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I'm So Confused....

Photography Humor posted on Jun 22, 2010
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OK – I’m confused…… If you can’t park in the park, why is it called a park? Shouldn’t it be called a No Park? Some people wonder about black holes and string theory. I wonder about stuff like this….. After seeing Faemike55’s no parking photo with the robin parked (I mean perched) on top of it. I thought about this sign, and thought I’d post it just for fun while working on my next TNA page. Oh, I forgot to mention where this park is located. It’s in PARKville, Mo. Hope everyone has a good week!

Comments (29)



8:48PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Too funny, yet too true.



8:49PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

OMG, Rod, this park looks exactly like the park near our place except that the sign made it more unique LOL. Now we know, there's always an exception to the rule.



8:54PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

and the sign in the background says, 'No parking anytime' with no exceptions listed. so which sign do we go by? Great shot. If you're a teenager on a date, obviously you cannot go here to park, because there's no parking. what's a teenager suppose to do?



8:58PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

a conundrum for sure!



9:06PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

you will find a handicap card ;)



9:07PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Nice shot of the porta potty :O), I see no water so where is the boat launch parking, just weird city signage that is everywhere, nice capture..



9:16PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

perhaps they should call these no parking parks walks. nice photo rod. and the sign said anybody caught tresspassing will shot on site, so i hopped the fence and yelled at the house, what give you the right! to put up a fence to keep me out and to keep mother nature in. (five man acoustical band).



9:25PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

I wonder if you are allowed to "park" in the blue port-a-potty there! :) And the blue car in the background seems to be in violation of all the rules! Parkville is a truly strange place! Nice photo!



9:33PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

No parking in Parkville... doesn't that seem kinda oxymoronic? The guy in the background seems to be thumbing his nose at all this, unless the signs point one way. And these guys clearly don't know how to spell, shouldn't it be Bush Street given that it is in a park :-) Probably no one has noticed because they are all driving around looking for the nearest parking spot. Ok, I'll shut up now.



9:41PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

lol no parking in a park in parkville..hmmmm



10:07PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Good find Rod...must admit, I've driven past but never have been tempted to park in Parkville. Oh, this could go on forever...he, he.



10:18PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Bill's right, you might have started something here, but at the moment I can't for the life of me think of what. But No parking in a park in Parkville, oh dear!!



10:50PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Good one Rod! What about the fact that we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?!



11:58PM | Tue, 22 June 2010

Now I am totally confused, what do I do park or drive or walk in the park or just use the portaloo.... nah I will park next to that other guy ;-)



12:51AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

Funny! nice point of view.



12:53AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

Hmmmmm ... I'm worried about the guy who's parked there. scratches head


3:28AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

"NO PARKING IN PARK" - Maybe they mean you have to leave your transmission in neutral or in drive! I guess if there's no parking in the park, you must have to take the train there...also, you can park to launch your boat but then you've got to get out of the park...funny!



3:54AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

Indeed, it's a very confusing sign - Lol!! Have a nice day, Ute



4:16AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

but its easy cut yourself a ñeg and you are in the category for offence funny.



6:20AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

OK ? - ahh nice out house ! :)



6:41AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

Pure comedy.



7:19AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

You know, I thought I was the only one who wondered stuff like I used to love Gallagers show where he did all the words that meant nothing like the other words they sounded or were spelled alike...sheesh. Like a tomb is spelled like comb but pronounced nothing like it...he had loads of them.


8:55AM | Wed, 23 June 2010

About 12 years ago, I filed a formal complaint with our city because one of our most popular and accessible parks only allowed parking at the boatramps, shore access and bathrooms for vehicles with boat trailers. Since I had a handicapped person who lived in the house and liked to fish from this spot, it seemed impossible to park up the hill and about 300 feet away. After 8 months of counsel meetings and hiring a firm to recommend a new parking plan, they painted 2 handicapped parking spots into the lot next to the bathrooms... at a cost of over $12K!!! I told them I would have walked down with a bucket of my own paint and a brush and done it for nothing but they said they had a process and a design firm had to determine the best placement for such spots and how much space they would allow for handicapped parking.



3:39PM | Wed, 23 June 2010

LOL!! Rod, your reasoning here reminds me of an old Taxi episode from back in the 80's, LOL. Remember the one when Jim said, "If orange is called an orange, why isn't an apple a red? Or a banana a yellow? ... I wonder about these things sometimes Alex." LOL! Your upload seems to have been good for a chuckle for a lot of us Rod.



4:04PM | Wed, 23 June 2010

No parking in park? Okay, so I'll leave the car in neutral...hmm...and wouldn't parking at the boat ramp rather curtail the launching of boats? LOL... Why do they call certain roads parkway when you drive on them? And why do they call it a driveway when you don't really drive on it?



4:25PM | Wed, 23 June 2010

Very funny image! Great shot!



6:33PM | Wed, 23 June 2010

I want to know why you park in a driveway, but drive on a parkway. And I have to be handicaped and launching a boat to be able to park in this park? That doesn't seem right. And I just noticed the sign in the backround Welcome to "Park"ville. LOL



8:26PM | Thu, 24 June 2010

They should put cameras at the place for those which make niaiseux graffiti as It varge always on those which have cars where trucks they always have a recourse with the plate recording. But good. You include/understand me?? ((5++)) Ils devraient mettre des caméras à la place pour pogner ceux qui font des grafitis niaiseux comme . Il varge toujours sur ceux qui ont des autos où camions ils ont toujours un recours avec la plaque d'enrégistrement . Mais bon . Tu me comprends??((5++))



2:22AM | Sun, 27 June 2010

I can't see any water. Are those people in the purple car parked in the this park having boat "lunch"?

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