Tue, Feb 11, 10:23 PM CST

The Big Wave.

Bryce Sea/Undersea posted on Sep 22, 2008
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This time I try something different from my usual works, I enjoyed Bryce and water.....a lot of water...LOL. This scene was modelled and rendered in bryce 6.1, models from Poisen and Evil Clown, postwork in Photoshop CS3. Really sorry guys if I'm late with the comments but in the last two week I have had few health problems......now I'm fine and I'll will start commenting all of you with great pleasure. Enjoy! I SUGGEST TO VIEW IN FULL-SIZE Thanks for stopping. I appreciate your support and all the comments on this and all my previous works. Also a big thanks to everyone who added me and my works as a favourite.I want to dedicate this work to: stevey3d-------Darkwish-------scifibabe jp3319---------DAVER2112------lior thank you guys for your support, you are fantastic and have a great week....;-) peace! MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected

Comments (174)



1:56PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

WOW Dramatic sea WELL DONE



1:59PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Fantastic work! That's one scary wave!



2:02PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Some big waves! I love the idea of sea monsters seeming to be seen in the waves! Excellent!



2:16PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

stunning ! Love the composition and the superposition ! Bravo



2:19PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Very beautiful scene , lovely colors!



2:20PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Very creative scene. Great post work! Well done.



2:22PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Wow... sensational waves, mood, sky and work



2:29PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Amazing work... this is graphic horror at it's best. Glad you're feeling better. Seth



2:31PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

The sea seems to hide the buoyancy of a ship as expertly as death hides life.



2:33PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Wow...very creative with the figures in the top of the wave. Very well done, and I hope you are feeling much better.



2:35PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Don't think I'd want to surf that wave!!!!! LOL Superb image Clam. The sea is awesome!!!



2:37PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

An excellent composit. The waves are amazing. Glad to hear your feeling better :) Don



2:37PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

WOW! Thank you very much my friend! It's great work on this! I like it! 5



2:37PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Absolutely beautifully creative! Excellent work!



2:54PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Superb image! Terrific water! Thanks very much for the dedi too! ;) 5+



3:00PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Extremly dramatic - especialy in full screen mode! I would not hold out much hope for the ships crew but they must be determined and are running.



3:26PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Awesome creation..superb sea monsters..!!



3:34PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

great composition and work :)



3:36PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Clod this is so wild and amazing my friend, I love the effects in those waves



3:55PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Super image!!! Very nice concept and you did a great job with those waves! 5+++



3:58PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Whoa, that's some Evil water, and the sky looks just as scarey!!! Excellent image.



4:42PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

WOW Awesome!!! Instant Fave



4:48PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

now that's some dangerous situation !! wonderfully imaginated !



4:55PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

This is absolutely amazing! Seeing it in full view is the only way this can truly be appreciated! This is superb art! Lea



4:58PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Very Coool!!!!



5:09PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

That poor ship doesn't have a chance with the sea monsters coming for it in the storm. Superbly done. Excellent work. Bunny



5:13PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Oh, dear, that looks like will soon be the ship of death. Very nice! Love the waves.



5:13PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

WOW..a dramatic scene here! I like it..perfectly done :)



6:00PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Looks pretty spooky to me, awesome art!



6:19PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

WOW, spectacular work!!!!!

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