Sun, Feb 9, 6:29 PM CST

The Mask - A poem by Matthew Ryan Carroll

Writers Abstract posted on May 07, 2011
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The Mask A poem by : Matthew Ryan Carroll I am a parasite. I am just a voice in your head. The voice you sometimes find impossible to ignore, Because I tell you what you want to hear, and show you what you want to see. I am a mirror, One that has warped and cracked in all the best ways. I take everything that you already know you are, And turn you into everything you wish you could be. I am your cloak and shield, I hide all your flaws, and your fears - Cover all your weakness and make you bulletproof. I turn you into Superman, so you can swoop in and get the girl. I am your sword, I give you boundless courage, and rapier – like wit. I take your mild mannered quiet nature, and make you a superhero – I rescue you from obscurity to be adored by your whole world. I am your own personal Hollywood director. Pay attention to what I tell ya kid, and you’re gonna go far. I make legends out of nobodies everyday I could mould balls of Clay into Muhammad Ali. And never you mind that “other” guy – The self crowned “Voice of reason” – HA! That’s just the voice of the reasons you should hide in fear, Just a coward, who’s too afraid to let you be who you want to be. I am your key, the master of locks. I hold the power of your possibilities behind countless doors. Endless options, endless choices, endless echoes of your voice screaming to be let out. An endless line of your desires held prisoner, while I hold the power to set them free. I am your mask of twisted duality. I can flaunt and reveal you, or protect and conceal you. I am your architect of an entirely different reality – One in which I can convince you and everyone else, what I want you to believe is true. Yet ironically, I cannot hide from my own reality. The terror I feel, when I realize I need to give you your due. The hollow emptiness, when I face what is painfully true. That all it takes for me to disappear and cease to exist, is the moment it takes you to see, That I am unnecessary. That YOU ARE ME, and that you don’t need the mask, to be you. Because I am a parasite. I am just a voice in your head.

Comments (10)



8:13PM | Sat, 07 May 2011

yes awesome Indeed,,,


8:33PM | Sat, 07 May 2011

Too true :)



10:43PM | Sat, 07 May 2011

u are a really good writer, Matt nice!



2:16AM | Sun, 08 May 2011

Great detailing Matt, you clearly know about the voice inside my head, or is it the "thing" inside my PC that writes through me! A joy to read, read it three times and took my time each time. Sublime.


2:38AM | Sun, 08 May 2011

The voices inside my head have some pretty good ideas.



10:27AM | Sun, 08 May 2011

Motherday-Hugs.png This poem is great - love it a lot! The little image is for your lovely wife!



4:01PM | Sun, 08 May 2011

Excellent work.



4:49PM | Sun, 08 May 2011

AWesome poem!



8:42PM | Sun, 08 May 2011

Excellent done, Matt!



12:49PM | Mon, 09 May 2011

I love this one Matt =)

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