Thu, Dec 19, 8:58 AM CST

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Poser Fantasy posted on Sep 05, 2008
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Just playing around with the materials room in Poser last night and this is what I ended up with. Didn’t actually plan to have poor old Isimud get his butt burned this way and didn’t even really plan for this image to be part of the story line. But with a little bit of help from good old PSP I think it kinda works. What do ya all think? Isimud, the royal messenger and vizier to Enki, God of Wisdom, has been ordered to enter the Underworld and secure the release of Ishtar, Goddess of Love and War. Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Underworld, has arranged a rather warm welcome for her royal visitor! “No worries, I may be feeling the heat but I’m a cool cat, and besides, they're not supposed to shoot the messenger, right? Oh wait a minute that idea wasn’t invented until the 20th century! I’m many millennia too early! Oh Damn. Oh well, I've got diplomatic immunity so even Ereshkigal can’t keep me here. Now where’d I put my darn water bottle?” The heat is certainly on for poor old Isimud. He hasn’t even started talking with Ereshkigal and already he’s getting his butt burned! What are the chances that he is going to get Ereshkigal to cough up her sister; will the Queen of Darkness see the light and be reasonable about it? By now we should all know that Ereshkigal has a very strict sense of what is reasonable and what is not. We’ll just have to wait and see. 14th in the Ishtar series Jeppes steam at DAZ

Comments (40)



11:59PM | Fri, 05 September 2008

very well done. and the story is getting more interesting as you go on! Keep up the great work.



12:08AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

great skin and body work, he looks pretty darn creepy. those eyes are wild, cool job!! lol steve



12:17AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

just down right wicked!



1:09AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Beautiful work. Very well done my friend!



1:41AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Yeah it's real hot and this guy is real creepy... LOL Great work :) Don



2:03AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Woooow!!!! Great character, so unusual! Like his eyes and skin textures! Just Awesome! Five stars!



4:05AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

You have done a fine job with Isimud, Roxy, and he can grace The Castle any time! Your work in the material room is paying dividends. The postwork has made the end result spot on and this image is the most impressive technically that I have seen so far! Dave



4:26AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Wonderful work.



9:17AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Wooooooooooooow! Awesome modeling work! Superb render!



10:37AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Great model!! Congrats!


11:32AM | Sat, 06 September 2008

I think it works great!! Excellent character this Isimud!! Fantastic work and story's great far...LOL :) And then brutal aliens attacked earth and killed everybody. The End. hihihihi :)



1:20PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

Super Fantastic!!!



7:53PM | Sat, 06 September 2008

outstanding work and composition on this one and eye textures are superb...awesome and perfect looking character with an excellent background for this Image...well done!!!



1:07AM | Sun, 07 September 2008

Wow, this is the best portrait you have done - this is so GOOD on so many levels: Posing, expression, skin tex, background and fire FX. And the LIGHTING is spot on! Really, no choice for me - gotta FAV!



3:08AM | Sun, 07 September 2008

Fantastic character


7:48AM | Sun, 07 September 2008

Great expression!



8:16AM | Sun, 07 September 2008

I like this character... love the expression and pose. Your lighting is perfect, works great with the setting and the mood! 5++ seth



9:18AM | Sun, 07 September 2008

Great character, love the pose, lighting and mood! ~>M



1:05PM | Sun, 07 September 2008

very nice render,well done!



5:33AM | Mon, 08 September 2008

I like it very much! ^^ The dust and light is very good an I simply love this shiny reflections on his skin (dont know the right word...). And I realy like the expression of his face, exspecially the eyes.



3:19PM | Mon, 08 September 2008

This is really creative.



8:23AM | Tue, 09 September 2008

Il est tellement vilain, pourtant il a l'air tellement sensible ! Super expression pour ce personnage, ça le rend tellement fragile ^-^



9:57PM | Tue, 09 September 2008

Wow! Very hot image ... but in a very cool way. Love the story line too. Well done Roxy.



3:13AM | Wed, 10 September 2008

there is a lot to see in this one special !



5:15AM | Wed, 10 September 2008

What a caracter...briliant work!



11:34AM | Wed, 10 September 2008

Just Playin around? what happens when yu put your mind to something...stunning piece..very nice



6:05AM | Fri, 12 September 2008

Excellent image!!! Great render.



2:40AM | Thu, 18 September 2008

This is awesome.. love the textures.. the fire is excellent. and of course the humour and the story are wonderful.



5:24PM | Fri, 19 September 2008

Excellent portrait from a Cool wicked character!!



12:31PM | Mon, 22 September 2008

Great texture. Cool character and render. 5+++

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