Tue, Feb 11, 10:21 PM CST

Wishes : a poem for Brianna Porter

Writers Romance posted on Apr 05, 2011
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Wishes : Written by Matthew Ryan Carroll I wish I could give you my eyes for a day, B Or three, or four, or however many I have to, So that the next time you look in a mirror, you’d see For yourself, the amazing woman I see when I look at you. The woman who sees me as a person, and not just a burden, The woman who sees a man with maturity, and decency, And decided, that I am worth the risk, that when you were hurting, That I am somebody who is trustworthy, And I hope you know how much that gift, and you, mean to me. I wish you saw in yourself, the strength I’ve always known was there, Because it’s one of the things I love and admire most about you. The strength only you’ve ever showed, to persevere. To live by love fiercely - To never give it up or bend, in spite of a world that makes it so easy to. I hope you know that I am one, but not the only, Who loves you unconditionally, and would love to, for eternity. I wish you saw the woman with such beauty, to one beholder, Who could never use his arms for anything better than to hold her. One who wishes he had the courage to tell her he dreams of her, And that she will stay in his heart for all of this man’s life. Who dreams not of just a model in an over the shoulder boulder holder, But of the beautiful, loving child of God, he would be most blessed to call his wife. I wish there were a way I could make sure that you knew, With absolute, unwavering unshakable certainty, How much, how far beyond all others, I cherish what I have in you. And the gift that you are to my life, that only you could ever be. I wish you could hear the things I say about you to others who are close to me. That only you could make every waking moment a dream, if only you would dance with me. That only with you, from fear, or pain, or judgment, have I always been free. That one moment talking to you instantly cures me of ever having felt inadequacy. That somehow just knowing you’re there, takes it all from me. I wish I had one chance to show you the love I know you’re worth. Genuine love, from someone who knows that being a lover means ALWAYS being a friend. I want to give you a love that is not of this Earth, That you know in the depths of your soul will never end!!!! I wish that your seeking for love would end, because you realize you’ve always had it. From your mother, from me, and from a God of pure love who sees you as very good. That our love is a gift for you, and all you need is to reach out and grab it. I wish you knew you are loved by a Father who loves you more than any human ever could. I wish you knew that we would give anything we could for you, No matter the cost to our health You are loved with all the power that is in all us to give. Is that enough to let you love yourself?

Comments (18)



12:31PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

Super cool. 5+. Wow. I love it.



12:48PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

It's worth saying, that I haven't told her this. She knows I love her... but I doubt very seriously she knows how much!



1:08PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

Oh Matt, This is absolutely beautiful! I wish someone could love me like that and if they do they will tell me. You must tell her how much you love her =)



1:41PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

nice very cute :)



3:18PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

What a wonderful declaration of love!



3:41PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

So heartfelt Matt, pouring out your soul!



5:52PM | Tue, 05 April 2011

awesome love it..



2:45AM | Wed, 06 April 2011

tell her



3:38AM | Wed, 06 April 2011

Dolli-Fahrrad.gif Marvelous @ Missblue - Love it!



12:41PM | Wed, 06 April 2011

absolutely beautiful~~ a very nice gift a man could write for a woman he loves ~Milena



2:36PM | Wed, 06 April 2011

Lovely poem!



7:24PM | Wed, 06 April 2011

Wonderful words!



2:10PM | Thu, 07 April 2011

Oh such an amazing declaration, I definitely think you should send it.. gorgeous!



4:41PM | Thu, 07 April 2011

Tell her hun--u never know unless u take the chance--u could wait too long and potentially lose her--either way who wouldn't want to now someone loves them this much? A woman as special as the one you describe would at the very least feel flattered--if she feels the same way then it was a chance worth taking...



12:52AM | Fri, 08 April 2011

Wow Matt...just wow! Definitely tell her something, even if it's not all of this to start with.



6:45AM | Mon, 11 April 2011

This is so obviously from the heart, and beautifully written. Don't just tell her ... give her this poem and tell her. It couldn't be said any better than this.



2:35PM | Mon, 11 April 2011

Frame it and send it to her NOW... you two are missing so much by keeping this from her. Maybe she has written you a similar poem. OKAY go on and send it I will be waiting to her what her reply is. :)



5:36PM | Wed, 11 May 2011

Meanwhile, I have read all your poems. This one is your best. I am convinced, since the beginning of mankind, humans have (tried to) invented declarations of love. In my opinion, poems are the most difficult way to tell. I have no points of critizism.

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