Sat, Feb 15, 5:10 AM CST


2D Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 02, 2011
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I have the pleasure to submit you the new works ‘s paintings .Always around of the them “Eternal Return” ‘s F.W. NIETZSCHE and my symbolist approach. Why alleys in town or village ? When one walk or move along to roads or motorways ,we go from point to an other point. It’s all ! It’s little. Into the alleys ,one look , one lose one’s way ,one turn and return ,… etc … With pleasure or unpleasure ,with happiness or as well suffering. The world with the life of peoples from all countries ,all believes ,all superstitions ,tragedies , happinesses, arts,….etc…The colors of the live . I have tried to translate this idea. “ If the life don’t you love, love the life..”….. Outcomes my yearly travels in Morocco and Egypt ,I have used my villages or little towns ‘s memories. Twenty-fourth painting : ELSEWHERE (series of X paintings ) 1 / X ) AILLEURS / ELSEWHERE Passage piétonnier reliant deux ruelles à Marrakech (Maroc) Pedestrian crossing connecting two alleys in Marrakech (Morocco) Real format after print (art paper or canvas) : 81 x 60 cm. Technique: Hand digital painting COREL DRAW Thank you for your comments and ratings

Comments (23)



5:04AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

SOoo beautiful and an exciting place to have a walk too. Welll done.



5:25AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

A rustic, bold interface with beautiful vibrant orange-red colors on the surface a pedestrian crossing. But her decent into underground seems perilous, maybe to emphasis the precarious state of being? "we go from point to an other point". A though provoking composition.



5:33AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Fantastique travail mon ami, tres belle atmsophère,,,,!!!



8:43AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

My friend this is wonderful work of art here. As always you have a way of taking me places I fear I will never really visit in this life time; and for that I am truely greatful. Bravo and hats off to ya for another fine work of art Bravo!!!!!!!



10:19AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

That is a very beautiful piece. More like a spiritual passage than just a mere pedestrian walkway. And one perceives the gentle stride of the lady as she calmly walks to the sunlit destiny on the other side.



10:35AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

tres reposante image,avec une belle profondeur de pov,joli travail là...



11:06AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Wonderful, wonderful presentations of distant Marrakesh memories dear friend. Superb craft of the wall structure and texture, and, of course, warm colors. This is again very impressive composition.



11:31AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Your art always cheers me up, I feel the warmth that you portray in your amazingly bright, and colourful paintings. I love this, hugs Jane xx



11:40AM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Je me verrais marcher dans ce tunel comme cette dame! Une peinture fantastique..Bravo pour cette oeuvre :)



2:01PM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Awesome scene. Really great. Congratulations!!!!



6:23PM | Sat, 02 April 2011

She will make it through to the end, but will emerge changed. Wonderful work.



7:22PM | Sat, 02 April 2011

Yes, a spiritual journey. I am on my own, but I am tempted by the path you have presented. Very nice! :o)



8:08PM | Sat, 02 April 2011

~A fabulous perspective view! And evocative of your message!~



2:57PM | Sun, 03 April 2011

un magnifique travail tout ensoleillé, j'imagine la fraïcheur sous les arcades, alors qu'il fait très chaud sur la route couverte de poussière et ensoleillée, J'Imagine la fraîcheur sous les arcades, l sur la route couverte de poussière de sable, soumise aux caprices du vent ! Très beau souvenir de vos voyages, qui me rappelle TEBESSA dans le Constantinois!



11:25PM | Mon, 04 April 2011

Determination is the word i find to describe this walker That signal to the left in the wall, adds mistery in your scene, grabs me and makes me curious.... It is fabulous how the light in the end unifies the lonely path. It is Brillant the way you depict a journey,Jean! As always, gorgeous warm colours and one more excellent piece of art. Mes compliments!



9:39PM | Fri, 08 April 2011

I apologize for being late but I am glad I was able to see your newest.always a pleasure to indulge your art



11:34AM | Sat, 16 April 2011

Travail d'excellence mon ami...adorable style unique a toi :) Bon weekend...ici neige froid...probablement nous allons passer a l'été sans avoir vue le printemps...aucun bourgeon, aucune fleur :(



10:51AM | Mon, 18 April 2011

Absolutely wonderful work of art my friend. I find myself wanting to follow her... I want to see where the path leads! Thank you for sharing with us. -SJ



6:18PM | Mon, 18 April 2011

Beautiful work.



7:31AM | Thu, 21 April 2011

si la porte a atteindre est visible,elle semble quand meme lointaine!!elle semble se preparer a affronter une rude epreuve!!!pour aller ou?? bref,superbe tableau,encore une fois!!



3:08AM | Mon, 25 April 2011

La composition est superbe, et les textures sont, comme d'habitude, magnifiques ! Je ne comprend pas ce qui est écrit sur le mur mais je sais ce que représente cette image. C'est un très bel hommage ! Merci, Jean, de le partager avec nous !!



2:24PM | Sun, 16 September 2012

J'aime beaucoup l'enfilade des arches qui peut donner une idée du temps et de la vie qui passe, avec au bout, une porte qui mène où ? Mystère... Les arches sont différentes les unes des autres, mais toutes sont belles, et la femme de dos semble sereine, en avançant dans le long couloir (de la vie ?). Magnifique tableau !



9:44AM | Sat, 15 December 2012

Quel étrange passage pour aller vers un ailleurs, un tunnel aux couleurs de la terre, comme un chemin initiatique et obligatoire; le chemin est là, mais qu'y a-t-il dans cet ailleurs, celà reste un mystère... Une oeuvre symbolique et magnifique, Jean!

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