka Treybor), the two character are Larva/HAIPS M3 from Xurge3D and Silverback Gorilla from Legolas, finally the small temple is from DM.
Thanks for stopping. I appreciate your support and all the comments on this and all my previous works.
Also a big thanks to everyone who added me and my works as a favourite.I want to dedicate this work to:
thank you guys....you are fantastic and have a great week-end....;-)

Comments (144)
I remember both the movie "Planet of the Apes" with Charlton Heston... a great composition!!! :)
Very cool image... who knows for certain what happened to "bring" us here to this point.. our origin will most likely forever be a point of contention for great thinkers.. Nicely presented, both hypothosis and image!! Excellent job!
Absolutely amazing image..!!
E X C E L L E N T !!!!!!!!!
Excellent sci fi scene!
Excellent artworh!!!!!
Wow, a spectacular image. Love the details and special effects!
very funny story. You always have great ideas and you are a great storyteller. As for your image, I love it very much. The compo is really good as well as the colors. Thnks or the dedication ! It goes to my favs :-)
It all seems fascinating until you include women. Monkeys are ugly so where did women come from? True if you take the ugliest man on the planet and the prettiest gorilla they have some featur4es in common but if you take the prettiest tamarind and the sweetest lemur and the prettiest woman there is a divergence in even the simplest visible terms. Then if you take behavior and realize that much of what man has done is very very hard and monkeys can't do even the easiest things, well...
Wonderfully done! I love the effects!
Fascinating concept and a big thank you! : ) This is a great sci fi scene. Very clever.
Magnifico desenvolvimento de teorias. Não acredito na teoria da evolução, talvez o mais próximo um cruzamento com seres desenvolvidos de outro planeta ? quem sabe...Magnifica, brilhante realização e tradução de imagem, aplausos (5) I magnify development of theories. Don't I believe in the theory of the evolution, maybe the closest a crossing with developed beings of another planet? who knows... it Magnifies, diamond accomplishment and image translation, applause (5)
Clod this is a beauty my friend as it is well thought out and brought to life perfectly here.
Excellent! I love it!
On closer inspection it appears to me that the two on the left are in fact Adam and Eve (not saying which is which) and Eve has to take a bite of the purple guys fruits (yucky). Really cool image and thought provoking tooo :) Don
Great scifi scene, very well crafted!!! Excellent work!
Way cool idea and render. Fantastic scenario and brilliant use of mediums.
wonderful creation !!
All living things are related but come in various forms; and, all identified elements exist everywhere in the vast universe - so, what causes the right elements to come together and form a new species? A wonderful image that promotes food for thought.
Superb image! Terrific style and composition! 5+
Great special effects and scene! Excellent
Oh, cool!
This is a very cool image! It has a lot of impact, (pun intended). Gots to tell you though, Some of my ancestors might have hung by their necks, but they darn sure didn't hang by their tails! ;) Lea
Marvelous image. Well worth a visit, as always!
Thanks! This is a great sci-fi scene! Excellent render! Cool textures!! Must zoom this one!
Yeah, we came from slugs. Some people never outgrew being slugs. Just as some people have never outgrown being monkeys. This is excellent. Splendid work and fun scene. Bunny
Great image,and who knows maybe you've hit on something!
Can we say, panspermia, thanks to meteorite hits? Or how about our long ago ancestor's genes having been altered by visitors from another galaxy, far, far, away? Super lighting, effects and concept in this image!
Super slick Sci-fi work. A headscratcher for sure. Another in a long list of possibilities, and since noone knows for sure... And hey, Thanks a lot for the dedication!