Veldrynvelve – Mission Log 02 by TalonGE
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------------- Veldrynvelve – Mission Log 02
Mission Log, 17 Quatlue 18551.
CO: Senior Sergeant Zherrinia Xernithyl.
Set up on assignment. Recruiting.
Personal journal of Zherrinia Xernithyl, 17 Quatlue 18551.
Have place in New Calladon, small room near red light district. Entertained nice man last night. Realizing this morning after he left gold on dresser that he thought I was prostitute. Initially insulted but realized I now had money for food for another week. Wrote up notice to put at FreeRanger’s Guildhall. Walked to north side this morning. Saw many strange things in this city. Wish there was weather. Bright sunshine very painful to the eyes. Found something humans call sun glasses. Perhaps they are closer to Drovik than they admit. Humans complain about heat and humidity, but is quite comfortable to me.
This afternoon, had a man drop by my room. Thought he might be another,… what do they call them... John? His name is Fenton Brace. He claims to be something called Urban Guerilla. He said he knew of others that might be interested in a trip into Old Calladon, if I could arrange special passage. Guess he thinks that because I am Drovik, I have special connection with Consulate or maybe garrison in Skull Port. If it is not bold assumption, perhaps he knows something he should not. If so, how did he come to this information? Such a spy might be valuable. Have agreed to meet with Mr. Brace and his friends. If nothing comes of it, perhaps I invite him back for nightcap. He is not exceptionally tall or extremely handsome, but is very well built. He is bit of scofflaw, and is no doubt liar and cheat. But for recreation, seems well suited.
------------- Credits
Fenton Brace - M4 - DAZ. Rogue, Elven Ranger - XV3D.------------- Thanks and please comment.
Comments (6)
Very nice!! I really like these journal enteries!
Remember to read them with a very bad Russian accent.
Great journal entry! wonderful image I look forward to the next one in bad Russian accent? Like Boris or Natasha Badenov?
Great character and setting! I love the story!
As has already been said, awesome looking character and setting that he's in :D Really love the dialogue.