Fri, Dec 27, 12:40 PM CST

Methane Gas Explosions

Photography Landscape posted on Jul 28, 2010
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The lava had moved down past Gary's house and of yesterday morning, it was crossing the drive way of another house. The residents "Kaawaloa's" have been evacuated earlier. A very strong scent of methane gas was present. A few strong explosions occurred about 30 ft away from the front of the lava and one under me. Sounds of dynamite like going off that made the cinder around me jumped and so did I. It was time to move away.... Aloha and thank you for viewing

Comments (37)



5:14AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

All sounds very serious, dear Errol. I would not like to be there. Wonderful capture. Hugs and Aloha. Diane. xx



5:27AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Fantastic real life drama you bring here. Excelent job my friend and pls stay safe.


5:51AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Drama as it happens, electrifying, keep safe



5:59AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

lucky you made it away.excellent shot



6:08AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

It's danderous to be here: a so impressive capture!



6:39AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

stricking shot, be careful!



7:11AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Make way, lava coming through! exhilarating shot!!!



7:44AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

This is like getting first hand news reports. Be careful!


7:52AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

wow be careful out there .. amazing shot ... its so sad to see it all burned ... but I suppose new life with grow from it



8:02AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Wow!! Time to get why there is still gettin' to be got. You are LOLO!! But great shots.



8:04AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Great Scott, Errol! the things you risk for a pic!! VERY exciting, thankyou!



8:46AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

I'll say. Good thing you weren't caught in one of the explosions. Super shot. - Aloha.



9:01AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Great shot , Errol ! It seems a risky way to make new pictures, be careful!



9:22AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

I'm happy you are safe. This picture and your description of what was happening make it seem more real. Excellent work!



10:41AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

This is so powerful (the photo and the volcano)! Thanks for sharing these incredible images.


11:20AM | Wed, 28 July 2010

That's just a harrowing tale! You really got up close to this - how brave!



12:26PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

You are braver than I am! Sad, but neat to see the reality of life near an active volcano.



1:04PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

"time to move away"----no kidding, but wow, these shots are simply incredible. The force of nature is truly awesome.



2:50PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

The lava has no mercy :-(



2:53PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Excellent capture! I feel sorry for the people living in these houses though!



4:46PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Ya know just when you proved you were such a risk taker with lava, these last few images really make me wonder if you have a death wish - lol... I love your photos, but we're not going to get anymore if you keep getting this close - get a super duper lenz for your camera and take a break from the danger... that's my input today, great shots, scarey, I'm concerned for your safety more now than ever. take care of yourself.


5:09PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Well, I am sure glad you got out of there. In Hawaii, we all know how Madame Pele can bee. Too bad for the residence there. Better to move on to greener pastures.....Aloha



5:27PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

lol happy you ok. very good shot of what going on.



7:18PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

I have those same explosions around here and my wife is always giving me hell, maybe if I show her this pic, she'll leave me alone from now on !! Great shot Errol



11:42PM | Wed, 28 July 2010

Time to move away might just be an understatement. Sorry to hear about Gary's house, but not too surprised, unfortunately.



1:50PM | Thu, 29 July 2010

Awesome but very frightening view..!!



2:32PM | Sat, 31 July 2010

Impressive capture!



3:36AM | Sun, 01 August 2010

...however, the capture is great



9:38PM | Fri, 06 August 2010

Excellent capture! Got to say you are a gutsy guy to be taking picture in the middle of this.



10:26PM | Sun, 15 August 2010

The hell!!!

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