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Untitled (yet) - a poem by Matt Ryan Carroll

Writers Realism posted on Apr 09, 2011
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Humanity is becoming hypocrisy. We covet the lives of our sisters and brothers, seeking to be handed the life which they have rightly earned by the sweat of their brow and the work of their hands. We ask to be loved by another, To be handed the fullness of a concept most of us have not yet learned, To be granted, as if by a genie, an intimate connection that most of us are less than prepared to return, Because it is a commitment the depth of which most of us don�t even truly understand. Love is the story that two spend a lifetime writing together - One that, if true, is filled with new beginnings that have no end. And we cannot begin to pretend we know how to be lovers, Until we know what it means to be a true best friend. Love is a gift freely given, because it is needed. It is a slap in the face of another to turn it, Into something frivolous, to dangle, To give love, and take it away freely, as though it were something conditional, and your lover must earn it. Real love can never be earned!!!

Comments (9)



1:50PM | Sat, 09 April 2011

So beautiful Matt =)!!!



2:41PM | Sat, 09 April 2011

very nice matt:)



6:44PM | Sat, 09 April 2011

Oh wow, Matt.. so very true.. and exactly why we must chose carefully who we decide to love with that unconditional emotion! Bravo!



5:58AM | Sun, 10 April 2011

Dolli-Fahrrad.gif Great & true words - happy sunday also to you!



10:13AM | Sun, 10 April 2011

Such true words!



1:11PM | Sun, 10 April 2011

Wow Matt....So beautiful and very Powerful words...And so true! You are so wonderfully good at this..Amazing ! hugz my friend Anne



2:07PM | Mon, 11 April 2011

very nice work. I agree



12:33AM | Thu, 14 April 2011

i know where that inspiration is coming from what a lucky girl! :-) so happy for u



1:48AM | Thu, 14 April 2011

Milena, I am just as lucky because of her, as she is. She is SUCH a gift, and a blessing to me!!!

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